43 research outputs found

    New Generation of High-Energy Chemical Propellants Based on Nano-Components

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    A possibility of designing propellant, in which the energy of intermolecular interaction in addition to chemical energy can be used, is considered. Application fine nano-components (clusters) in similar propellants is supposed. The method, which is based on positions of nanothermodynamics, is developed for determination of thermodynamic functions of similar particles (enthalpy, chemical potential, chemical affi nity in relation to various environments etc.). It is considered that for set of particles positions of classical and statistical thermodynamics are to the full right. Application of optimizing procedure is discussed. The standard system of readout, ideology of В«supramoleculeВ» and principles of statistical thermodynamics are applied to searching nanoparticles thermodynamic functions. The comparative analysis of this method and the method of quantum chemistry is carried out. Effi ciency of the suggested method is demostrated. Results of calculations have allowed drawing a conclusion that use of fi ne nano-components allows increasing essentially an energy potential of the propellants. High activity of fi ne nanoparticles results in rather high probability of coagulation of these particles and their interaction with environment. It is obvious that realization of this phenomena leads to sharp falling of a store of fine nanoparticles energy. Thus, a considerable problem at developing propellants on the basis of the specifi ed components is stabilization of nanoparticles. The analysis of various ways of this problem solution is carried out. It is shown that the method of steric (polymeric) stabilization of nano-particles is preferable. The estimation of stabilized nanoparticles characteristics and of stabilizing polymer weight is carried out. It is shown that application of polymeric coverings insignifi cantly reduces an energy potential of nanoparticles. The results obtained allow estimating the possibilities and operation conditions of different propellants

    Backscattering of Ultrasonic Waves as the Basis of the Method of Control of Structure and Physicо-Mechanical Properties of Cast Irons

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    Increasing the reliability of control of cast iron structure and its physical and mechanical characteristics is an important scientific and technical task of the machine-building industry. The paper studies the possibilities of controlling the structure of cast irons using structural noise created by ultrasonic scattering on graphite inclusions of different shapes. The subject of the present studies was such characteristics of structural noise as amplitude-temporal A(t) and as root mean square value of the amplitude of the ultrasonic waves backscattering field AN, compared with the data on ultrasonic velocity and strength or tensile strength of cast iron samples. As a result of the studies, a significant difference between the amplitude parameters of the AN structural noise obtained for samples with different shapes of graphite inclusions at 5 MHz was revealed for the first time. So, for example, for samples of gray cast iron (Russian: СЧ10, СЧ15, СЧ20, СЧ25), having predominantly plate-like form of graphite inclusions, the value of AN on 14–15 dB exceeds that measured in high-strength specimens of the cast iron with the prevailing form of spherical graphite inclusions ВЧ50 (Russian), etc. At the same time growth of longitudinal ultrasonic velocity amounted to 20–25 %. The method of rejection of gray cast iron from high-strength cast iron according to the data of amplitude parameters of structural noise AN at unilateral and local sounding of the object without using an additional reference signal reflected from its oppositional wall is suggested

    Обратное рассеяние ультразвуковых волн как основа метода контроля структуры и физико-механических свойств чугунов

