9 research outputs found


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    ABSTRACT Newcastle disease virus (NDV) is an enveloped RNA virus. Certain biological activities of the NDV are determined by two surface glycoproteins -haemaglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and fusion-protein (F). These proteins play an active role in the viru

    Importance of interfacial water in permeabilization of ceramide bilayers

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    The role of structured water at the membrane- aqueous interface in regulating the water permeability functions of the epidermal horny layer (Stratum corneum) is not clear at present. The subject of this review is the effect of perturbed interfacial water structure on the relative water permeability properties in shrinkage experiments of reconstituted vesicle suspensions of ceramides and cholesterol in the gel phase. Water structure was perturbed by a series of reagents known to affect the phase equilibrium of lipid assemblies. Multilamellar bilayers containing synthetic ceramides N-palmitoyl-D-L-dihydrosphingosine, and Noleoyl- D-sphingosine were used as model membranes. The reagent binding to the ceramide membrane was determined by fluorescence measurements with 1- anilino, 8-naphtalene sulphonate (ANS). A dependence of number of binding sites for ANS on the type of reagent was found. The change of relative water permeability with concentration of reagents was studied. Analysis of these data reveals that the anomalous behaviour of relative water permeability with the concentration of reagents used is due to concentrationdependent structural transitions of the bound water at the membrane-aqueous interface. Different possibilities of interaction of the reagents with the interface are discussed. At the end, it is suggested that the interfacial water in multilamellar ceramide structures may also contribute to the water holding and permeability barrier functions of cell membrane complex within the stratum corneum


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    ABSTRACT The structural NDV glycoproteins, the haemagglutinin-neuraminidase (HN) and the fusion protein (F

    Membrane electropermeabilization effects of frequency and membrane surface order on liposome leakage

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    Liposomes containing fluorescence marke r were exposed to an alternating electric field of 80 V peak to peak square electric waves at diff e r e n t frequencies 0.01, 1, and 100 kHz to perturb the liposome permeation. The efflux of fluorescence dye after application of the electric field was measured by recording the fluorescence emission due to the complex formation reaction between the fluorescence dye and calcium ions in the bulk medium solution. Two independent sets of experiments were conducted: 1) calcium ions were present during electropulsation; and 2) they were added after electric field application. Two parameters, fluorescence emission intensity and increment of temperature of the solution in the chamber, were studied. The effect of membrane surface order on the fluorescence dye leakage from the liposomes wa s studied by addition of urea at threshold concentration before the liposomes sealed. The data demonstrate the existence of frequency dependency window at 1 kHz. Furthermore, the data were interpreted according to the theory of interactions of electromagnetic fields with highly polarized and deformed materials such as liposome particles. The urea caused an enhancement of the fluorescence dye leakage at frequency of 100 kHz. This effect could be explained as a decrease of the membrane binding rigidity due to the disordering effect of urea on the membrane lipid surface. Our conclusion is that the frequency and the membrane surface order are additional parameters that influence the processes of membrane electropermeabilization