74 research outputs found


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    The author analyzes most important characteristics and conditions of critical thinking formation on the basis of historic and contemporary data. The creation, formation and further development of critical thinking is formed by social-historic context, beginning with the Ancient Greece and until the modern society. The author claims for necessity of forming and developing critical thinking as the determining factor of personality development in modern conditions. The process of critical thinking formation becomes especially important during the transition to individual education paradigm. The paper highlights that development of critical thinking as the necessary tool of selection, analysis, systematization and interpretation of information is the condition for transition to individual training. The methodical problems of defining the critical thinking caused by “inflation” of critical thinking on one end and its “shrinking” on the other are shown and partially solved. The most important characteristics of critical thinking are seen as follows: openness, plasticity, goal-orientation, self-reflection and self-skepticism. The author shows the necessity of critical thinking’s elements, hypothesizing and questioning.На основе исторического и современного материала проанализированы значимые характеристики и условия формирования крити- ческого мышления, возникновение, формирование и дальнейшее развитие которого обусловлено социально-историческим контекстом, начиная с Древней Греции и заканчивая современным обществом. Обоснована необходимость форми- рования критического мышления как определя- ющего фактора развития личности в современ- ных условиях. Особенно значимым процесс формирования критического мышления становится в условиях перехода к персонифицированной парадигме образования. Обосновано, что условием перехода к индивидуальному обучению является развитие критического мышления как необходимого навыка отбора, анализа, систематизации, интерпретации информации. Показаны и частично устранены методические сложности в определении критического мышления, вызванные, с одной стороны, его «расширением», а с другой – «сужением». Выявлены значимые характеристики критического мышления: открытость, пластичность, целеориентированность, саморефлексивность и самоскептицизм. Продемонстрирована необходимость таких элементов критического мышления, как гипотезирование и вопрошание

    Критическое мышление и его необходимость для системы высшего образования

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    Introduction. In modern literature on philosophy, pedagogy, psychology, the need for critical thinking for a person living in modern society, and for a graduate of a higher educational institution, is affirmed.Problem statement. The purpose of the article is to specify the reasons for the need for critical thinking. To achieve the goal at the first stage, the author analyzed the English-language review articles on various aspects of critical thinking.Methodology of the study. At the second step, based on the results of the first one, the most significant features of understanding critical thinking in philosophy (ideal, abstract carrier of critical thinking, emphasis on formal logical thought procedures), psychology (attention to thinking in specific situations, determining the connection between critical thinking and types of behavior, analysis of critical thinking skills in certain situations), pedagogy (orientation to the educational practice , reliance on empirical research).Outcomes. Based on the analysis of the review articles, the most significant coherent characteristics of critical thinking as a process were identified: the ability to fix a problem and to put forward hypotheses for its solution, reasoned analysis of hypotheses, comparison with other options, ability to refuse a preliminary solution to the problem, and others. It was also revealed that “intellectual virtues” are necessary for the implementation of critical thinking: the desire for education, responsible reasoning, mental flexibility, rejection of prejudices and intellectual egocentrism.Findings. The analysis of the documents of the World Economic Forum (2016, 2018) showed that critical thinking is included in the list of the main skills of students and professionals.Введение. В современной литературе по философии, педагогике, психологии утверждается необходимость критического мышления для человека, живущего в современном обществе, и для выпускника высшего учебного заведения.Постановка задачи. Цель статьи – конкретизация причин необходимости критического мышления.Методика и методология исследования. Для достижения цели на первом этапе автором проведен анализ англоязычных статей-обзоров, посвященных различным аспектам критического мышления. На втором шаге на основе результатов первого выявлены наиболее значимые особенности понимания критического мышления в философии (идеальный, абстрактный носитель критического мышления, акцент на формально-логических мыслительных процедурах), психологии (внимание к мышлению в конкретных ситуациях, определение связи критического мышления с типами поведения, анализ навыков критического мышления в определенных ситуациях), педагогике (ориентация на практику обучения, опора на эмпирические исследования).Результаты. На основе анализа статей-обзоров выявлены наиболее значимые непротиворечивые характеристики критического мышления как процесса: умение фиксировать проблему, выдвижение гипотез для ее решения, аргументированный анализ гипотез, сравнение с другими вариантами, возможность отказаться от предварительного решения проблемы и др. Кроме того, определено, что для реализации критического мышления необходимы «интеллектуальные добродетели»: стремление к образованности, ответственные рассуждения, пластичность, отказ от предрассудков и интеллектуальной эгоцентрированности.Выводы. Анализ документов Всемирного экономического форума (2016, 2018 г.) показал, что критическое мышление входит в перечень основных навыков обучающихся и профессионалов

