113 research outputs found

    New records of Aphid Parasitoids (Hymenoptera, Braconidae, Aphidiinae) from Turkey

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    Aphid parasitoid, as one of the most important natural enemies of aphid, has been sporadically studied in Turkey. Our findings should contribute to better knowledge of the Turkish and Near East aphidiins fauna. All specimens were collected by sweeping from western and northern Turkey, especially from Marmara and the Black Sea region during the 1989–2004 period. We present new data for Aphidiinae of Turkey and Near East which include eight new species (Toxares deltiger Hal., Aphidius urticae Hal., Ephedrus lacertosus (Hal.), Lipolexis gracilis Först., Monoctonus crepidis (Hal.), Praon abjectum (Hal.), Praon longicorne Marsh., Praon pubescens Starý) and two new genera (Toxares and Lipolexis). We pointed out basal position ofT. deltiger within Aphidiinae with emphasis on several plesiomorphous character states, such as braconid type of wing venation, large number of longitudinal placodes on flagellomeres 1 and 2 and short and triangular ovipositor sheath.We presumed the small fovea on median part of mesonotum in T. deltiger as an apomorphic character. Newly recorded species will help estimate their possible role in agroecosystems of targeted areas

    Variability of pomological characteristics of the Šumatovka apple

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    Variability refers to a process by which differences occur among individuals of the same plant species. However, some characteristics change very little while others, especially quantative ones, change rather quickly and readily even when environmental conditions change slightly. This fact has prompted an investigation aimed to establish the variability of pomological characteristics of the Šumatovka cv. apple tree, a rather old and autochthonous cultivar grown widely throughout Eastern Serbia. Its special characteristic is an ability to grow and bear fruit without any particular care and cultivation, and in conditions of especially severe water deficiency and drought. Šumatovka cv. fruits are small- or medium-sized on the average, the length Measuring 51.3 ± 6.62 mm (CV 12.9%), width 55.5 ± 6.35 mm (CV 11.4%), pedicel lenght 19.5 ± 3.2 mm (CV 16.4%) and fruit mass 66.0 ±20.6 g (CV 31.3%). Total soluble dry matter content of the mesocarp varies between 15.6 and 1.92% (CV 12.31%), total sugars 14.3 ± 4.7% (CV 32.8%) and total sour substances 0.95 ± 0.11% (CV 18.6%). Especially examined were the large-sized Šumatovka fruits measuring 72.0 mm in lenght and width, and 169.4 g in mass

    Aflatoxin B1-induced changes of glutathione-S-transferase activity in the plasma and liver of the rat

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    The influence of low doses of aflatoxin B1 (AFB1) and partial hepatectomy (PH) on glutathione-S-transferase (GST) activity was studied in the plasma and liver of the rat. Methods. The animals were divided into four groups. The first (I) and the second (II) group were treated with AFB1 freshly dissolved in dimethyl sulphoxide (DMSO), and administered as a single intraperitoneal dose of 50 mg/rat 24 hrs after the rats had undergone either sham operation or, 40% PH, respectively. The third group (III) of animals was treated with a total dose of 1 mg AFB1 - 5 days per week during a period of 8 weeks. The non-treated animals were used as controls (C). Results. We observed a significant increase of GST activity in the plasma of all experimental groups compared to the controls (C), (p<0.02 to p<0.005). In the liver, the GST activity of all experimental groups was also significantly increased, compared to the controls (from p<0.02 to p<0.005). Conclusion. The administration of both single and multiple doses of AFB1 led to long term increase of GST activity in the rat plasma and liver, and partial hepatectomy had no significant effect on this phenomenon.Ispitivan je uticaj niskih doza aflatoksina B1 (AFB1) i parcijalne hepatektomije (PH) na aktivnost glutation-S-transferaze (GST) u plazmi i jetri pacova. Metode. Životinje su podeljene u četiri grupe. Prva (I) i druga (II) grupa su tretirane AFB1 prethodno sveže rastvaranim u dimetilsulfoksidu (DMSO) i davanim u jednoj intraperitonealnoj dozi od 50 mg po pacovu (24 časa posle izvršene lažne operacije ili 40% PH). Treća grupa (III) bila je tretirana ukupnom dozom od 1 mg AFB1, pet puta nedeljno tokom osam nedelja. Životinje koje nisu tretirane predstavljale su kontrolnu grupu (C). Rezultati. Značajno povećanje GST aktivnosti (p<0,02 - p<0,005) u poređenju sa kontrolnom grupom, utvrđeno je i u plazmi i u jetri svih ispitivanih grupa pacova. Zaključak. Dobijeni rezultati pokazuju da jednokratna, kao i višekratna primena niskih doza AFB1 dovodi do dugotrajne indukcije aktivnosti GST u plazmi i jetri pacova, te da parcijalna hepatektomija nema veći uticaj na ovaj fenomen.nul

    Vrste roda Aphidius nees (hymenoptera, braconidae, aphidiinae) u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori - tritrofičke zajednice i ključ

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    In the present paper we review 26 Aphidius species from 162 tritrophic associations in Serbia and Montenegro. Aphidius species were reared from over 64 aphid hosts. A key for the identification of species is provided.U radu je dat pregled 26 vrsta roda Aphidius sa 162 različite trofičke zajednice u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori dobijene gajenjem preko 64 afidna domaćina. Dat je i originalni ključ za identifikaciju vrsta roda Aphidius