6,639 research outputs found

    Microcracking in piezoelectric materials by the Boundary Element Method

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    A 3D boundary element model for piezoelectric polycrystalline micro-cracking is discussed in this contribution. The model is based on the boundary integral representation of the electro-mechanical behavior of individual grains and on the use of a generalized cohesive formulation for inter-granular micro-cracking. The boundary integral formulation allows to address the electro-mechanical boundary value problem in terms of generalized grain boundary and inter-granular displacements and tractions only, which implies the natural inclusion of the cohesive laws in the formulation, the simplification of the analysis pre-processing stage, and the reduction of the number of degrees of freedom of the overall analysis with respect to other popular numerical methods

    Towards an expanded model of litigation

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    Introduction: The call for contributions for this workshop describes the important new challenges for the legal search community this domain brings. Rather than just understanding the challenges this domain poses in terms of their technical properties, we would like to suggest that understanding these challenges as socio-technical challenges will be important. That is, as well as calling for research on a technical level to address these challenges we are also calling for work to understand the social practices of those involved in e-discovery (ED) and related legal work. A particularly interesting feature of this field is that it is likely that search technologies will (at least semi-)automate responsiveness review in the relatively near term and this will change the way that the work is organised and done in many ways – offering new possibilities for new ways of organising the work. As well as designing those technologies for automating responsiveness review we need to be envisioning how the work will be done in the future, how these technologies will impact the organisation of the case and so on. In this position paper we therefore outline the importance of understanding the wider social context of ED when designing tools and technologies to support and change the work. We would like to reinforce and expand on Conrad’s call for IR researchers to understand just what ED entails [2], include the stages that come both before and after core retrieval activities. The importance of considering the social aspects of work in the design of the technology has been established for some time. Ushering in this ‘turn to the social,’ and focusing on interface design, Gentner and Grudin [4] described how the GUI has already changed from an interface for engineers, representing the engineering model of the machine to one that supported single ‘everyman’ users (based on ideas from psychology). From then onwards the interface has evolved to support groups of users, taking into account the social and organisational contexts of use. This has particular resonance for the design of ED technologies: during ED in particular and the wider legal process there are often many lawyers involved – reviewing documents, determining issues, etc. Even if the way that their work is organised currently is not seen as collaborative in the traditional sense – with individual lawyers working on individual document sets to review them - their work needs to be coordinated and it seems likely that their work could be enhanced by, for example, knowledge of what their colleagues had found, how the case was shaping up, new key terms and facts turned up and so on. Work is often modelled for the purposes of design using process models, but this misses out on the richness and variety actually found when one examines how the work is carried out [3]. Technologies which strictly enforce the process models can often hinder the work, or end up being worked around as was the case with workflow systems since people interpret processes very flexibly to get the work done ([1], [3]). Other studies in other fields have found similar problems when systems are designed on for example cognitive models of how the work is done; they often do not take into account the situated nature of the work and thus they can be very difficult to use [5]. We believe, like [2], that a clear understanding of the social practices of ED is vital for the creation of high-quality, meaningful tools and technologies. We furthermore propose that work practice studies, to be used in combination with other methods, are a central part of getting the detailed understanding of the work practices central to designing useful and intelligent tools. Work practice studies would involve ethnographies, consisting primarily of observation, undertaken of practitioners engaging in the work of ED

    Computational aeroelastic analysis of wings based on the structural discontinuous Galerkin and aerodynamic vortex lattice methods

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    An original computational framework for the aeroelastic analysis of wings featuring general transverse section is developed. The framework is based on the coupling between a novel discontinuous Galerkin structural model and an aerodynamic vortex lattice method, which is implemented in both the planar and non-planar version. The structural model, which constitutes the novelty of the present work, allows generalized kinematics and is thus able to capture higher-order structural deformation modes. With respect to other more used structural representations, the discontinuous Galerkin approach is based on the use of discontinuous basis functions and suitably-defined boundary terms to enforce the inter-element continuity and boundary conditions. Such features naturally enable high-order accuracy, ease of parallelization and, specifically for this work, straightforward coupling with the vortex lattice method. The framework is validated through benchmark tests, providing favourable matching with reference literature data

    Self-reported gait unsteadiness in mildly impaired neurological patients: an objective assessment through statistical gait analysis

