156 research outputs found

    An Unfolded Quantization for Twisted Hopf Algebras

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    In this talk I discuss a recently developed "Unfolded Quantization Framework". It allows to introduce a Hamiltonian Second Quantization based on a Hopf algebra endowed with a coproduct satisfying, for the Hamiltonian, the physical requirement of being a primitive element. The scheme can be applied to theories deformed via a Drinfeld twist. I discuss in particular two cases: the abelian twist deformation of a rotationally invariant nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics (the twist induces a standard noncommutativity) and the Jordanian twist of the harmonic oscillator. In the latter case the twist induces a Snyder non-commutativity for the space-coordinates, with a pseudo-Hermitian deformed Hamiltonian. The "Unfolded Quantization Framework" unambiguously fixes the non-additive effective interactions in the multi-particle sector of the deformed quantum theory. The statistics of the particles is preserved even in the presence of a deformation.Comment: 9 pages. Talk given at QTS7 (7th Int. Conf. on Quantum Theory and Symmetries, Prague, August 2011

    Learning from Julius' star, *, \star

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    While collecting some personal memories about Julius Wess, I briefly describe some aspects of my recent work on many particle quantum mechanics and second quantization on noncommutative spaces obtained by twisting, and their connection to him.Comment: Late2e file 13 pages. To appear in the Proceedings of the Workshop "Scientific and Human Legacy of Julius Wess - JW2011", Donji Milanovac (Serbia), August 27-29, 2011, International Journal of Modern Physics: Conference Series. On-line at: http://www.worldscientific.com/toc/ijmpcs/13/0

    Minimal Affinizations of Representations of Quantum Groups: the simply--laced case

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    We continue our study of minimal affinizations for algebras of type D, E.Comment: 25 page

    Twisted Quantum Fields on Moyal and Wick-Voros Planes are Inequivalent

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    The Moyal and Wick-Voros planes A^{M,V}_{\theta} are *-isomorphic. On each of these planes the Poincar\'e group acts as a Hopf algebra symmetry if its coproducts are deformed by twist factors. We show that the *-isomorphism T: A^M_{\theta} to A^V_{\theta} does not also map the corresponding twists of the Poincar\'e group algebra. The quantum field theories on these planes with twisted Poincar\'e-Hopf symmetries are thus inequivalent. We explicitly verify this result by showing that a non-trivial dependence on the non-commutative parameter is present for the Wick-Voros plane in a self-energy diagram whereas it is known to be absent on the Moyal plane (in the absence of gauge fields). Our results differ from these of (arXiv:0810.2095 [hep-th]) because of differences in the treatments of quantum field theories.Comment: 12 page

    A central extension of \cD Y_{\hbar}(\gtgl_2) and its vertex representations

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    A central extension of \cD Y_{\hbar}(\gtgl_2) is proposed. The bosonization of level 11 module and vertex operators are also given.Comment: 10 pages, AmsLatex, to appear in Lett. in Math. Phy

    Super Yangian Double DY(gl(11))DY( gl(1|1)) and Its Gauss Decomposition

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    We extend Yangian double to super (or graded) case and give its Drinfel'd generators realization by Gauss decomposition.Comment: 6 pages, Latex, no figure

    The structure of quantum Lie algebras for the classical series B_l, C_l and D_l

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    The structure constants of quantum Lie algebras depend on a quantum deformation parameter q and they reduce to the classical structure constants of a Lie algebra at q=1q=1. We explain the relationship between the structure constants of quantum Lie algebras and quantum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients for adjoint x adjoint ---> adjoint. We present a practical method for the determination of these quantum Clebsch-Gordan coefficients and are thus able to give explicit expressions for the structure constants of the quantum Lie algebras associated to the classical Lie algebras B_l, C_l and D_l. In the quantum case also the structure constants of the Cartan subalgebra are non-zero and we observe that they are determined in terms of the simple quantum roots. We introduce an invariant Killing form on the quantum Lie algebras and find that it takes values which are simple q-deformations of the classical ones.Comment: 25 pages, amslatex, eepic. Final version for publication in J. Phys. A. Minor misprints in eqs. 5.11 and 5.12 correcte

    Analytical Bethe Ansatz for open spin chains with soliton non preserving boundary conditions

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    We present an ``algebraic treatment'' of the analytical Bethe ansatz for open spin chains with soliton non preserving (SNP) boundary conditions. For this purpose, we introduce abstract monodromy and transfer matrices which provide an algebraic framework for the analytical Bethe ansatz. It allows us to deal with a generic gl(N) open SNP spin chain possessing on each site an arbitrary representation. As a result, we obtain the Bethe equations in their full generality. The classification of finite dimensional irreducible representations for the twisted Yangians are directly linked to the calculation of the transfer matrix eigenvalues.Comment: 1

    Integrals of motion of the Haldane Shastry Model

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    In this letter we develop a method to construct all the integrals of motion of the SU(p)SU(p) Haldane-Shastry model of spins, equally spaced around a circle, interacting through a 1/r21/r^2 exchange interaction. These integrals of motion respect the Yangian symmetry algebra of the Hamiltonian.Comment: 13 pages, REVTEX v3.

    Factorizing twists and R-matrices for representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2)

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    We calculate factorizing twists in evaluation representations of the quantum affine algebra U_q(\hat sl_2). From the factorizing twists we derive a representation independent expression of the R-matrices of U_q(\hat sl_2). Comparing with the corresponding quantities for the Yangian Y(sl_2), it is shown that the U_q(\hat sl_2) results can be obtained by `replacing numbers by q-numbers'. Conversely, the limit q -> 1 exists in representations of U_q(\hat sl_2) and both the factorizing twists and the R-matrices of the Yangian Y(sl_2) are recovered in this limit.Comment: 19 pages, LaTe