910 research outputs found


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    We report the results of studies of triplet superconductivity in structures with alternating superconductor and ferromagnet layers, as a part of the general problem of the properties of the spectra of superconductivity states depending on the magnetic state of the multilayer structure. Ferromagnetic layers are assumed monodomain and possessing inplane magnetic moments. In numerical examples, we used the parameters of the well-studied Nb/PdNi system. The critical temperatures and distributions of singlet and triplet currents depending on the relative orientation of the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers are calculated in the formalism of the Usadel equations for 5- and 3-layer irregular structures. The following results are obtained. (1) The channeling effect of triplet pairs by a narrow central layer of a superconductor with complete suppression of the singlet component in it was confirmed. (2) The “0–1”-transition between the phases of a superconducting condensate of opposite symmetry induced by the transport current is predicted. (3) The effect of a double crossover of states on the dependence of the critical temperature, Tc, versus the angle θ between the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers adjacent to the central layer of the superconductor in a 3-layer structure is predicted. The crossovers are reflected by a sharp turns in the Tc (θ) curve, while the infinitely small asymmetry of the structure eliminates the non-analyticity of this characteristic.We report the results of studies of triplet superconductivity in structures with alternating superconductor and ferromagnet layers, as a part of the general problem of the properties of the spectra of superconductivity states depending on the magnetic state of the multilayer structure. Ferromagnetic layers are assumed monodomain and possessing inplane magnetic moments. In numerical examples, we used the parameters of the well-studied Nb/PdNi system. The critical temperatures and distributions of singlet and triplet currents depending on the relative orientation of the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers are calculated in the formalism of the Usadel equations for 5- and 3-layer irregular structures. The following results are obtained. (1) The channeling effect of triplet pairs by a narrow central layer of a superconductor with complete suppression of the singlet component in it was confirmed. (2) The “0–1”-transition between the phases of a superconducting condensate of opposite symmetry induced by the transport current is predicted. (3) The effect of a double crossover of states on the dependence of the critical temperature, Tc, versus the angle θ between the magnetic moments of the ferromagnetic layers adjacent to the central layer of the superconductor in a 3-layer structure is predicted. The crossovers are reflected by a sharp turns in the Tc (θ) curve, while the infinitely small asymmetry of the structure eliminates the non-analyticity of this characteristic

    Exponential corrections to low-temperature expansion of 2D non-abelian models

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    The thermodynamic limit of certain exponential corrections to the weak coupling expansion of two-dimensional models is investigated. The expectation values of operators contributing to the first order coefficient of the low-temperature expansion of the free energy are calculated for the order O(e^{-\beta}). They are proven to diverge logarithmically with the volume for non-abelian models.Comment: 9 page


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    One of the important and urgent tasks, whose successful solution depends on the supply of food to the population, is to increase the production of livestock products. Ensuring a high level of production of livestock products largely depends on the quality of feed, which is determined, first of all, by toxicological control. C-phycocyanin is a protein complex that belongs to phycobiliproteins and can be used as one of the potential natural components to improve the feeding of commercial fish. In order to establish the safety of the use of active feed components for feeding and ready-made feed into which these components are introduced, first of all, it is necessary to study their effect on the organisms of protozoa and fish, which are used for laboratory research. The high sensitivity of ciliates to the appearance of toxic substances in their environment and changes in their concentration led to the use of these organisms for testing the most diverse chemical elements and compounds. The article presents the results of studying the effect (harmlessness) of C-phycocyanin on the bodies of protozoa (Paramecium caudatum) and guppy fish. When studying the effect of C-phycocyanin on the body of protozoa (Paramecium caudatum), it was established that its use for 48 hours in doses of 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/l did not cause the death of ciliates. When studying the effect of C-phycocyanin on the body of guppy fish, it was established that its use in doses of 5, 10, 25, 50, and 100 mg/l did not cause the death of fish. So, on the basis of the conducted research, it was established that C-phycocyanin belongs to class 4, and is a non-toxic substance for Paramecium caudatum ciliates. In addition, it was established that its use in the above doses did not cause the death of fish, and its LC50 is higher than 100 mg/l.Одним з важливих і невідкладних завдань, від успішного вирішення яких залежить постачання населенню продуктів харчування, є збільшення виробництва продуктів тваринництва. Забезпечення високого рівня виробництва продукції тваринництва значною мірою залежить від якості кормів, яка визначається, перш за все, токсикологічним контролем. С-фікоціанін є протеїновим комплексом, який належить до фікобіліпротеїнів і може застосовуватись як один із потенційних природних компонентів для покращення годівлі промислових риб. З метою встановлення безпечності використання для годівлі діючих компонентів корму і готового корму, до складу якого вводяться ці компоненти, в першу чергу, необхідно вивчити їх вплив на організм найпростіших і риб, які використовуються для лабораторних досліджень. Висока чутливість інфузорій до появи в оточуючому її середовищі токсичних речовин та зміна їхньої концентрації зумовила використання цих організмів для тестування найрізноманітніших, за хімічною природою, елементів та сполук. У статті наведені результати вивчення впливу (нешкідливість) С-фікоціаніну на організм найпростіших (Paramecium caudatum) і риб гупі. При вивченні впливу С-фікоціаніну на організм найпростіших (Paramecium caudatum) було встановлено, що його застосування упродовж 48 год у дозах 5, 10, 25, 50 та 100 мг/л не викликало загибелі інфузорій. При вивченні впливу С-фікоціаніну на організм риб гупі було встановлено, що його застосування у дозах 5, 10, 25, 50 та 100 мг/л не викликало їх загибелі. Отже, на основі проведених досліджень було встановлено, що С-фікоціанін належить до 4 класу, тобто є не токсичною речовиною для інфузорій Paramecium caudatum. Крім того, було встановлено, що його застосування у вище вказаних дозах не викликало загибелі риб, а його ЛК50 є вищою, ніж 100 мг/л