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    Background Self-reported gait unsteadiness is often a problem in neurological patients without any clinical evidence of ataxia, because it leads to reduced activity and limitations in function. However, in the literature there are only a few papers that address this disorder. The aim of this study is to identify objectively subclinical abnormal gait strategies in these patients. Methods Eleven patients affected by self-reported unsteadiness during gait (4 TBI and 7 MS) and ten healthy subjects underwent gait analysis while walking back and forth on a 15-m long corridor. Time-distance parameters, ankle sagittal motion, and muscular activity during gait were acquired by a wearable gait analysis system (Step32, DemItalia, Italy) on a high number of successive strides in the same walk and statistically processed. Both self-selected gait speed and high speed were tested under relatively unconstrained conditions. Non-parametric statistical analysis (Mann-Whitney, Wilcoxon tests) was carried out on the means of the data of the two examined groups. Results The main findings, with data adjusted for velocity of progression, show that increased double support and reduced velocity of progression are the main parameters to discriminate patients with self-reported unsteadiness from healthy controls. Muscular intervals of activation showed a significant increase in the activity duration of the Rectus Femoris and Tibialis Anterior in patients with respect to the control group at high speed. Conclusions Patients with a subjective sensation of instability, not clinically documented, walk with altered strategies, especially at high gait speed. This is thought to depend on the mechanisms of postural control and coordination. The gait anomalies detected might explain the symptoms reported by the patients and allow for a more focused treatment design. The wearable gait analysis system used for long distance statistical walking assessment was able to detect subtle differences in functional performance monitoring, otherwise not detectable by common clinical examination

    Inspiration from Intersecting D-branes: General Supersymmetry Breaking Soft Terms in No-Scale F{\cal F}-SU(5)SU(5)

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    Motivated by D-brane model building, we evaluate the F\cal{F}-SU(5)SU(5) model with additional vector-like particle multiplets, referred to as flippons, within the framework of No-Scale Supergravity with non-vanishing general supersymmetry breaking soft terms at the string scale. The viable phenomenology is uncovered by applying all current experimental constraints, including but not limited to the correct light Higgs boson mass, WMAP and Planck relic density measurements, and several LHC constraints on supersymmetric particle spectra. Four interesting regions of the parameter space arise, as well as mixed scenarios, given by: (i) light stop coannihilation; (ii) pure Higgsino dark matter; (iii) Higgs funnel; and (iv) light stau coannihilation. All regions can generate the observed value of the relic density commensurate with a 125 GeV light Higgs boson mass, with the exception of the relatively small relic density value for the pure Higgsino lightest supersymmetric particle (LSP). This work is concluded by gauging the model against present LHC search constraints and derivation of the final states observable at the LHC for each of these scenarios.Comment: 13 pages, 4 Figures, 4 Table

    Alexander quandle lower bounds for link genera

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    We denote by Q_F the family of the Alexander quandle structures supported by finite fields. For every k-component oriented link L, every partition P of L into h:=|P| sublinks, and every labelling z of such a partition by the natural numbers z_1,...,z_n, the number of X-colorings of any diagram of (L,z) is a well-defined invariant of (L,P), of the form q^(a_X(L,P,z)+1) for some natural number a_X(L,P,z). Letting X and z vary in Q_F and among the labellings of P, we define a derived invariant A_Q(L,P)=sup a_X(L,P,z). If P_M is such that |P_M|=k, we show that A_Q(L,P_M) is a lower bound for t(L), where t(L) is the tunnel number of L. If P is a "boundary partition" of L and g(L,P) denotes the infimum among the sums of the genera of a system of disjoint Seifert surfaces for the L_j's, then we show that A_Q(L,P) is at most 2g(L,P)+2k-|P|-1. We set A_Q(L):=A_Q(L,P_m), where |P_m|=1. By elaborating on a suitable version of a result by Inoue, we show that when L=K is a knot then A_Q(K) is bounded above by A(K), where A(K) is the breadth of the Alexander polynomial of K. However, for every g we exhibit examples of genus-g knots having the same Alexander polynomial but different quandle invariants A_Q. Moreover, in such examples A_Q provides sharp lower bounds for the genera of the knots. On the other hand, A_Q(L) can give better lower bounds on the genus than A(L), when L has at least two components. We show that in order to compute A_Q(L) it is enough to consider only colorings with respect to the constant labelling z=1. In the case when L=K is a knot, if either A_Q(K)=A(K) or A_Q(K) provides a sharp lower bound for the knot genus, or if A_Q(K)=1, then A_Q(K) can be realized by means of the proper subfamily of quandles X=(F_p,*), where p varies among the odd prime numbers.Comment: 36 pages; 16 figure

