1,332 research outputs found

    Fidelity of holonomic quantum computations in the case of random errors in the values of control parameters

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    We investigate the influence of random errors in external control parameters on the stability of holonomic quantum computation in the case of arbitrary loops and adiabatic connections. A simple expression is obtained for the case of small random uncorrelated errors. Due to universality of mathematical description our results are valid for any physical system which can be described in terms of holonomies. Theoretical results are confirmed by numerical simulations.Comment: 7 pages, 3 figure

    Transient rectification of Brownian diffusion with asymmetric initial distribution

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    In an ensemble of non-interacting Brownian particles, a finite systematic average velocity may temporarily develop, even if it is zero initially. The effect originates from a small nonlinear correction to the dissipative force, causing the equation for the first moment of velocity to couple to moments of higher order. The effect may be relevant when a complex system dissociates in a viscous medium with conservation of momentum

    Generalized Fokker-Planck equation, Brownian motion, and ergodicity

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    Microscopic theory of Brownian motion of a particle of mass MM in a bath of molecules of mass mMm\ll M is considered beyond lowest order in the mass ratio m/Mm/M. The corresponding Langevin equation contains nonlinear corrections to the dissipative force, and the generalized Fokker-Planck equation involves derivatives of order higher than two. These equations are derived from first principles with coefficients expressed in terms of correlation functions of microscopic force on the particle. The coefficients are evaluated explicitly for a generalized Rayleigh model with a finite time of molecule-particle collisions. In the limit of a low-density bath, we recover the results obtained previously for a model with instantaneous binary collisions. In general case, the equations contain additional corrections, quadratic in bath density, originating from a finite collision time. These corrections survive to order (m/M)2(m/M)^2 and are found to make the stationary distribution non-Maxwellian. Some relevant numerical simulations are also presented

    How accurate are the non-linear chemical Fokker-Planck and chemical Langevin equations?

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    The chemical Fokker-Planck equation and the corresponding chemical Langevin equation are commonly used approximations of the chemical master equation. These equations are derived from an uncontrolled, second-order truncation of the Kramers-Moyal expansion of the chemical master equation and hence their accuracy remains to be clarified. We use the system-size expansion to show that chemical Fokker-Planck estimates of the mean concentrations and of the variance of the concentration fluctuations about the mean are accurate to order Ω3/2\Omega^{-3/2} for reaction systems which do not obey detailed balance and at least accurate to order Ω2\Omega^{-2} for systems obeying detailed balance, where Ω\Omega is the characteristic size of the system. Hence the chemical Fokker-Planck equation turns out to be more accurate than the linear-noise approximation of the chemical master equation (the linear Fokker-Planck equation) which leads to mean concentration estimates accurate to order Ω1/2\Omega^{-1/2} and variance estimates accurate to order Ω3/2\Omega^{-3/2}. This higher accuracy is particularly conspicuous for chemical systems realized in small volumes such as biochemical reactions inside cells. A formula is also obtained for the approximate size of the relative errors in the concentration and variance predictions of the chemical Fokker-Planck equation, where the relative error is defined as the difference between the predictions of the chemical Fokker-Planck equation and the master equation divided by the prediction of the master equation. For dimerization and enzyme-catalyzed reactions, the errors are typically less than few percent even when the steady-state is characterized by merely few tens of molecules.Comment: 39 pages, 3 figures, accepted for publication in J. Chem. Phy

    Stochastic dynamics beyond the weak coupling limit: thermalization

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    We discuss the structure and asymptotic long-time properties of coupled equations for the moments of a Brownian particle's momentum derived microscopically beyond the lowest approximation in the weak coupling parameter. Generalized fluctuation-dissipation relations are derived and shown to ensure convergence to thermal equilibrium at any order of perturbation theory.Comment: 6+ page

    The matter distribution in the local Universe as derived from galaxy groups in SDSS DR12 and 2MRS

