16 research outputs found

    Kajian Terhadap Prospek Pengembangan Bahan Bioaktif Buah Mahkota Dewa (P. Macrocarpa) Sebagai Kandidat New Chemical Entity (Nce) Untuk Pengobatan Kanker (Sitostatika)

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    . In the last few years there are tendency for cancer study to develop in discovery of new chemical entity (NCE) for new drugs. The needed of NCE based on reality that cancer therapy reaches a resistant level very fast. By developing NCE, multiply cancer drugs can be used at one therapy and be implemented as a solution to inhibit a resistant level and very useful in recovery time. Natural products are the most important sources of NCE and could be used from plants, animals or minerals. Most of the natural products used in Indonesia are recognized from plants. Plants secondary metabolites show promise for cancer chemoprevention, which has been defined as the use of non cytotoxic nutrient or pharmacological agents to enhance intrinsic physiological mechanism that protect the organism against mutant clones of Malignant cells. The study of plants secondary metabolites is nowadays moved from improvement of the empiric activity to meet the relationship between the structures of chemical compounds to its pharmacology activities. Development of study on plants in Indonesia is also pointed on discovery of NCE for new drugs of cancer and the cellular cytotoxic mechanism of the biological activity. Extracts from the fruit of P. macrocarpa is one of the sources for NCE of cancer drug in Indonesia. Some isolates already isolated from the extracts, i.e. lignan compound Ci9H2o06: 5-[4(4-Methoxy-phenyl)-tetrahydrofurof3,4-cJfuran-l-yl]-benzene-1,2,3-triol and benzophenon compound: 4', 6-dihiroksi-4-metoksibenzofenon-2-0-glukoside. Using chemotaxonomy Dahlgren and Conqruist system approached indicate that these compounds have anti proliferation and pro apoptotic as their cytotoxic activities. The pharmacology activities from the fruit extracts also have been studied. For cytotoxic activities, the fruit extracts showed ICSo values from 5 to 7.71. jug/ml for leukemia LI 210 cell line; and IC50 values 196.74 jug/ml for HeLa cell line. The extracts also showed antioxidant activity with IC50 values 103.75 g/ml (most active level). Antihistamine activity showed 6.25; 12.5; 25; 50 and 100 %b/v doses could decrease the histamine control significantly (p <0.05). The review article is needed to support a development and improvement of the fruit extracts of P. macrocarpa to be considered as the most important sources of NCE for new cancer drug

    Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (Bslt) Dari Berbagai Fraksi Ekstrak Daging Buah Dan Kulit Biji Mahkota Dewa (Phaleria Macrocarpa)

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    Biological activity of a natural product involved in several certain characteristics will influence its pharmaceutical application. Secondary metabolites, considered as chemical compounds, are now thought to mediate plant defense mechanism by providing chemical barriers against animal and microbial predators. Brine Shrimp Lethality Test (BSLT) method has been used as preliminary test for screening the activity of chemical compounds in n­ hexane, ethyl acetate, and methanol extracts from mesocarp and seeds of Phaleria macrocarpa, fam. Thymelaeaceae. BSLT method used shrimp larvas of Artemia salina L. to study the mortality effect that was caused by the sample extracts. All of crude extracts showed bioactivity with LC50 values from 0.16 to 11.83 µg/ml (baseline 1000 µg/ml). It means, at the concentration the crude extracts can cause 50% mortality of A. salina L. shrimp larvas, after 24 hours incubation. These results clearly indicate that crude extracts of P. macrocarpa showed high potential biological activity

    Isolasi dan Elusidasi Struktur Senyawa Lignan dan Asam Lemak dari Ekstrak Daging Buah Phaleria Macrocarpa

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    Dominant Factors Associated with Biosafety Facility and Equipment in Laboratories: an Indonesian 2011 Study

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    Background: The availability of facility and completeness of equipments of biosafety in laboratories is esensial in creating safe working environment for laboratories personnel. The aim of this study was to identify the dominant factors related to completeness of personal protective equipment (PPE), availability of biosafety cabinet, and availability of sterilization room in laboratories. Methods: Data analysis using a part of data of Rifaskes 2011 on clinical laboratories. Cox regression was conducted to identify the dominant factors related to completeness of personal protective equipment (PPE), availability of biosafety cabinet, and availability of sterilization room. Results: From 782 laboratories, there were 769 laboratories with complete data and may be analyzed. We note that very few (15%) first class laboratories and accredited laboratories was 9.9% only. In term of laboratory classification, the first class compared with second and third class laboratories had higher chance having complete PPE, biosafety cabinet, and availability of sterilization room. In addition, the accredited laboratory compared with not accredited laboratory had almost 3 times having complete PPE (RRa = 2.94; P = 0.000), and had almost 4 times having biosafety cabinet (RRa = 3.94; P = 0.000), and had 37% more chance having sterilization room (RRa = 1.37; P = 0.008). Conclusion: Laboratory classification and accreditation were dominant factors related to availability of facility and completeness of equipments of biosafety in laboratories. (Health Science Indones 2013;1:1-6

    Surveilans Mers Under Investigated Case Rumah Sakit Penyakit Infeksi Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso Tahun 2014-2019