    Decarbonization of heat through low-temperature waste heat recovery: proposal of a tool for the preliminary evaluation of technologies in the industrial sector

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    In an industrial energy scenario increasingly focused on decarbonization and energy cost containment, waste heat is a resource that is no longer negligible. Despite the great abundance of waste heat, its recognized potential, and numerous technologies available for its use, the rate of waste heat recovery (WHR) is still low, especially at low temperatures (<230 degrees C). Non-technological barriers, such as the lack of knowledge and support tools, strongly limit the diffusion of WHR technologies. The work presented in this paper aims to overcome non-technological gaps by developing a simple and operational tool that can support companies in the preliminary stages of evaluating a WHR application. The methodology followed involved the development of specific data-based models for WHR technology sizing by correlating waste heat input characteristics with dimensional and economic parameters of the technologies evaluated. We considered the most representative technologies in the WHR scenario: organic Rankine cycles for electric power generation, heat pumps for thermal power generation, absorption chillers for cooling generation, and plate heat exchangers for low-temperature heat exchange applications. One of the significant strengths of the tool is that it was developed using real and hard-to-find technologies performance and cost data mainly collected through continuous interactions with WHR technology providers. Moreover, the interaction with the technology providers allowed contextualization and validation of the tool in the field. In addition, the tool was applied to three large companies operating in the Italian industrial sector to test its effectiveness. The tool applications made it possible to propose cost-effective solutions that the companies had not considered before, despite the high level of attention with which they were already approaching energy efficiency improvements. The result obtained demonstrates the applicability and innovativeness of the tool

    Morphing technology for gust alleviation: an UAS application

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    Atmospheric turbulence can significantly affect aircraft missions in terms of aerodynamic loads and vibration. These effects are particularly meaningful for MALE-HALE UAS because of their high aspect ratios and because of their low speed, sometimes comparable with that of the gust itself. Many studies have been conducted to reach the goal of efficient gust alleviation. A viable solution appears the application of morphing technology. However, the design of morphing aircraft is a strongly multidisciplinary effort involving different expertise from structures to aerodynamics and flight control. In this study, a multidisciplinary wing-and-tail morphing strategy is proposed for attaining gust attenuation in UAVs. The strategy is based on the combined use of: i) an automatic detection system that identifies gust direction and entity and ii) an aeroelastic model stemming from the coupling between a high-order structural model that is able to resolve the motion and the strain and stress distributions of wings with complex internal structures and a Vortex Lattice Method (VLM) model that accounts for the aerodynamics of the wing-tail system. The gust alleviation strategy employs the information from the detection system and the aeroelastic model to determine the modifications of the wing and the tail surfaces aimed at contrasting wind effects, reducing induced loads and flight path errors. Numerical results are presented to assess the capability of the framework

    Plain fatigue resistance of shot peened high strength aluminium alloys: Effect of loading ratio

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    Abstract The effect of different shot-peening treatments on the reverse and pulsating bending fatigue behaviour of Al 7075 T651 was studied. The fatigue improvements with respect to the unpeened condition and the influence of the peening intensity on fatigue were discussed accounting for the effects of surface modifications and residual stresses. In particular, the extent of the residual stress redistribution during loading was investigated by means of X-ray diffraction (XRD) measurements. No significant residual stress relaxation was observed in samples tested to a load level corresponding to the fatigue endurance at 5⋅10 6 cycles. Residual stress relaxation was observed only when the material plastic flow stress was achieved during the compressive part of the fatigue load cycle. Accordingly, shot peened samples with deep sub-superficial compressive residual stress peak showed a reversed fatigue endurance level corresponding to the condition of incipient plastic flow. This phenomenon was also accompanied by subsuperficial fatigue crack initiation. On the contrary, samples tested at shorter fatigue lives or under pulsating loading conditions showed crack initiation close to the surface. The initial and the stabilised residual stress profiles were considered for discussing the improvement in the fatigue behaviour due to peening. For this purpose, a multiaxial fatigue criterion was adopted to account for the biaxial residual stress field. The fatigue life was quite accurately predicted as long as fatigue initiation occurs on the surface
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