38 research outputs found


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    A prototype of professional social network BarentsNet has been developed for management activities information support of entities participating in the management process of developing and resource potential settling of the Barents EuroArctic region. BarentsNet system is implemented as a multi-domain web-service and provides formalized ontology-based expert knowledge integration of the Arctic and sub-Arctic territories development features, and professional contacts linking automation within the system for cooperation and joint project realization in this sphere. The functionality organization model, executive core and software components of the BarentsNet system have been developed

    Information technologies for industrial-ecological safety management support of regional mining complex development (on the example of "Apatit" mineral resource industry Public Corporation)

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    Abstract. The paper represents research and work out results and contributions in the field of information technologies design for industrial-ecological safety management support of regional mining complex development (on the example of "Apatit" mineral resource industry Public Corporation). The computer technologies and software tooling system architecture for safety management information support of regional industrial and environmental complexes (systems) have been developed. An integrated unified management approach for ecological risks evaluation and mining industry heterogenous threats analysis of regional safe development has been proposed. The paper considers practical implementation and embedding of received research results. Аннотация. В статье представлены теоретические и практические результаты научных исследований в области создания и развития информационных технологий и компьютерного моделирования для решения задач управления промышленно-экологической безопасностью развития регионального горнопромышленного комплекса (на примере ОАО "Апатит"). Разработан комплекс информационных технологий и программных инструментальных средств информационной поддержки управления безопасностью развития региональных промышленно-природных комплексов. Предложен единый методический подход к комплексной оценке экологических рисков и анализу разнородных опасностей антропогенного воздействия горнодобывающей промышленности на региональные подсистемы для целенаправленного управления промышленно-экологической безопасностью региона. Приводятся сведения о практической реализации и внедрении полученных результатов


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    Subject of research. The research goal and scope are development of methods and software for mathematical and computer modeling of the regional security information support systems as multilevel hierarchical systems. Such systems are characterized by loosely formalization, multiple-aspect of descendent system processes and their interconnectivity, high level dynamics and uncertainty. The research methodology is based on functional-target approach and principles of multilevel hierarchical system theory. The work considers analysis and structural-algorithmic synthesis problem-solving of the multilevel computer-aided systems intended for management and decision-making information support in the field of regional security. Main results. A hierarchical control multilevel model of regional socio-economic system complex security has been developed. The model is based on functional-target approach and provides both formal statement and solving, and practical implementation of the automated information system structure and control algorithms synthesis problems of regional security management optimal in terms of specified criteria. An approach for intralevel and interlevel coordination problem-solving in the multilevel hierarchical systems has been proposed on the basis of model application. The coordination is provided at the expense of interconnection requirements satisfaction between the functioning quality indexes (objective functions), which are optimized by the different elements of multilevel systems. That gives the possibility for sufficient coherence reaching of the local decisions, being made on the different control levels, under decentralized decision-making and external environment high dynamics. Recurrent model application provides security control mathematical models formation of regional socioeconomic systems, functioning under uncertainty. Practical relevance. The model implementation makes it possible to automate synthesis realization of the software executive environment for decision-making information and analytical support in the field of regional security. The model can find further application within mathematical and computer modeling methodology development of the multilevel hierarchical systems for security control of complex systems


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    Russian Arctic is the largest exporter of domestic natural gas, which brings significant income to the federal budget. The major share of natural gas extracted in the Arctic is transported via pipelines in the direction of European countries. For a number of reasons EU is continuously reducing its consumption of Russian natural gas, among other things by increasing the import of liquefied natural gas (LNG). All this is happening against the background of global markets refocusing from pipeline gas to LNG. An obvious solution here would be to increase LNG production in the Russian Arctic with its subsequent transportation by sea. Taking into account remote location of Arctic gas fields from the main sales markets, there is a need for comparative cost analysis of transportation via pipelines and LNG tankers.     The authors developed a method of assessing the costs of pipeline and sea transportation under comparable conditions. Calculations have been made for gas transportation to Germany, Italy, Turkey and China. As a result, it has been demonstrated that sea transportation of 1,000 m3 of natural gas is cheaper than pipeline transportation by the average value of 106.3 USD (–40.2 %) across all the routes in question. Performed calculations prove the economic benefits of sea transportation of Arctic LNG to the existing and potential markets for natural gas. Such results are justified by the need of rational replacement of pipeline gas by LNG in European markets (especially in Southern Europe, where LNG has a greater competitive advantage) and increasing export of liquefied natural gas to the Asia-Pacific Region. Suggested measures will allow to reduce the costs of sea LNG transportation, which will give Arctic natural gas a competitive edge on the global and regional gas markets