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    Context. Friends-of-friends algorithms are a common tool to detect galaxy groups and clusters in large survey data. In order to be as precise as possible, they have to be carefully calibrated using mock catalogues. Aims. We create an accurate and robust description of the matter distribution in the local Universe using the most up-to-date available data. This will provide the input for a specific cosmological test planned as follow-up to this work, and will be useful for general extragalactic and cosmological research. Methods. We created a set of galaxy group catalogues based on the 2MRS and SDSS DR12 galaxy samples using a friends-of-friends based group finder algorithm. The algorithm was carefully calibrated and optimised on a new set of wide-angle mock catalogues from the Millennium simulation, in order to provide accurate total mass estimates of the galaxy groups taking into account the relevant observational biases in 2MRS and SDSS. Results. We provide four different catalogues (i) a 2MRS based group catalogue; (ii) an SDSS DR12 based group catalogue reaching out to a redshift z = 0.11 with stellar mass estimates for 70% of the galaxies; (iii) a catalogue providing additional fundamental plane distances for all groups of the SDSS catalogue that host elliptical galaxies; (iv) a catalogue of the mass distribution in the local Universe based on a combination of our 2MRS and SDSS catalogues. Conclusions. While motivated by a specific cosmological test, three of the four catalogues that we produced are well suited to act as reference databases for a variety of extragalactic and cosmological science cases. Our catalogue of fundamental plane distances for SDSS groups provides further added value to this paper.Comment: 31 pages, 25 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    On Nonlinear Diffusion with Multiplicative Noise

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    Nonlinear diffusion is studied in the presence of multiplicative noise. The nonlinearity can be viewed as a ``wall'' limiting the motion of the diffusing field. A dynamic phase transition occurs when the system ``unbinds'' from the wall. Two different universality classes, corresponding to the cases of an ``upper'' and a ``lower'' wall, are identified and their critical properties are characterized. While the lower wall problem can be understood by applying the knowledge of linear diffusion with multiplicative noise, the upper wall problem exhibits an anomaly due to nontrivial dynamics in the vicinity of the wall. Broad power-law distribution is obtained throughout the bound phase.Comment: 4 pages, LaTeX, text and figures also available at http://matisse.ucsd.edu/~hw

    Demographic growth and the distribution of language sizes

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    It is argued that the present log-normal distribution of language sizes is, to a large extent, a consequence of demographic dynamics within the population of speakers of each language. A two-parameter stochastic multiplicative process is proposed as a model for the population dynamics of individual languages, and applied over a period spanning the last ten centuries. The model disregards language birth and death. A straightforward fitting of the two parameters, which statistically characterize the population growth rate, predicts a distribution of language sizes in excellent agreement with empirical data. Numerical simulations, and the study of the size distribution within language families, validate the assumptions at the basis of the model.Comment: To appear in Int. J. Mod. Phys. C (2008

    Spin-torque shot noise in magnetic tunnel junctions

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    Spin polarized current may transfer angular momentum to a ferromagnet, resulting in a spin-torque phenomenon. At the same time the shot noise, associated with the current, leads to a non-equilibrium stochastic force acting on the ferromagnet. We derive stochastic version of Landau-Lifshitz-Gilbert equation for a magnetization of a ''free'' ferromagnetic layer in contact with a ''fixed'' ferromagnet. We solve the corresponding Fokker-Planck equation and show that the non-equilibrium noise yields to a non-monotonous dependence of the precession spectrum linewidth on the current.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figure

    Properties of galaxy halos in Clusters and Voids

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    We use the results of a high resolution N-body simulation to investigate the role of the environment on the formation and evolution of galaxy-sized halos. Starting from a set of constrained initial conditions, we have produced a final configuration hosting a double cluster in one octant and a large void extending over two octants of the simulation box. We present results for two statistics: the relationship between 1-D velocity dispersion and mass and the probability distribution of the spin parameter P(λ)P(\lambda). The \svm relationship is well reproduced by the Truncated Isothermal Sphere (TIS) model introduced by Shapiro et al. (1999), although the slope is different from the original prediction. A series of \svm relationships for different values of the anisotropy parameter β\beta, obtained using the theoretical predictions by Lokas and Mamon (2001) for NFW density profiles are found to be only marginally consistent with the data. Using some properties of the equilibrium TIS models, we construct subsamples of {\em fiducial} equilibrium TIS halos from each of the three subregions, and we study their properties. For these halos, we do find an environmental dependence of their properties, in particular of the spin parameter distribution P(λ)P(\lambda). We study in more detail the TIS model, and we find new relationships between the truncation radius and other structural parameters. No gravitationally bound halo is found having a radius larger than the critical value for gravithermal instability for TIS halos (\rt 34.2r0\ge 34.2 r_{0}, where r0r_{0} is the core radius of the TIS solution). We do however find a dependence of this relationship on the environment, like for the P(λ)P(\lambda) statistics. These facts hint at a possible r\^{o}le of tidal fields at determining the statistical properties of halos.Comment: 12 pages, 14 figures. Accepted by MNRAS. Adopted an improved algorithm for halo finding and added a comparison with NFW model