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    Latar Belakang: Middle East Respiratory Syndrome (MERS) adalah suatu strain baru dari virus corona. Surveilans kasus MERS terdiri atas surveilans di pintu masuk negara dan surveilans wilayah. Laporan surveilans MERS pada kasus MERS Under Investigated Case yang dirawat di Sulianti Saroso bertujuan untuk memberikan gambaran secara menyeluruh tentang pelaksanaan surveilans MERS dalam rangka kewaspadaan dini pada periode tahun 2014-2019. Metode: deskriptif, data sekunder, berjumlah 93. Hasil: Kecenderungan kasus MERS Under Investigated Case menurun. Jumlah kasus rawat inap MERS mayoritas pada usia diatas 45 tahun (82%), dan berdasarkan jenis kelamin lebih besar pada laki-laki (52%). Asal wilayah kasus sebesar 33% berasal dari luar wilayah Jabodetabek. onfirmasi jika hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium positif dan sepanjang tahun 2014-2019, hasil pemeriksaan laboratorium kasus MERS Under Investigated Case yang dirawat RSPI SS adalah negatif. Kesimpulan dan saran: Tidak ada kasus positif MERS, surveilans berkelanjutan disarankan sebagai upaya kewaspadaan dini penyakit new emerging dan re-emerging

    Studi Pemetaan Awal Dna Mycobacterium Tuberculosis Complex Secara Spoligotyping Pada Hasil Isolasi Dahak Pasien Tuberkulosis Paru Dari 10 Ibu Kota Propinsi (Bagian I)

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    . Mapping TB genotype of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (Mtb) is an important study to identify their distribution or characteristic and also may lead to improve control of the disease. This study conducted a preliminary mapping of the tubercle bacilli which had been circulating in Indonesia. Cultures of DNA isolated from TB patients at urban areas in 16 provinces in Indonesia, are chosen based on TB Case Detection Rate (CDR) 2006 from Indonesia Directorate General of Communicable Disease Control and Environment Health (Ministry of Health), were analyzed by spoligotyping for strain differentiation. In this first part, the analyzed result only came from urban areas in 10 provinces, i.e. Palembang, Bandar Lampung, Serang, Jakarta, Bandung, Surabaya, Banjarmasin, Makassar, Pontianak and Ambon. Sample were 269 DNA from 294 isolates collected from sputum of suspect TB patients with sputum-smear positive (SS+) and age above 15 years old. All samples were obtained from peripheral health laboratory in each province. The procedure collection is accordance to Indonesia DOTs guidelines (AFB smears) and samples were transported from those 10 areas to Bacteriology Laboratory at CBPRD. Sputum was taken for culture in liquid media MGIT Bactec 960 and solid media Lowenstein Jensen. The DNAs from positive liquid media MGIT Bactec 960 were isolated and analyzed by spoligotyping to identify the spoligo pattern. The spoligotyping results converted into octal format within Words & Excel spreadsheets and compared to International Spoligotype-database (SpolDB4). The previous study (Parwati et.al.) found some differences geographical distribution between Beijing genotype strain of tubercle bacilli in West Indonesia compare to East Indonesia, and the same pattern was also found in this study. Furthermore, the results in this study showed the differences in spoligo pattern of Mtb complex at 10 urban areas in West, Middle and East Indonesia. The percentage of Beijing strain family in the samples from West Indonesia showed around 26.61% (31.48% in Sumatra, 28.83% in Java and 16.98% in Kalimantan); from the Middle Indonesia around 25.93%; and none were found in samples from the East Indonesia. The SpolDB4 pattern also showed that the majority of isolates belonged to major clades of M.tuberculosis, i.e. the East African-Indian (EAI); Haarlem (H), Latin American-Mediterranean (LAM), the Central and Middle Eastern Asian (CAS); U = undefined; T = T family; and the MANU/ Manu family. We also found some isolates of Mycobacterium bovis. There were no significant association showed between genotype families and gender, but strong significant association found with ethnics and geography. Further confirmation of the results is still ongoing (k value; RFLP and MIRU-VNTR). As conclusion, this study constituted a first attempt to describe the preliminary mapping of genetic population structure of the tubercle bacilli circulating in Indonesia

    Monitoring Efek Samping Obat Anti Tuberkulosis di Poli TB DOTS RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso

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    Latar Belakang: Timbulnya efek samping akibat penggunaan obat anti tuberkulosis (OAT) menjadi permasalahan yang serius dalam pengobatan dan eradikasi TB karena berpengaruh terhadap keberhasilan pengobatan. Studi ini bertujuan untuk memperoleh gambaran efek samping OAT pada pasien TB di Poli TB DOTS RSPI Prof. Dr. Sulianti Saroso. Metode: Jenis study kohort prospektif dengan pemantauan penderita secara berkala setiap bulan selama pengobatan baik 6 bulan ataupun 9 bulan. Sampel penelitian ini adalah seluruh pasien TB di poli DOTS RSPI-SS tahun 2017 (Januari-Desember) yang telah menyelesaikan pengobatan pada bulan Desember 2017. Teknik pengambilan sampel pada penelitian ini adalah consecutive sampling. Hasil: Dari 53 pasien sebagian besar yaitu 50.9% mengalami efek samping obat (ESO) ringan. Berdasarkan lokasi organ efek samping pada kulit 35.8%, 71.7% pada pencernaan, 67.9% pada saraf dan 9.4% pada mata. Tanda gejala ESO paling banyak adalah flu sindrom 54,7%, mual 43.4%, tidak nafsu makan 35.8%. Kesimpulan: Pasien TB yang mendapatkan OAT mayoritas mengalami efek samping kategori ringan dan pada lokasi organ pencernaan