21 research outputs found

    miR-29a and miR-29b Contribute to Pancreatic β-Cell-Specific Silencing of Monocarboxylate Transporter 1 (Mct1) ▿ †

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    In pancreatic β cells, elevated glucose concentrations stimulate mitochondrial oxidative metabolism to raise intracellular ATP/ADP levels, prompting insulin secretion. Unusually low levels of expression of genes encoding the plasma membrane monocarboxylate transporter, MCT1 (SLC16A1), as well as lactate dehydrogenase A (LDHA) ensure that glucose-derived pyruvate is efficiently metabolized by mitochondria, while exogenous lactate or pyruvate is unable to stimulate metabolism and hence insulin secretion inappropriately. We show here that whereas DNA methylation at the Mct1 promoter is unlikely to be involved in cell-type-specific transcriptional repression, three microRNAs (miRNAs), miR-29a, miR-29b, and miR-124, selectively target both human and mouse MCT1 3′ untranslated regions. Mutation of the cognate miR-29 or miR-124 binding sites abolishes the effects of the corresponding miRNAs, demonstrating a direct action of these miRNAs on the MCT1 message. However, despite reports of its expression in the mouse β-cell line MIN6, miR-124 was not detectably expressed in mature mouse islets. In contrast, the three isoforms of miR-29 are highly expressed and enriched in mouse islets. We show that inhibition of miR-29a in primary mouse islets increases Mct1 mRNA levels, demonstrating that miR-29 isoforms contribute to the β-cell-specific silencing of the MCT1 transporter and may thus affect insulin release

    MicroRNAs in islet immunobiology and transplantation

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    The ultimate goal of diabetes therapy is the restoration of physiologic metabolic control. For type 1 diabetes, research efforts are focused on the prevention or early intervention to halt the autoimmune process and preserve β cell function. Replacement of pancreatic β cells via islet transplantation reestablishes physiologic β cell function in patients with diabetes. Emerging research shows that microRNAs (miRNAs), noncoding small RNA molecules produced by a newly discovered class of genes, negatively regulate gene expression. MiRNAs recognize and bind to partially complementary sequences of target messenger RNA (mRNA), regulating mRNA translation and affecting gene expression. Correlation between miRNA signatures and genome-wide RNA expression allows identification of multiple miRNA–mRNA pairs in biological processes. Because miRNAs target functionally related genes, they represent an exciting and indispensable approach for biomarkers and drug discovery. We are studying the role of miRNA in the context of islet immunobiology. Our research aims at understanding the mechanisms underlying pancreatic β cell loss and developing clinically relevant approaches for preservation and restoration of β cell function to treat insulin-dependent diabetes. Herein, we discuss some of our recent efforts related to the study of miRNA in islet inflammation and islet engraftment. Our working hypothesis is that modulation of the expression of specific microRNAs in the transplant microenvironment will be of assistance in enhancing islet engraftment and promoting long-term function

    Beta-cell specific deletion of dicer1 leads to defective insulin secretion and diabetes mellitus

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    Mature microRNAs (miRNAs), derived through cleavage of pre-miRNAs by the Dicer1 enzyme, regulate protein expression in many cell-types including cells in the pancreatic islets of Langerhans. To investigate the importance of miRNAs in mouse insulin secreting beta-cells, we have generated mice with a beta-cells specific disruption of the Dicer1 gene using the Cre-lox system controlled by the rat insulin promoter (RIP). In contrast to their normoglycaemic control littermates (RIP-Cre(+/-) Dicer1(Delta/wt)), RIP-Cre(+/-) Dicer1(flox/flox) mice (RIP-Cre Dicer1(Delta/Delta)) developed progressive hyperglycaemia and full-blown diabetes mellitus in adulthood that recapitulated the natural history of the spontaneous disease in mice. Reduced insulin gene expression and concomitant reduced insulin secretion preceded the hyperglycaemic state and diabetes development. Immunohistochemical, flow cytometric and ultrastructural analyses revealed altered islet morphology, marked decreased beta-cell mass, reduced numbers of granules within the beta-cells and reduced granule docking in adult RIP-Cre Dicer1(Delta/Delta) mice. beta-cell specific Dicer1 deletion did not appear to disrupt fetal and neonatal beta-cell development as 2-week old RIP-Cre Dicer1(Delta/Delta) mice showed ultrastructurally normal beta-cells and intact insulin secretion. In conclusion, we have demonstrated that a beta-cell specific disruption of the miRNAs network, although allowing for apparently normal beta-cell development, leads to progressive impairment of insulin secretion, glucose homeostasis and diabetes development