405 research outputs found

    Effect of acid alcoholic solution in waxy maize starch treatment.

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    O amido é o polissacarídeo mais abundante presente em plantas, composto por amilose e amilopectina. O amido de milho ceroso apresenta somente amilopectina. A modificação do amido é recomendada para melhorar suas aplicações. A hidrólise ácida é utilizada para alterar as propriedades físico-químicas sem modificar o grânulo e o meio alcoólico ajuda na recuperação da molécula após o tratamento. O objetivo do trabalho foi o tratamento químico com HCl 0,5 mol L-1 durante 1 hora em 100 ml de água, etanol ou metanol. Os equipamentos SETSYS Evolução TGADTA / DSC e Rápido Visco-Analisador (RVA-4) foram usados para avaliar as alterações dos amidos. As curvas TG mostraram três eventos (desidratação, estabilidade e decomposição), com resultados similares para todas as amostras. Este resultado pode estar relacionado a resistência da amilopectina para a hidrólise ácida. Na análise reológica (RVA) o tratamento das amostras mostrou valores mais baixos de perfis de viscosidade. A solução ácida forneceu mudanças nas propriedades de pasta do amido e a solução etanólica (solvente mais apolar) foi maior que as demais soluções. Conclui-se portanto que o tratamento dos amidos forneceu produtos com características térmicas similares e com diferentes respostas mecânica

    Use of thermogravimetry analysis to quantify total volatile fraction in pine resin.

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    Pinus species exhibit fast growth and are good producers of wood, cellulose and resin. Brazil is the second largest producer of resin. The People?s Republic of China is the main producer with approximately 90% world?s resin production. Turpentine, volatile fraction, and rosin, solid fraction, are two major fractions or resin. The distillation process continues up to 170° C can be extracted about 95% of the total gum turpentine resin, preserving its constituents. There is little research using thermal analysis to study pine resin properties. This work involved evaporating volatile fraction of resins in an oven at 170 ºC consisted of 20 different samples from Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis and was compared with results obtained in thermal analysis to quantify the same fraction for each one. The volatile fraction in the oven (170 ºC) was from 14.69% to 24.05%. This fraction obtained through thermogravimetric analysis (TGA) was from 13.37% to 23.64%. The results demonstrate that the TGA technique is capable of accurately determining the volatile and non-volatile fractions of the resin and this technical proved to be suitable for further analyses.CBRATEC

    Prediction of dissolved reactive phosphorus losses from small agricultural catchments: calibration and validation of a parsimonious model

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    Eutrophication of surface waters due to diffuse phosphorus (P) losses continues to be a severe water quality problem worldwide, causing the loss of ecosystem functions of the respective water bodies. Phosphorus in runoff often originates from a small fraction of a catchment only. Targeting mitigation measures to these critical source areas (CSAs) is expected to be most efficient and cost-effective, but requires suitable tools. <br><br> Here we investigated the capability of the parsimonious Rainfall-Runoff-Phosphorus (RRP) model to identify CSAs in grassland-dominated catchments based on readily available soil and topographic data. After simultaneous calibration on runoff data from four small hilly catchments on the Swiss Plateau, the model was validated on a different catchment in the same region without further calibration. The RRP model adequately simulated the discharge and dissolved reactive P (DRP) export from the validation catchment. Sensitivity analysis showed that the model predictions were robust with respect to the classification of soils into "poorly drained" and "well drained", based on the available soil map. Comparing spatial hydrological model predictions with field data from the validation catchment provided further evidence that the assumptions underlying the model are valid and that the model adequately accounts for the dominant P export processes in the target region. Thus, the parsimonious RRP model is a valuable tool that can be used to determine CSAs. Despite the considerable predictive uncertainty regarding the spatial extent of CSAs, the RRP can provide guidance for the implementation of mitigation measures. The model helps to identify those parts of a catchment where high DRP losses are expected or can be excluded with high confidence. Legacy P was predicted to be the dominant source for DRP losses and thus, in combination with hydrologic active areas, a high risk for water quality

    Ética na Embrapa.

