828 research outputs found

    Arc Magmas from Slab to Eruption: The Case of Kliuchevskoy Volcano

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    Arc magmas are generated by a number of mantle and crustal processes. Our multidisciplinary, long-term research is aimed at deciphering these processes for a single arc volcano, Kliuchevskoy volcano in Kamchatka. Some key results of the study follow: 1) Modeling of trace element and H2O contents in melt inclusions suggests that the primary magmas originate via hydrous flux-melting of the mantle wedge at temperatures close to the dry peridotite solidus. The role of decompression melting is minor or absent at Kliuchevskoy and other arc volcanoes built on relatively thick crust. 2) Geochemistry of high-Mg olivine suggests that primary Kliuchevskoy magmas have substantial contribution from olivine-free pyroxenite (up to 30 %), which could be formed by reaction of slab melts (or supercritical fluids) with mantle wedge peridotite. 3) Parental Kliuchevskoy melts start to crystallize as deep as the Moho boundary, and the erupted magmas reflect multistage and complex processes of crystallization, magma mixing and crustal assimilation. None of the Kliuchevskoy rocks analyzed thus far represent true primary melt compositions. 4) The Kliuchevskoy Holocene eruptive history is not steady-state in terms of eruption rate and geochemistry. There are two millenial cycles with major and trace element and OSr- Nd-Pb and U-series isotope compositions of the magmas changing gradually from more to less affected by crustal (?) assimilation. The onset of the cycles correlates with periods of enhanced volcanic activity in Kamchatka, suggesting that the extent of magma-crust interaction is inversely related to magma production rate and thus magma flux from the mantle

    Enriched, HIMU-type peridotite and depleted recycled pyroxenite in the Canary plume : a mixed-up mantle

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    Author Posting. © Elsevier B.V., 2009. This is the author's version of the work. It is posted here by permission of Elsevier B.V. for personal use, not for redistribution. The definitive version was published in Earth and Planetary Science Letters 277 (2009): 514-524, doi:10.1016/j.epsl.2008.11.013.The Earth’s mantle is chemically and isotopically heterogeneous, and a component of recycled oceanic crust is generally suspected in the convecting mantle [Hofmann and White, 1982. Mantle plumes from ancient oceanic crust. Earth Planet. Sci. Lett. 57, 421-436]. Indeed, the HIMU component (high μ = 238U/204Pb), one of four isotopically distinct end-members in the Earth’s mantle, is generally attributed to relatively old (≥1-2 Ga) recycled oceanic crust in the form of eclogite/pyroxenite, e.g. [Zindler and Hart, 1986. Chemical geodynamics. Ann. Rev. Earth Planet. Sci. 14, 493-571]. Although the presence of the recycled component is generally supported by element and isotopic data, little is known about its physical state at mantle depths. Here we show that the concentrations of Ni, Mn and Ca in olivine from the Canarian shield stage lavas, which can be used to asses the physical nature of the source material (peridotite versus olivine-free pyroxenite) [Sobolev et al., 2007. The amount of recycled crust in sources of mantle-derived melts. Science 316, 412-417], correlate strongly with bulk rock Sr, Nd and Pb isotopic ratios. The most important result following from our data is that the enriched, HIMU-type (having higher 206Pb/204Pb than generally found in the other mantle endmembers) signature of the Canarian hotspot magmas was not caused by a pyroxenite/eclogite constituent of the plume but appears to have been primarily hosted by peridotite. This implies that the old (older than ~1 Ga) ocean crust, which has more evolved radiogenic isotope compositions, was stirred into/reacted with the mantle so that there is not significant eclogite left, whereas younger recycled oceanic crust with depleted MORB isotopic signature (<1 Ga) can be preserved as eclogite, which when melted can generate reaction pyroxenite.This work was supported by Wolfgang Paul Award, Alexander von Humboldt Foundation, to AVS, the Max Planck Society, DFG grants SCHM 250/64 and 82-1, HA3097/2 to HUS, KH and FH, NSF Grant EAR-9105113 to KH, Russian Basic Research Foundation and Russian Academy of Sciences

    Geochemistry of the Late Holocene rocks from the Tolbachik volcanic field, Kamchatka: Quantitative modelling of subduction-related open magmatic systems