    Detection of 1p19q Deletion by Real-Time Comparative Quantitative PCR

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    1p/19q (1p and/or 19q) deletions are prognostic factors in oligodendroglial tumors (OT) and predict better survival after both chemotherapy and radiotherapy. While studying 1p/19q status as a potential variable within multivariate prognosis models for OT, we have frequently encountered unknown 1p/19q status within our glioma sample database due to lack of paired blood samples for loss of heterozygosity (LOH) assay and/or failure to perform fluorescence in situ hybridization (FISH). We realized that a 1p and 19q deletion assay that could be reliably performed solely on tumor DNA samples would allow us to fill in these molecular biology data “holes”. We built recombinant DNA with fragments of the selected “marker” genes in 1p (E2F2, NOTCH2), and 19q (PLAUR) and “reference” genes (ERC2, SPOCK1, and SPAG16 ) and used it as quantification standard in real-time PCR to gain absolute ratios of marker/reference gene copy numbers in tumor DNA samples, thus called comparative quantitative PCR (CQ-PCR). Using CQ-PCR, we identified 1p and/ or 19q deletions in majority of pure low-grade oligodenroglioma (OG) tumors (17/21, 81%), a large portion of anaplastic oligodendroglioma (AO) tumors (6/15, 47%), but rarely found in mixed oligoastrcytomas (OA) tumors (1/8, 13%). These data are consistent with results of LOH and FISH assays generally reported for these tumor types. In addition, 15 out 18 samples showed concordant results between FISH and CQ-PCR. We conclude that CQ-PCR is a potential means to gain 1p/19q deletion information, which prognostic and predictive values of CQ-PCR-derived 1p/19q status will be determined in a future study

    Дистанционное/электронное обучение: минимизация сложностей

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    Having passed a long way of development, distance learning from the category of innovation is going to the one of common sight. The gap in space and (until modern phase) in time has been the intact sign of each stage of its development. Distance learning is also characterized by the presence of technology, dialogue between the learner and the trainer, a high proportion of self-study, formal organization. As it is demonstrated by our study, distance learning in higher education, has a number of problems. To solve them, we proposed the subject-centered approach, since there are always people behind all economic, political, legal, pedagogical, psychological problems of distance learning. After identifying the main difficulties, the ways to minimize them were proposed: permanent two-way communication between teachers and students, instructors and students, teachers and instructors; encouragement and support of communication between students, conducting face-to-face meetings between students and teachers; duplication of academic and organizational information; interaction of students with students-tutors.Пройдя долгий путь развития, дистанционное обучение из разряда инноваций становится обыденным и привычным. Неизменным признаком каждого из этапов его развития является разрыв в пространстве и (до современного этапа) во времени. Дистанционное обучение также характеризуется наличием технологий, диалогом между обучаемым и обучающим, высокой долей самообразования, официальной организованностью. Как показало наше исследование, дистанционное обучение в системе высшего образования имеет ряд проблем. Для их решения нами предложен субъект-центрированный подход, поскольку за всеми экономическими, политическими, правовыми, педагогическими, психологическими проблемами дистанционного обучения в итоге всегда стоят люди. После выявления основных проблем предложены способы их минимизации: постоянная двусторонняя связь между преподавателями и студентами, инструкторами и студентами, преподавателями и инструкторами; стимулирование и поддержка общения между студентами, проведение очных встреч студентов и преподавателей; дублирование учебной и организационной информации; активное взаимодействие обучающихся со студентами-тьюторами

    EAS array of the NEVOD Experimental Complex

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    A new setup for registration of the electromagnetic component of the EAS at the “knee” region of the energy spectrum of primary cosmic rays (PCR) is now under construction on the basis of the experimental complex NEVOD-DECOR (Moscow, Russia). The EAS array detecting system has a cluster organization. Clusters are located in the MEPhI campus. The specific features of the array registering system that provides particle detection, data acquisition, cluster synchronization and events selection are discussed. The results of counter characteristics study are also presented

    An invasive adenocarcinoma of the accessory parotid gland: a rare example developing from a low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma?

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    Low-grade cribriform cystadenocarcinoma (LGCCA) is a rare tumor of the salivary gland that exhibits clinically indolent behavior. In this paper, we present a case of invasive adenocarcinoma of the accessory parotid gland in a young male that exhibited histology suggestive of an association of LGCCA. A 27-year-old man presented with a subcutaneous tumor in his left cheek. The tumor was separated from the parotid gland and located on the masseter muscle. The tumor was resected, and the postoperative histological diagnosis was adenocarcinoma, not otherwise specified (ANOS). The tumor exhibited papillary-cystic and cribriform proliferation of the duct epithelium and obvious stromal infiltration. Some tumor nests were rimmed by myoepithelium positive for smooth muscle actin, p63, and cytokeratin 14, indicating the presence of intraductal components of the tumor. Tumor cells exhibited mild nuclear atypia, and some of them presented an apocrine-like appearance and had cytoplasmic PAS-positive/diastase-resistant granules and hemosiderin. Other cells had foamy cytoplasm with microvacuoles. Immunohistochemistry revealed that the almost all of the tumor cells were strongly positive for S-100. These histological findings suggest the possibility that ANOS might arise secondarily from LGCCA. This is an interesting case regarding the association between ANOS and LGCCA in oncogenesis

    Temperature effect corrections for URAGAN based on CAO, GDAS, NOAA data

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    For the analysis of muon flux variations caused by extra-atmospheric processes it is necessary to introduce corrections for meteorological effects. For temperature effect (TE) correction it is necessary to know the temperature profile of the atmosphere. As a rule, this profile is measured by meteorological balloons two or four times a day. Alternative sources are satellite observations and data obtained from models of atmosphere used for weather forecasting. Vertical temperature profiles obtained from NOAA satellites, GDAS (Global Data Assimilation System) and CAO data (Central Aerological Observatory, Russia) for standard isobaric levels were compared. Mean value of temperature difference for most levels does not exceed 1 K. Comparison of URAGAN data corrected for TE with CAO information, satellites and GDAS shows a good agreement. Counting rate and anisotropy of the muon flux corrected for meteorological effects for 2007-2014 are presented