233 research outputs found

    Investigations of fast neutron production by 190 GeV/c muon interactions on different targets

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    The production of fast neutrons (1 MeV - 1 GeV) in high energy muon-nucleus interactions is poorly understood, yet it is fundamental to the understanding of the background in many underground experiments. The aim of the present experiment (CERN NA55) was to measure spallation neutrons produced by 190 GeV/c muons scattering on carbon, copper and lead targets. We have investigated the energy spectrum and angular distribution of spallation neutrons, and we report the result of our measurement of the neutron production differential cross section.Comment: 19 pages, 11 figures ep

    Results from the Palo Verde neutrino oscillation experiment

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    The ν̅e flux and spectrum have been measured at a distance of about 800 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station using a segmented Gd-loaded liquid scintillator detector. Correlated positron-neutron events from the reaction ν̅ep→e+n were recorded for a period of 200 d including 55 d with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were accounted for by making use of the reactor-on and reactor-off cycles, and also with a novel technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the e+ and n portions of the events. A detailed description of the detector calibration, background subtraction, and data analysis is presented here. Results from the experiment show no evidence for neutrino oscillations. ν̅e→ν̅x oscillations were excluded at 90% C.L. for Δm2>1.12×10-3 eV2 for full mixing and sin22θ>0.21 for large Δm2. These results support the conclusion that the observed atmospheric neutrino oscillations do not involve νe

    Neutron production by cosmic-ray muons at shallow depth

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    The yield of neutrons produced by cosmic ray muons at a shallow depth of 32 meters of water equivalent has been measured. The Palo Verde neutrino detector, containing 11.3 tons of Gd loaded liquid scintillator and 3.5 tons of acrylic served as a target. The rate of one and two neutron captures was determined. Modeling the neutron capture efficiency allowed us to deduce the total yield of neutrons Ytot=(3.60±0.09±0.31)×10−5 Y_{tot} = (3.60 \pm 0.09 \pm 0.31) \times 10^{-5} neutrons per muon and g/cm2^2. This yield is consistent with previous measurements at similar depths.Comment: 12 pages, 3 figure

    Final results from the Palo Verde Neutrino Oscillation Experiment

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    The analysis and results are presented from the complete data set recorded at Palo Verde between September 1998 and July 2000. In the experiment, the \nuebar interaction rate has been measured at a distance of 750 and 890 m from the reactors of the Palo Verde Nuclear Generating Station for a total of 350 days, including 108 days with one of the three reactors off for refueling. Backgrounds were determined by (a) the swapswap technique based on the difference between signal and background under reversal of the positron and neutron parts of the correlated event and (b) making use of the conventional reactor-on and reactor-off cycles. There is no evidence for neutrino oscillation and the mode \nuebar\to\bar\nu_x was excluded at 90% CL for \dm>1.1\times10^{-3} eV2^2 at full mixing, and \sinq>0.17 at large \dm.Comment: 11 pages, 8 figure

    Final report on the search for neutrinoless double-β decay of 76Ge from the Gotthard underground experiment

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    We report here on the final results of a search for Ge-76 double-beta decay conducted in the Gotthard underground laboratory. The detector consists of an array of eight high-purity natural germanium crystals totaling 1095 cm^3 fiducial volume. The accumulated data set represents a sensitivity of 10.0 kg yr. No indication of neutrinoless double-beta decay was found. The measured half-life limits are T1/2(0+ --> 0+) > 6.0(3.3) x 10^(23) yr for the transition to the ground state and T1/2(0+ --> 2+) > 1.4(0.65) x 10^(23) yr for the transition to the first excited state at 68% (90%) C.L. From these results we derive an upper limit for the Majorana mass of the neutrino in the range of 1.8 to 6.7 eV depending on matrix-element calculations. The same results allow limits to be set for the right-handed-current parameters: < 2.2 x 10^(-8)

    Neutrino-oscillation experiments at the Gösgen nuclear power reactor

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    A search for neutrino oscillations has been conducted at the 2800-MW (thermal) nuclear power reactor in Gösgen (Switzerland), providing 5×10^20 electron antineutrinos per second. The energy spectrum of the antineutrinos was measured at three distances, 37.9, 45.9, and 64.7 m, from the reactor core. The detection of the neutrinos is based on the reaction ν¯e+p→e++n. Roughly 10^4 antineutrinos were registered at each of the three measuring positions. The measured spectra are analyzed in terms of a two-neutrino oscillation model and the results are represented as exclusion plots for the oscillation parameters Δm^2 and sin^2(2theta). Two analyses are performed: Analysis A relies exclusively on the data measured at the three different distances; analysis B combines the measured data with additional information, in particular with the reactor antineutrino spectrum as derived from independent β-spectroscopic measurements. Both analyses show that the data are consistent with the absence of neutrino oscillations, and rule out large regions of parameters (Δm2,theta). The resulting limits on the oscillation parameters are Δm^25 eV^2

    Search for neutrino oscillations at a fission reactor

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    The energy spectrum of neutrinos from a fission reactor was studied with the aim of gaining information on neutrino oscillations. The well-shielded detector was set up at a fixed position of 8.76 m from the pointlike core of the Laue-Langevin reactor in an antineutrino flux of 9.8×10^11 cm^-2 s^-1. The target protons in the reaction ν̅ep→e+n were provided by liquid-scintillator counters (total volume of 377 l) which also served as positron detectors. The product neutrons moderated in the scintillator were detected by 3He wire chambers. A coincidence signature was required between the prompt positron and the delayed neutron events. The positron energy resolution was 18% full width at half maximum at 0.91 MeV. The signal-to-background ratio was better than 1: 1 between 2 and 6 MeV positron energy. At a counting rate of 1.58 counts per hour, 4890±180 neutrino-induced events were detected. The shape of the measured positron spectrum was analyzed in terms of the parameters Δ2 and sin22θ for two-neutrino oscillations. The experimental data are consistent with no oscillations. An upper limit of 0.15 eV2 (90% C.L.) for the mass-squared differences Δ2 of the neutrinos was obtained, assuming maximum mixing of the two-neutrino states. The ratio of the measured to the expected integral yield of positrons assuming no osciliations was determined to be ∫Yexp/∫Yth=0.955±0.035(statistical)±0.110(systematic)
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