13 research outputs found

    Identification of the structural and functional determinants of the extracellular domain of the human follicle stimulating hormone receptor

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    The extracellular domain (ECD) of the human folliclestimulating hormone receptor (hFSHR) is believed to be the major determinant of hormone selectivity. Different discrete, discontinuous regions on the ECD of the hFSHR have been suggested to be crucial for hormone binding. However, the role of the ECD in signal transduction is not well understood. This study provides some insight into these aspects of the structure-function relationship of the ECD of hFSHR. Ten peptides were selected from the ECD on the basis of their ability to be surface oriented, synthesized by the solid-phase method using fluorenylmethyloxycarbonyl chemistry, purified and characterized. They were further studied for their ability to modulate both human follicle-stimulating hormone (hFSH)-FSHR binding and cAMP generation. Competitive inhibition studies showed that, of all the peptides studied, peptides 285-300 and 297-310 hFSHR were able to inhibit hFSH binding to FSHR. Both peptides function as weak competitive inhibitors of hFSH-FSHR binding. Peptides 285- 300 hFSHR, 216-235 hFSHR, 184-195 hFSHR, 79- 89 hFSHR and 15-31 hFSHR were observed to inhibit FSH-induced cAMP production. In summary, this study suggests that discrete, functional domains of the ECD have a role in hormone binding and signal transduction. Region 285-300 has been identified as a novel region crucial for both FSH binding and cAMP generation

    The Myosin IXb Motor Activity Targets the Myosin IXb RhoGAP Domain as Cargo to Sites of Actin Polymerization

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    Myosin IXb (Myo9b) is a single-headed processive myosin that exhibits Rho GTPase-activating protein (RhoGAP) activity in its tail region. Using live cell imaging, we determined that Myo9b is recruited to extending lamellipodia, ruffles, and filopodia, the regions of active actin polymerization. A functional motor domain was both necessary and sufficient for targeting Myo9b to these regions. The head domains of class IX myosins comprise a large insertion in loop2. Deletion of the large Myo9b head loop 2 insertion abrogated the enrichment in extending lamellipodia and ruffles, but enhanced significantly the enrichment at the tips of filopodia and retraction fibers. The enrichment in the tips of filopodia and retraction fibers depended on four lysine residues C-terminal to the loop 2 insertion and the tail region. Fluorescence recovery after photobleaching and photoactivation experiments in lamellipodia revealed that the dynamics of Myo9b was comparable to that of actin. The exchange rates depended on the Myo9b motor region and motor activity, and they were also dependent on the turnover of F-actin. These results demonstrate that Myo9b functions as a motorized RhoGAP molecule in regions of actin polymerization and identify Myo9b head sequences important for in vivo motor properties

    Reelin, GABA, FMRP, and Autism

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