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    Meningococcal Carriage in ‘Men Having Sex With Men’ With Pharyngeal Gonorrhoea

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    We assessed the characteristics of Neisseria meningitidis pharyngeal carriage in a cohort of ‘men having sex with men’, including patients with pharyngeal Neisseria gonorrhoeae infection. In the period 2017-2019, among all the oropharyngeal samples tested for gonorrhoea from MSM attending a STI Clinic in Bologna (Italy), we randomly selected 244 N. gonorrhoeae-positive samples and 403 negatives (n=647). Pharyngeal specimens were tested for N. meningitidis presence, by the detection of sodC gene. N. meningitidis-positive samples were further grouped by PCR tests for the major invasive genogroups (i.e., A, B, C, W, and Y). A molecular assay, targeting capsule transporter gene, was used to determine meningococcal capsular status. Overall, 75.8% (491/647) of samples tested positive for sodC gene, indicating a pharyngeal meningococcal carriage. Meningococcal colonisation was significantly more frequent in younger subjects (P=0.009), with no association with HIV infection. Non-groupable meningococci represented most of pharyngeal carriages (about 71%). The commonest N. meningitidis serogroup was B (23.6%), followed by C (2.1%), Y (1.8%) and W (1.1%). Meningococci were often characterized by the genetic potential of capsule production. Interestingly, a negative association between N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae was found: pharyngeal gonorrhoea was significantly more present in patients without meningococcal carriage (P=0.03). Although preliminary, our data added knowledge on the epidemiology of meningococcal carriage in MSM communities at high risk of gonococcal infections, gaining new insights into the interactions/dynamics between N. meningitidis and N. gonorrhoeae

    Real-Time TDM-based optimization of continuous-infusion meropenem for improving treatment outcome of febrile neutropenia in oncohaematological patients: Results from a prospective, monocentric, interventional study

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    Objectives: To assess the role that real-Time therapeutic drug monitoring (TDM)-guided optimization of continuous-infusion (CI) meropenem may have in maximizing empirical treatment and in preventing breakthrough infection and/or colonization with carbapenem-resistant Enterobacteriaceae (CRE) among oncohaematological patients with febrile neutropenia (FN). Methods: A monocentric, interventional, prospective study was conducted. The pharmacodynamic (PD) target was a steady-state meropenem concentration-To-MIC ratio (Css/MIC) of 4-8. The primary endpoint was 14 day all-cause mortality. The secondary endpoint was the prevalence of CRE colonization in rectal swabs of patients rehospitalized within 3months. Results: Among the 75 patients enrolled, most (56%) had AML, almost half (37/75, 49.3%) underwent HSCT and one-Third (32%) received meropenem as monotherapy. Meropenem dosages were adjusted in 30.1% of TDM reassessments. Gram-negative infections were microbiologically documented in 20.0% of patients. All of the 12 patients having infections caused by in vitro meropenem-susceptible pathogens attained the desired PD target and were cured. Three patients had infections caused by in vitro meropenem-resistant pathogens. Two of these achieved a Css/MIC target of 1 and were cured; the other one achieved a suboptimal PD target (0.59) and died. The 14 day all-cause mortality (10.7%) was significantly associated, at multivariate regression, with HSCT (OR 0.086, 95% CI 0.008-0.936, P = 0.044) and with augmented renal clearance (OR 10.846, 95% CI 1.534-76.672, P = 0.017). None of the patients who had hospital readmissions in the 3month follow-up (63/75) had CRE colonization in rectal swabs. Conclusions: Real-Time TDM-guided CI meropenem may be a useful approach for attaining adequate exposure and preventing CRE emergence in FN oncohaematological patients

    Eficiência da crioconcentração em sucos de uva.

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    A concentração é uma alternativa eficiente de conservação de alimentos. A concentração por congelamento possibilita a preservação dos compostos termo-sensíveis. O objetivo do trabalho foi avaliar a eficiência da crioconcentração em blocos em sucos de uva

    Perfil sensorial de bebidas compostas de suco de uva e extrato de erva-mate.

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    Bebida composta é obtida pela mistura de ingredientes vegetais, como extratos, polpas e sucos