6 research outputs found

    Karst landscape in terms of synergetics: general remarks

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    Specificity of karst landscape is well known. The author proposes to look at the karst landscape as the separate evolutional stage of a karst megacycle, considered as a typical synergistic phenomenon.Специфика карстового ландшафта хорошо известна. Автор предлагает посмотреть на карстовый ландшафт как на отдельную эволюционную стадию карстового мегацикла, рассматриваемого как типичное синергетическое явление.Специфіка карстового ландшафту добре відома. Автор пропонує подивитись на карстовий ландшафт як на окрему еволюційну стадію карстового мегациклу, котрий розглядається як типове синергетичне явище

    Ewolucja globastemy i współczesna geografia

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    The author concentrates on the methodological bases of contemporary geography. According to his point of view, contemporary geography has been experienced an identity crisis. Based on the macroevolutionary conception, the author tries to find out the “comprehensive idea” of geography, identify its object and subject of its research, prove the fundamental character of geography as a science, consider it in the context of other “systemological” sciences and illustrate its theoretical (scientific, in terms of outlook) and practical significance.Artykuł skupia się na metodologicznych podstawach współczesnej geografii. Zdaniem autora, współczesna geografia przeżywa kryzys tożsamości. W oparciu o koncepcję makroewolucji, autor próbuje ustalić przewodnią ideę geografii, zidentyfikować przedmiot i podmiot jej badań, promuję geografię jako naukę o charakterze fundamentalnym, rozpatruje ją w kontekście systemologicznym oraz pokazuje jej teoretyczne (naukowe, światopoglądowe) oraz praktyczne znaczenie

    Quantitative estimation of 3D cave networks complexity using random walk analysis

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    The paper presents a new method of quantitative parameterization of volumetric-net geomorphological structures with the use of random walk formalism and an analysis of self-similarity exponent distribution derived from random walk experiments. As examples, two American three-dimensional Wind and Lechuguilla cave networks were elaborated. The provided methodology is able to uniquely characterize the morphology of cave systems

    Random walk analysis of cave maps for exemplary gypsum caves-mazes of Western Ukraine

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    The paper presents a new method of quantitative parameterization of net geomorphological structures with the use of random walk formalism and an analysis of Hurst exponent distribution derived from random walk experiments. As examples, horizontally developed gypsum caves were elaborated. The provided methodology is able to uniquely characterize cave systems

    Origin of the palaeokarst in Miocene evaporites on the SW periphery of the Eastern European Platform in the light of palynological studies : a case study of the Zoloushka Cave, Bukovina, Western Ukraine

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    The Zoloushka Cave belongs to a group of the largest gypsum caves in Western Ukraine (Bukovina region), developed in the middle Miocene (upper Badenian) evaporite series (Tyras Formation) on the SW periphery of the East European Platform. It is developed in the lower part of the evaporite series composed of gypsum, which is covered by a carbonate layer (Ratyn Limestone). The uneven upper surface of the gypsum at the contact with the limestone, the frequent occurrence of palaeokarst forms, and the presence of karstified fissures filled with allochthonous material indicate a sedimentation break between the gypsum and the overlying limestone. To support this thesis and to add new data on the age and palaeoenvironmental conditions of palaeokarst formation in the Bukovina region, palynological studies were carried out on material from the Zoloushka Cave. Palynofacies, sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts were studied. In total, over 70 sporomorph taxa and over 25 dinoflagellate cyst taxa have been identified in four samples collected from the filling of the palaeokarstic forms in the cave. The results of the analysis of sporomorphs and dinoflagellate cysts point to the formation of the palaeokarst during the sedimentation break that took place at the end of the late Badenian evaporitic cycle in the Western Ukraine region. The subsequent marine transgression led to the filling of the karst forms in gypsum with chemogenic carbonate material, precipitated from marine water (draperies) and with fine-grained, clastic material (pockets and fissures)