30 research outputs found

    An overview of reasons for the placement and replacement of restorations

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    Reasons for placement and replacement of restorations in student clinics in Manchester and Athens

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    Data on reasons for the placement and replacement of restorations provide insight into patterns of clinical practice. This study investigated reasons for the provision of restorations in student clinics at the Universities of Manchester and Athens. Using the methods first described by Mjör, data were collected in relation to all initial and replacement restorations placed in adult patients in the main teaching clinics in the 2 schools over a 3-month period. The principal reason for intervention was recorded, according to approved treatment plans. Data were collected on 2620 restorations, 1431 (55%) of which were placed in Manchester. Primary caries was the main reason for the placement of initial restorations: 82% in Athens and 48% in Manchester (p<0.001). The principal reason for restoration replacement was secondary caries, accounting for 54% in Manchester and 33% in Athens (p<0.001). Other differences between the schools, included the ratio of initial placement to replacement restorations (Manchester 1:1.1; Athens 1:0.6: p<0.01) and significantly more 2-surface class II restorations having been placed in Manchester (p<0.001). Class III and IV restorations predominated in Athens. It is concluded, despite the acknowledged limitations of the methods employed, that the patterns of placement and replacement of restorations and the use of materials differ between the dental schools of Manchester and Athens. The differences are considered to relate more to local patterns of dental disease and patient selection for student clinics than to any differences in teaching philosophy. Subsequent studies of the type reported, despite acknowledged limitations would provide insight into the impact on patient care of the teaching of new materials, techniques and treatment philosophies. © Munksgaard, 2000

    Immunohistochemical study of ceruloplasmin, lactoferrin and secretory component expression in neoplastic and non-neoplastic thyroid gland diseases

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    The expression of lactoferrin (LF), ceruloplasmin (CP) and secretory component (SC) in various thyroid diseases was investigated using an immunohistochemical method. LF is an iron-binding protein overexpressed in certain human adenocarcinomas. CP is implicated in carcinogenesis and SC is part of the local immune defense system. Sections of 15 follicular adenomas, 5 follicular carcinomas (FC), 16 papillary carcinomas (PC), 15 goitres and 2 cases of lymphocytic thyroiditis were re-examined and investigated immunohistologically by a streptavidin-biotin method. A positive immunostain reaction for CP and LF was observed in all cases of PC and FC. A positive immunostain reaction for SC was observed in 13/16 cases of PC and 4/5 cases of FC. A negative immunostain reaction for CP, LF and SC was observed in medullary cancers, in follicular adenomas and in the cases with goitre. We conclude that the immunostain expression of LF, CP and SC is a valuable diagnostic aid in the differential diagnosis between benign and malignant thyroid tumors. The expression of SC indicates the presence of a local immunodefensive system