50 research outputs found

    Ekološka ocena emisije gasova staklene bašte iz proizvodnje brojlera u centralnom regionu Rusije

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    With an estimated rise in poultry production and consumption of chicken meat in Russia by 9% up to 2022, as well as development of self-sustainable poultry production, the need has arisen for environmental assessment of this production, and within it especially greenhouse gases (GHGs) emission assessment. The goal of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of the 1 kg of live chicken at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agro-ecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology, and on IAGRICO2 calculator, developed for agriculture products. Results have shown that in modern technology of poultry farming, 5.79 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body mass, and that about 47% of emission was from manure, around 27.5% from crop production (fuel and fertiliser) and 25.5% from fuel and energy needed for heating, sanitation and feeding of chickens. The main distinction of Central Russia is low efficiency of the fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of the nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of the intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of chicken meat.Sa očekivanim porastom proizvodnje u živinarstvu i povećanjem korišćenja pilećeg mesa u Rusiji od 9% do 2022. godine, kao i sa državnom politikom Ruske Federacije o kompletnoj samodovoljnosti u proizvodnji hrane, a naročito živinskog mesa, nastala je potreba za ocenom uticaja živinarstva na životnu sredinu, a posebno emisiju gasova staklene ba te. Cilj ovog rada je prikazati proceduru izračunavanja ugljenikovog otiska (engl. carbon footprint) za 1 kg žive mase na kraju tova brojlera, uzimajući u obzir regionalne tipološke osobine poljoprivredne proizvodnje u agroekosistemima. Metodologija proračuna ugljenikovog otiska bazirana je na metodologiji ocene životnog ciklusa (engl. Life Cycle Analysis - LCA), i na kalkulatoru IAGRICO2, prilagođenom poljoprivrednim proizvodima. Rezultati su pokazali da se u modernoj tehnologiji živinarstva, u proseku emituje 5,79 kg CO2 ekvivalenta po kg telesne mase, te da je oko 47 emisije poreklom iz stajnjaka, oko 27, od proizvodnje useva (upotreba goriva i đubriva) i 25,5%, od goriva i energije potrebne za grejanje, i čišćenje i hranjenje pilića. Glavna odlika centralnog regiona evropske Rusije je niska efikasnost primene azotnih đubriva na poljima, kao i upravljanje skladištenjem i primenom stajnjaka, to ima za posledicu velike količine emitovanog azot-suboksida. Ovo predstavlja polje u kojem bi implementacija intenzivnih tehnologija precizne poljoprivrede i skladištenja i primene stajnjaka mogla značajno smanjiti emisiju gasova staklene bašte, sa očuvanjem prinosa poljoprivrednih kultura i količine i kvaliteta pilećeg mesa

    Analysis of Carbon Dioxide Emission from Lawn Ecosystem with Contrasting Soil Profiles

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    Land-use change is among the main factors contributing to climate change. Urbanization is a land-use change pathway, conjugate with a rapid growth of urban territory and irreversible change of soil features and functioning. Greenhouse gases’ emissions (primarily CO2 emission) and carbon sequestration are among important soil functions. Ecological risks of increased CO2 emissions in urban soils are determined by different factors of anthropogenic impact. This paper aims to analyze the impact of different soil constructions on CO2 emissions from urban lawns. The research plot is situated in northern Administrative district of Moscow (NAD) and included urban soil constructions with organic layers of different genesis (turf, sand-turf mixtures and soils-sand mixtures) and of different depth (5, 10 and 20 cm). As a result an average CO2 emission from turf (20 cm dept of organic layer) was 22 g/m2 day, whereas the sand-turf mixture (10 cm of the organic layer) emitted 16.15 and peat soil (5 cm of organic layer) - 19.23 g/m2 day respectively. Therefore, was observed dependence of CO2 emissions on genesis and depth of soil organic layers. Also was revealed dependence of CO2 emissions on climate conditions for nine-months of observations

    Environmental assessment of greenhouse gases emission from sheep breeding in Vojvodina region of Serbia

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    The aim of this work is to show a calculation procedure for obtaining estimations for the carbon footprint of 1 kg of live weight of ewe, ram and lamb at the farm gate, taking into account regional typological features of agricultural production in agroecosystems. The methodology of carbon footprint (CF) calculation is based on the life cycle assessment (LCA) methodology developed for agricultural products. Results revealed that in modern technology of sheep breeding, 21.41 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ewe, 19.13 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of ram, 3.2 kg CO2 e was emitted on average per kg of body weight of lamb. The main distinction of Vojvodina province is the low efficiency of fertiliser application on crop fields and manure management, storage and utilisation, which has as a result high emissions of nitrous oxide. This is the field where the implementation of intensive technologies of precise farming, manure handling, utilisation and management will significantly decrease GHG emission, with preserving yield of crops and quantity and quality of sheep of all categories

