70 research outputs found

    Test Station for a 30 m long Superconducting Link

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    The Large Hadron Collider (LHC) requires distribution of high electrical currents in the limited space of LHC tunnel. Four superconducting links of about 76 m length and one of 510 m will be installed in the tunnel to carry 6 kA and 600 A. For validation of the longest link a test station was designed which is presently under construction. The design will permit the test station to be adapted for other links and/or cables as well. It will operate either in pool boiling mode, in order to measure thermal loads, or in forced super-critical helium flow mode to simulate real operation. Inlet pressure is 1.2 bar to 3 bar. Inlet temperature is adjustable from 4.4 K up to about 20 K. The station is being prepared to validate the LHC model link, consisting of 48 superconducting cables, each operating at 600 A between 4.5 K and 5.4 K. This article describes features of the equipment

    Combined reactor neutron beam and 60

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    Apprentissage de la conception de circuits intégrés : une introduction par la technologie à l’aide d’un logiciel de TCAD

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    Nous présentons le développement d’un stage de CAO (Conception Assistée par Ordinateur) pour des étudiants de niveau bac+5 découvrant le domaine de la microélectronique. Le but de ce stage est de délivrer dans un laps de temps relativement court (2 jours) les notions importantes sur la conception d’un circuit intégré en technologie CMOS. Pour cela, le travail se base sur une découverte du procédé CMOS par la TCAD (Technology Computer Aided Design) permettant d’introduire le procédé de fabrication d’un MOSFET et de relier ses grandes étapes à la logique de dessin par couche lors de la conception du transistor (layout)

    Radiation Effects in CCD on CMOS Devices: First Analysis of TID and DDD Effects

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    Dark current evolution in irradiated MWIR HgCdTe photodiodes

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    International audienceHgCdTe detectors are a key technology for space-based infrared imagery. Radiation in the space environment afects the performance of these detectors. Gamma and protons irradiation are performed in order to assess the impact of total ionising dose and displacement damage dose on the dark current of mid-wavelength infrared HgCdTe photodiodes. Parameters such as dark current contributions, lateral collection length and activation energy are studied following irradiation. Metal–insulator–semiconductor devices were also irradiated in order to study the mechanisms of interface contributions to the darkcurrent. A focal plane array was used to measure response evolution with irradiation. This study also analyses the impact of a post-irradiation thermal cycle on the evolution of the dark current
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