2,687 research outputs found

    Spectra of ultrabroadband squeezed pulses and the finite-time Unruh-Davies effect

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    We study spectral properties of quantum radiation of ultimately short duration. In particular, we introduce a continuous multimode squeezing operator for the description of subcycle pulses of entangled photons generated by a coherent-field driving in a thin nonlinear crystal with second order susceptibility. We find the ultrabroadband spectra of the emitted quantum radiation perturbatively in the strength of the driving field. These spectra can be related to the spectra expected in an Unruh-Davies experiment with a finite time of acceleration. In the time domain, we describe the corresponding behavior of the normally ordered electric field variance.Comment: 11 pages, 5 figure

    Efeito da aplicação do lodo de esgoto (Biossólido) sobre a produção e decomposição do folhedo de Eucalyptus grandis e sobre o retorno de nutrientes ao solo, em Itatinga-SP.

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    O tratamento do esgoto urbano gera um resíduo denominado lodo de esgoto que pode ser utilizado para aumentar a produtividade de culturas agrícolas e florestais. Este artigo apresenta o efeito que a aplicação de doses crescentes de biossólido (O a 40 tlha), produzido na ETE de Barueri da SABESP - SP, provocou sobre o retorno de nutrientes ao solo, através da produção de folhedo (derrubada de folhas senescentes das árvores) e também sobre a taxa de decomposição do folhedo acumulado sobre o solo (manta orgânica) em um talhão experimental de Eucalyptus grandis, localizado na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga - SP. Após três anos de coleta mensal do folhedo, o tratamento onde foram aplicadas 40 t ha-1 de biossólido, depositou 4.828 kg ha-1 de folhedo a mais do que o testemunha, devolvendo ao solo cerca de cinco vezes mais Ca, duas vezes mais N e três vezes mais P. Foi registrado também um aumento de 40% na taxa de decomposição do folhedo, quando comparado com o tratamento testemunha. Os vários resultados obtidos na Estação Experimental de Ciências Florestais da ESALQ/USP em Itatinga, confirmam a hipótese de que a aplicação do biossólido altera os padrões de ciclagem dos nutrientes, intensificando o retorno de nutrientes e acelerando sua incorporação ao solo

    Subcycle squeezing of light from a time flow perspective

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    Light as a carrier of information and energy plays a fundamental role in both general relativity and quantum physics, linking these areas that are still not fully compliant with each other. Its quantum nature and spatio-temporal structure are exploited in many intriguing applications ranging from novel spectroscopy methods of complex many-body phenomena to quantum information processing and subwavelength lithography. Recent access to subcycle quantum features of electromagnetic radiation promises a new class of time-dependent quantum states of light. Paralleled with the developments in attosecond science, these advances motivate an urgent need for a theoretical framework that treats arbitrary wave packets of quantum light intrinsically in the time domain. Here, we formulate a consistent time domain theory of the generation and sampling of few-cycle and subcycle pulsed squeezed states, allowing for a relativistic interpretation in terms of induced changes in the local flow of time. Our theory enables the use of such states as a resource for novel ultrafast applications in quantum optics and quantum information.Comment: 24 pages, 7 figures (including supplementary information

    Advances in imaging THGEM-based detectors

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    The thick GEM (THGEM) [1] is an "expanded" GEM, economically produced in the PCB industry by simple drilling and etching in G-10 or other insulating materials (fig. 1). Similar to GEM, its operation is based on electron gas avalanche multiplication in sub-mm holes, resulting in very high gain and fast signals. Due to its large hole size, the THGEM is particularly efficient in transporting the electrons into and from the holes, leading to efficient single-electron detection and effective cascaded operation. The THGEM provides true pixilated radiation localization, ns signals, high gain and high rate capability. For a comprehensive summary of the THGEM properties, the reader is referred to [2, 3]. In this article we present a summary of our recent study on THGEM-based imaging, carried out with a 10x10 cm^2 double-THGEM detector.Comment: 3 pages, 3 figures. Presented at the 10th Pisa Meeting on Advanced Detectors; ELBA-Italy; May 21-27 200