15 research outputs found

    Impact of the phase of activity of tuberculosis on treatment outcomes in renal cavity (poly-cavity) tuberculosis cases

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    The goal of the study was to investigate the ways of efficiency increasing of treatment and to develop of differential surgical tactics, estimate the volume of operations, its abilities and ef-ficacy to use them in patients with cavity (poly-cavity) forms of renal tuberculosis. With the help of morphology the activity of renal tuberculosis was estimated. The results of surgical treatment in patients (n=107) with cavity and poly-cavity renal tuberculosis (ТВ), operated at different phases of ТВ activity. Detected that frequency of ТВ process progressing was the less low the longer was the conservative anti-ТВ therapy. It’s necessary to notice that in the case of isolated locus of destruction or “closed" cavity (cavern) in renal parenchyma the ade-quate and standardized long-term conservative anti-ТВ treatment was not the guarantee for treatment success. Only operation for ТВ locus sanitation in complex with long-term anti-ТВ chemotherapy was the right way to reach the satisfactory results of treatment.Целью настоящей работы явилось изучение путей повышения эффективности лечения, разработка дифференцированной тактики хирургического лечения, объема операций, возможности и эффективности их выполнения у больных с кавернозными (поликавернозными) формами туберкулеза почек. С помощью морфологических исследований изучена направленность активности туберкулезного процесса. Изучены результаты хирургического лечения больных туберкулезом мочевых органов (ТМО) у 107 больных кавернозным и поликавернозным туберкулезом почек, оперированных в различные фазы активности туберкулезного процесса. Установлено, чем длительнее, консервативная противотуберкулезная терапия, тем меньше частота выявления прогрессирования туберкулезного процесса. Однако следует подчеркнуть, что при наличии изолированного очага деструкции почечной ткани или «замкнутой» каверны, проведение адекватного и длительного курса туберкулостатической терапии по стандартным режимам не является гарантий излечения туберкулеза. Лишь оперативное вмешательство, направленное на санацию очага инфекции в сочетании с длительной туберкулостатической терапией позволяет добиться положительных результатов лечения


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    Abstract Interaction IMC (intermetallic compounds) NbVCo and NbVFe with hydrogen in wide temperatures and pressures intervals have been investigated with PCT (pressurecomposition) method. X-ray analyses has been shown that hydrogen introduction in lattice was accompanied with volume increasing without rearrangement of metallic atoms


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    Abstract-We have studied the interaction of hydrogen with vanadium-chromium alloys. Hydrogen absorp tion and desorption isotherms have been constructed, the stability ranges of the forming hydride phases have been determined, and the ΔH and ΔS of the reactions involved have been evaluated. X ray diffraction char acterization results indicate the formation of three hydride phases, with fcc, bcc, and hcp structures

    Interaction of hydrogen with RECu<sub>2</sub> and RE(Cu,Ni)<sub>2</sub> intermetallic compounds (RE=Y, Pr, Dy, Ho)

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    Hydrogenation of RECu2 (RE=Dy, Ho, Y) at room temperature and pressures of 100–1500-bar H2 has not resulted in the formation of ternary hydrides. The interaction of hydrogen with Pr(Cu1−xNix)2 (x=0, 0.1, 0.17, 0.25, 0.32) at room temperature and pressure of 25 bar resulted in the formation of Pr(Cu1−xNix)2H∼3 hydrides. It was found that the PrCu2H3 and Pr(Cu0.9Ni0.1)2H2.9 hydrides are poorly crystallized, but that an increase of the Ni-content leads to improved crystallinity of the hydrides. The hydrides Pr(Cu0.75Ni0.25)2H∼3 and Pr(Cu0.68Ni0.32)2H∼3 preserve, shortly after the hydrogen absorption, the CeCu2 type structure of their metallic matrix with a hydrogen induced volume expansion up to 28% compared to the parent compound. During long-term exposure in the air they undergo a structural transformation from the orthorhombic CeCu2 to the hexagonal Fe2P type with a hydrogen induced volume expansion up to 16.6% compared to the parent compound

    Synthesis and properties of NaZn 13 -type interstitial compounds

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    Abstract The effect of interstitial nitrogen and hydrogen atoms on the structural and magnetic properties of LaCo 11 Al 2 and CeNi 8.5 Si 4.5 was studied. Synthesis of LaCo 11 Al 2 H 3 and LaCo 11 Al 2 N 2.5 was performed under a pressure of 30 bar hydrogen and nitrogen and at the temperatures 623 and 773 K. Synthesis of CeNi 8.5 Si 4.5 H 0.9 and CeNi 8.5 Si 4.5 N 0.5 was realized under a pressure of 30 bar hydrogen and nitrogen at the temperatures 723 and 923 K. Magnetic measurements were made for randomly oriented and aligned samples in the temperature range 4.2-750 K and at magnetic fields up to 140 kOe. The saturation magnetization of LaCo 13 is decreased by a partial substitution of the transition metal in the 3d sublattice by Al and further reduced by hydrogenation of LaCo 11 Al 2