    Analyzing the Influence of Diatomite and Mineral Fertilizers on the Features of Cadmium-Contaminated Urban Lawns

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    Contamination with heavy metals is among key anthropogenic pressures, experienced by urban lawns. It results in depletion of their environmental quality and functions. Implementation of fertilizers, containing silicon, is a promising approach to increase urban lawns’ sustainability to heavy metals’ pollution. Based on the field experiment, an influence of cadmium contamination on the chemical features and biomass quality of modeled urban green lawn ecosystems was studied. We demonstrated an increase of cadmium consumption by biomass on the second year of observations as the result of diatomite implementation together with mineral fertilizers. Both total sugar and disaccharides’ content in biomass was 15-20% higher for the contaminated plots where diatomite was implemented together with mineral fertilizers, compared to the uncontaminated control. This evidences a positive effect of the implemented reclaiming on stress tolerance of the green lawns

    Basal Respiration as a Proxy to Understand Spatial Trends in CO2 Emissions in the Moscow Region

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    Soil respiration (Rs) is an important terrestrial CO2 efflux and receives significant attention at different scale levels. However, the sampling density is limited and global Rs databases are biased towards natural ecosystems. Urbanization is among the most important current land-use trends and its role will likely grow in the future. Urban soils store considerable amount of carbon and are very heterogeneous and dynamic, which affects Rs. Our understanding of the Rs spatial variability is limited, especially for the regions with heterogeneous bioclimatic conditions and high urbanization level. The methodological constraints of direct Rs measurements in the field limit the number of observations. As an alternative approach to approximate the spatial variability of Rs, we used basal respiration (BR) as an indirect measurement. We implemented digital soil mapping technique to map BR as a proxy of Rs in a heterogeneous and urbanized Moscow Region. Topsoil and subsoils BR maps were developed for the region and spatial variability per land-use and soil type was analyzed. BR averaged for the urban areas was lower than in forests and meadows, however, urban areas became the hotspots of BR’s spatial variability in the region. Considerable contribution of subsoil layers to the total BR was also found with the maximal 30% contribution in urban soils. Although the absolute levels of respiration remained uncertain, the spatial patterns of BR are likely to correspond well with Rs patterns, determined by soil type, land use and allocation of urban areas

    Prospects of use of ecosystem services for estimation of scenarios of urban development

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    One of the main trends in changing existing land use is the urbanization process [2]. Since any change bears both positive aspects and negative aspects, an approach is needed to evaluate the various scenarios of this process. Advantages and advantages include the development of infrastructure and the emergence of various social organizations, the development of new projects for cultural leisure and recreation. To the problems of urbanization is the deterioration of the ecological characteristics of urbanized territories, the migration of the population becomes unregulated, the depletion of forest resources, the degradation of the fertility of soils and their functions in general. Anthropogenic impact on territories subject to land use change affects the benefits derived from ecosystems, namely ecosystem services. The main problem of changing the type of land use, and, as a consequence of the volume of ecosystem services, is the lack of a structured methodology for conducting research, in order to forecast such development scenarios that conserve and increase the benefits of ecosystems. This article provides an overview of the literature sources that reflect the problem posed, examines the main categories of ecosystem services, provides approaches to the assessment of soil characteristics from the point of view of ecosystem services, and suggests a methodology for assessing the example of the village of Ryzhovo, TiANAO, Moscow. The article provides the rationale for developing the principles of urban farming, based on the idea of which is the preservation and improvement of soil characteristics. Also, basic methods for assessing the various ecosystem services are applied, both in the overall assessment of services for urban areas and for assessing the land on which the construction of urban farming facilities is planned. The principle of the choice of territories for the organization of urban agriculture is shown, based on an analysis of existing urbanization trends

    The innovation in greenhouses gases’ monitoring methods in representative landscapes of the megapolis

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    This article presents the innovative approach to the organization of monitoring researches of the greenhouses gases’ fluxes main components in the case of representative landscapes of the Moscow megalopolis as well as initial results of this technique approbation

    Environmental assessment of the role in the formation of urban lawns GHG

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    Global climate change caused by greenhouse gas emissions is one of the most pressing problems of our time. With an abundance of information on carbon dioxide emissions, information on other greenhouse gases are not as widely presented. This article describes the impact of operational and recreational pressure on the flow of methane and nitrous oxide urban ecosystem represented different kinds of lawns


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    Urbanization is a global land-use change tendency, responsible for substantial environmental changes. At the same time urban ecosystems are vulnerable to global changes, and their adaptation is necessary to maintain sustainable functionality and important ecosystem services. Sustainable urban development demands for integration of innovative green technologies and natural-based solutions in urban management, which is only possible through a collaboration of scientists, landscape designers, civil engineers and policy-makers