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    Increasing the reliability of control of cast iron structure and its physical and mechanical characteristics is an important scientific and technical task of the machine-building industry. The paper studies the possibilities of controlling the structure of cast irons using structural noise created by ultrasonic scattering on graphite inclusions of different shapes. The subject of the present studies was such characteristics of structural noise as amplitude-temporal A(t) and as root mean square value of the amplitude of the ultrasonic waves backscattering field AN, compared with the data on ultrasonic velocity and strength or tensile strength of cast iron samples. As a result of the studies, a significant difference between the amplitude parameters of the AN structural noise obtained for samples with different shapes of graphite inclusions at 5 MHz was revealed for the first time. So, for example, for samples of gray cast iron (Russian: СЧ10, СЧ15, СЧ20, СЧ25), having predominantly plate-like form of graphite inclusions, the value of AN on 14–15 dB exceeds that measured in high-strength specimens of the cast iron with the prevailing form of spherical graphite inclusions ВЧ50 (Russian), etc. At the same time growth of longitudinal ultrasonic velocity amounted to 20–25 %. The method of rejection of gray cast iron from high-strength cast iron according to the data of amplitude parameters of structural noise AN at unilateral and local sounding of the object without using an additional reference signal reflected from its oppositional wall is suggested.Повышение надёжности контроля структуры чугунов и их физико-механических характеристик является важной научно-технической задачей машиностроительной промышленности. В работе изучены возможности контроля структуры чугунов, используя структурный шум, создаваемый рассеянием ультразвуковых колебаний на графитовых включениях разной формы. Предметом настоящих исследований являлись такие характеристики структурного шума как амплитудновременные А(t) и среднеквадратичные амплитуды AN волн рассеяния, сопоставляемые с данными по скорости ультразвуковых колебаний, а также прочностью или временным сопротивлением на растяжение образцов чугунов. В результате исследований впервые выявлено существенное различие между амплитудными параметрами структурного шума AN, полученными для образцов с разной формой графитовых включений на частоте 5 МГц. Так, например, для образцов серого чугуна (СЧ10, СЧ15, СЧ20, СЧ25), имеющих преимущественно пластинчатую форму графитовых включений, величина AN на 14–15 дБ превышает ту, что измерена в высокопрочных чугунах с превалирующей формой включений графита шаровидной формы – ВЧ50. При этом, рост продольной скорости ультразвука с увеличением временного сопротивления составил ≈ 20–25 %. Предложен метод отбраковки серого чугуна от высокопрочного по данным амплитудных параметров структурного шума AN при одностороннем и локальном прозвучивании объекта без использования дополнительного опорного сигнала, отражённого от его оппозитной стенки

    Analysis and synthesis of solutions for the agglomeration process modeling

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    The present work is devoted development of model of agglomerating process for propellants based on ammonium perchlorate (AP), ammonium dinitramide (ADN), HMX, inactive binder, and nanoaluminum. Generalization of experimental data, development of physical picture of agglomeration for listed propellants, development and analysis of mathematical models are carried out. Synthesis of models of various phenomena taking place at agglomeration implementation allows predicting of size and quantity, chemical composition, structure of forming agglomerates and its fraction in set of condensed combustion products. It became possible in many respects due to development of new model of agglomerating particle evolution on the surface of burning propellant. Obtained results correspond to available experimental data. It is supposed that analogical method based on analysis of mathematical models of particular phenomena and their synthesis will allow implementing of the agglomerating process modeling for other types of metalized solid propellants

    Microstructure Effects in Aluminized Solid Rocket Propellants

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    Experiments concerning the ballistic characterization of several nanoaluminum (nAl) powders are reported. Most studies were performed with laboratory composite solid rocket propellants based on ammonium perchlorate as oxidizer and hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene as inert binder. The ultimate objective is to understand the flame structure of differently metallized formulations and improve their specific impulse efficiency by mitigating the twophase losses. Ballistic results confirm, for increasing nAl mass fraction or decreasing nAl size, higher steady burning rates with essentially the same pressure sensitivity and reduced average size of condensed combustion products. However, aggregation and agglomeration phenomena near the burning surface appear noticeably different for microaluminum ( Al) and nAl powders. By contrasting the associated flame structures, a particle-laden flame zone with a sensibly reduced particle size is disclosed in the case of nAl. Propellant microstructure is considered the main controlling factor. A way to predict the incipient agglomerate size for Al propellants is proposed and verified by testing several additional ammonium perchlorate/hydroxyl-terminated polybutadiene/aluminum formulations of industrial manufacture

    Condensed combustion products from burning of nanoaluminum-based propellants: properties and formation mechanism

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    The experimental results obtained within a joint international research effort regarding the formation of condensed combustion products from nanoaluminum-based solid propellants (SPs) are reported. Data on the size, structure, chemical composition, and quantity of condensed combustion products (CCPs) as well as conditions of their formation are discussed. On the basis of the collected experimental data, a general physical picture of condensed combustion products formation is portrayed. The results of this study allow carrying out the analysis of good quality propellants using nanoaluminum