    Geoecological validation of mechanisms and parameters of physical-chemical processes facilitating the in-depth processing of complex suphide ores and mining wastes

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    Abstract. The advisability of processing copper-nickel ore dressing tailings of current production has been substantiated. The optimal parameters of metal leaching with sulphuric acid have been determined. In laboratory experiments the geotechnological extraction of non-ferrous metals from a leaching layer representing a tailing material of fraction +0.063 mm has been studied. When investigating the geotechnological processes of nonferrous metal extraction on the basis of two copper-zinc ore deposits located in the Urals, the authors have come to the conclusion that heap leaching is of little use for the ores of the Letneye deposit. Leaching results for the Yaman-Kasy ore have shown more promise. Аннотация. Показана целесообразность переработки хвостов обогащения медно-никелевых руд текущего производства. Определены оптимальные параметры сернокислотного выщелачивания металлов. В лабораторных условиях исследовано геотехнологическое извлечение цветных металлов из выщелачиваемого слоя, подготовленного из хвостов фракции +0.063 мм. Изучение геотехнологических процессов извлечения цветных металлов из медно-цинковых руд двух месторождений Урала показало, что руды месторождения Летнего малоприемлемы для кучного выщелачивания. Существенно лучшие результаты получены при выщелачивании руды месторождения Яман-Касы

    Study of the composition and properties of the beneficiation tailings of currently produced loparite ores

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    The increase in demand for rare earth metals and the depletion of natural resources inevitably causes the need to search for alternative unconventional sources of rare metal raw materials. The article presents the results of a study of the composition and properties of the beneficiation tailings of currently produced loparite ores. Sieve, mineralogical, chemical, and radionuclide analyses were carried out. The average content of loparite in tailings was determined. Using scanning electron microscopy, minerals-concentrators of rare earth elements in the loparite ore beneficiation tailings were diagnosed. The distribution of valuable components and thorium in the tailings was determined depending on the particle size class. The radium-thorium nature of radioactivity was established, the values of the effective specific activity of the samples were calculated. We concluded that it is necessary to develop an integrated technology for processing the beneficiation tailings of loparite ore, due to the complex and heterogeneous mineral and chemical composition of the tailings material


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    The global security of regional socio-economic systems development liable to impact by multiple external and internal factors has been investigated for the first time. The battery of methods and cognitive technologies for management processes agent-based virtualization of risk-sustainable regional development has been designed


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    The paper deals with engineering problems and application perspectives of virtual cognitive centers as intelligent systems for information support of interagency activities in the field of complex security management of regional development. A research prototype of virtual cognitive center for regional security management in crisis situations, implemented as hybrid cloud service based on IaaS architectural framework with the usage of multi-agent and web-service technologies has been developed. Virtual cognitive center is a training simulator software system and is intended for solving on the basis of distributed simulation such problems as: strategic planning and forecasting of risk-sustainable development of regional socioeconomic systems, agents of management interaction specification synthesis for regional components security in different crisis situations within the planning stage of joint anti-crisis actions

    Specificity and structure of regional security control information support problem

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    The paper deals with system analysis of problems of regional economy information security and methods for their solutions at various stages of the crisis situation life-cycle. Specificity and structure of control problems of regional security in the economy as an object of information support have been considered. A set of decision-making information support problems occurred at the strategic, tactical and operational levels of regional security management has been defined. The information support problem-solving unified methodological and instrumental framework of regional security has been propose