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    We present new major and trace element, high-precision Sr-Nd-Pb (double spike), and Oisotope data for the whole range of rocks from the Holocene Tolbachik volcanic field in the Central Kamchatka Depression (CKD). The Tolbachik rocks range from high-Mg basalts to low-Mg basaltic trachyandesites. The rocks considered in this paper represent mostly Late Holocene eruptions (using tephrochronological dating), including historic ones in 1941, 1975-1976 and 2012-2013. Major compositional features of the Tolbachik volcanic rocks include the prolonged predominance of one erupted magma type, close association of middle-K primitive and high-K evolved rocks, large variations in incompatible element abundances and ratios but narrow range in isotopic composition. We quantify the conditions of the Tolbachik magma origin and evolution and revise previously proposed models. We conclude that all Tolbachik rocks are genetically related by crystal fractionation of medium-K primary magmas with only a small range in trace element and isotope composition. The primary Tolbachik magmas contain ~14 wt% MgO and ~4% wt% H2O and originated by partial melting (~6%) of moderately depleted mantle peridotite with Indian-MORB-type isotopic composition at temperature of ~1250oC and pressure of ~2 GPa. The melting of the mantle wedge was triggered by slab-derived hydrous melts formed at ~2.8 GPa and ~725oC from a mixture of sediments and MORB- and Meiji- type altered oceanic crust. The primary magmas experienced a complex open-system evolution termed Recharge-Evacuation-Fractional Crystallization (REFC). First the original primary magmas underwent open-system crystal fractionation combined with periodic recharge of the magma chamber with more primitive magma, followed by mixing of both magma types, further fractionation and finally eruption. Evolved high-K basalts, which predominate in the Tolbachik field, and basaltic trachyandesites erupted in 2012-2013 approach steady-state REFC liquid compositions at different eruption or replenishment rates. Intermediate rocks, including high-K, high-Mg basalts, are formed by mixing of the evolved and primitive magmas. Evolution of Tolbachik magmas is associated with large fractionation between incompatible trace elements (e.g., Rb/Ba, La/Nb, Ba/Th) and is strongly controlled by the relative difference in partitioning between crystal and liquid phases. The Tolbachik volcanic field shows that open-system scenarios provide more plausible and precise descriptions of long-lived arc magmatic systems than simpler, but often geologically unrealistic, closed-system models

    Limits on Dark Matter Effective Field Theory Parameters with CRESST-II

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    CRESST is a direct dark matter search experiment, aiming for an observation of nuclear recoils induced by the interaction of dark matter particles with cryogenic scintillating calcium tungstate crystals. Instead of confining ourselves to standard spin-independent and spin-dependent searches, we re-analyze data from CRESST-II using a more general effective field theory (EFT) framework. On many of the EFT coupling constants, improved exclusion limits in the low-mass region (< 3-4 GeV) are presented.Comment: 7 pages, 9 figure

    The CRESST Dark Matter Search

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    We present first competitive results on WIMP dark matter using the phonon-light-detection technique. A particularly strong limit for WIMPs with coherent scattering results from selecting a region of the phonon-light plane corresponding to tungsten recoils. The observed count rate in the neutron band is compatible with the rate expected from neutron background. CRESST is presently being upgraded with a 66 channel SQUID readout system, a neutron shield and a muon veto system. This results in a significant improvement in sensitivity.Comment: 6 pages, 3 figures, to be published in the proceedings of the 5th International Workshop on the Identification and Detection of Dark Matter IDM 2004, Edinburgh, Sept. 2004, World Scientifi

    Detection of the Natural Alpha Decay of Tungsten

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    The natural alpha decay of 180W has been unambiguously detected for the first time. The alpha peak is found in a (gamma,beta and neutron)-free background spectrum. This has been achieved by the simultaneous measurement of phonon and light signals with the CRESST cryogenic detectors. A half-life of T1/2 = (1.8 +- 0.2) x 10^18 y and an energy release of Q = (2516.4 +- 1.1 (stat.) +- 1.2 (sys.)) keV have been measured. New limits are also set on the half-lives of the other naturally occurring tungsten isotopes.Comment: Submitted to Physical Review C Revised versio

    Exploring CEvNS with NUCLEUS at the Chooz Nuclear Power Plant

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    Coherent elastic neutrino-nucleus scattering (CEν\nuNS) offers a unique way to study neutrino properties and to search for new physics beyond the Standard Model. Nuclear reactors are promising sources to explore this process at low energies since they deliver large fluxes of (anti-)neutrinos with typical energies of a few MeV. In this paper, a new-generation experiment to study CEν\nuNS is described. The NUCLEUS experiment will use cryogenic detectors which feature an unprecedentedly low energy threshold and a time response fast enough to be operated in above-ground conditions. Both sensitivity to low-energy nuclear recoils and a high event rate tolerance are stringent requirements to measure CEν\nuNS of reactor antineutrinos. A new experimental site, denoted the Very-Near-Site (VNS) at the Chooz nuclear power plant in France is described. The VNS is located between the two 4.25 GWth_{\mathrm{th}} reactor cores and matches the requirements of NUCLEUS. First results of on-site measurements of neutron and muon backgrounds, the expected dominant background contributions, are given. In this paper a preliminary experimental setup with dedicated active and passive background reduction techniques is presented. Furthermore, the feasibility to operate the NUCLEUS detectors in coincidence with an active muon-veto at shallow overburden is studied. The paper concludes with a sensitivity study pointing out the promising physics potential of NUCLEUS at the Chooz nuclear power plant

    The CRESST II Dark Matter Search

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    Direct Dark Matter detection with cryodetectors is briefly discussed, with particular mention of the possibility of the identification of the recoil nucleus. Preliminary results from the CREEST II Dark Matter search, with 730 kg-days of data, are presented. Major backgrounds and methods of identifying and dealing with them are indicated.Comment: Talk at DSU workshop, ITP Beijing, Oct. 2011. 9 figures, 2 table
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