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    The article is devoted to problems of Soviet policy “of the conflict on the Chinese Eastern Railway” in the second half of the 1920s. It was “The conflict on the CER in 1926” and “Conflict on the CER in 1929,” In the political history of Soviet-Chinese relations. First “The conflict on the CER”, coincided, and was associated with a critical event in the history of the ruling party in the Soviet Union the Bolshevik Party. That year Trotsky and several other leaders were expelled from the Politburo of the CPSU (b) LD of the party, all the power was in the hands of one leader – Stalin. Second “The conflict on the CER” coincided and was associated with a critical event in the history of the Russian state – the establishment of a totalitarian model. The article is written on the basis of published and unpublished documents, recovering the course of Soviet policy developments in relation to the CER and established a cause-effect relationship of the two events “conflict on the CER”. Cooperative control of the CER in the second half of the 1920s carried a set of domestic economic and political contradictions. When comparing the two “conflict on the CER” it is clear that in the beginning of 1926 the Soviet elite were able to pursue a more flexible policy, adjust policies, to make compromises. In 1929, this ability has been largely lost, and Soviet policy became more and more to rely on force to achieve goals

    Imortant Event in the History of Russian Japanese Studies

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    Imortant Event in the History of Russian Japanese Studies

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    From the 1980s of the last century to the beginning of the 21st century, frontier trade between the Far East of Russia and the Heilongjiang Province of China went through two stages. 1. In the 1980s There was a restoration of trade and economic relations between the two neighbouring regions in the context of the transformation of socialist economies. 2. After the collapse of the Soviet Union, China’s policy was transformed in accordance with new economic and political realities. The governments of China and Russia adjusted the direction of cross-border trade, leading to instability and fluctuations in the volume of trade between the two countries. The development policy of trade and economic relations between the two regions played a crucial role in the development of Russian-Chinese relations. The Far East of Russia and the Heilongjiang Province should not stop at an early level of development, the province should “keep up with the times” and adapt to new conditions

    Problems of the Number of Children in Chinese-Russian Families in the First Half of the 20th Century

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    Статья посвящена проблеме малоизученности данных о ко личестве детей в китайско-русских семьях на территории России в первой половине ХХ в. Проблема рассматривается на основе разного рода делопроизводственных документов, выявленных в фондах различных российских архивов, а также «Книг памяти жертв политических репрессий в Восточном Забайкалье». В ходе исследования выяснено, что в начале ХХ в. большинство китайско-русских семей не имело детей или был лишь один ребенок, но уже в первой половине 1920-х гг. число смешанных семей стало расти. Почти повсеместная малочисленность детей была обусловлена кратким периодом существования большинства семей. В целом, в России заметно преобладали китайско-русские семьи с 2-мя детьми, но было и много семей с одним ребенком. После волны политических репрессий многодетные семьи стали встречаться реже, чем прежде. В итоге, большинство китайских мигрантов до 1940-х гг. не создавали семей в России, а дополнительным фактором, препятствовавшим формированию устойчивой китайской диаспоры, была слабая связь детей из смешанных браков с китайской культурой.The paper is devoted to the problem of the number of children in Chinese-Russian families living in Russia in the first half of the 20th century. This issue is considered based on office documents identified in the collections of various Russian archives, as well as ≪Books of memory of victims of political repression in Eastern Transbaikalia≫. The study revealed that, at the beginning of the 20th century, most Chinese-Russian families had no children or only one child; the number of mixed families began to grow in the first half of the 1920s. The paucity of children was due to the short period of existence of most such families. In general, while Chinese-Russian families with two children predominated in Russia, there were many families with one child. After political repression, families with many children became rarer. Ultimately, most Chinese migrants before the 1940s did not start families in Russia; an additional factor that hindered the formation of an established Chinese diaspora was the weak connection of children from mixed marriages with Chinese culture

    The Political Role of the Russian Consulates in Mongolia in the Mongolian National Liberation Movement in the Early 20th Century

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