27 research outputs found

    Photosensitive Bent-Core Compounds with Azo-Group Attached to the Central Ring

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    We prepared and studied bent-core liquid crystalline (LC) compounds based on 1,3-disubstituted benzene in a central part and azo-linkage attached directly to this bent core. We designed three structures and checked their mesogenic properties, as well as photosensitivity. We found that two studied compounds revealed columnar LC mesophases, which we transformed to the isotropic phase under the illumination of UV light. We concluded that only one type of structural motif was not mesogenic. For LC compounds, we established phases and phase transition temperatures based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) measurements and observations in a polarizing microscope. To confirm phase identification, X-ray studies were performed and structural parameters describing the columnar phases supplied

    Self-Assembling Behavior of Smart Nanocomposite System: Ferroelectric Liquid Crystal Confined by Stretched Porous Polyethylene Film

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    The control and prediction of soft systems exhibiting self-organization behavior can be realized by different means but still remains a highlighted task. Novel advanced nanocomposite system has been designed by filling of a stretched porous polyethylene (PE) film with pore dimensions of hundreds of nanometers by chiral ferroelectric liquid crystalline (LC) compound possessing polar self-assembling behavior. Lactic acid derivative exhibiting the paraelectric orthogonal smectic A* and the ferroelectric tilted smectic C* phases over a broad temperature range is used as a self-assembling compound. The morphology of nanocomposite film has been checked by Atomic Force Microscopy (AFM). The designed nanocomposite has been studied by polarizing optical microscopy (POM), differential scanning calorimetry (DSC), small and wide-angle X-ray scattering and broadband dielectric spectroscopy. The effect of a porous PE confinement on self-assembling, structural, and dielectric behavior of the chiral LC compound has been established and discussed. While the mesomorphic and structural properties of the nanocomposite are found not to be much influenced in comparison to that of a pure LC compound, the polar properties have been toughly suppressed by the specific confinement. Nevertheless, the electro-optic switching was clearly observed under applied electric field of low frequency (210 V, 19 Hz). The dielectric spectroscopy and X-ray results reveal that the helical structure of the ferroelectric liquid crystal inside the PE matrix is completely unwound, and the molecules are aligned along stretching direction. Obtained results demonstrate possibilities of using stretched porous polyolefins as promising matrices for the design of new nanocomposites

    New smectogens with ( S

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    Design of polar self-assembling lactic acid derivatives possessing submicrometre helical pitch

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    Several new lactic acid derivatives containing the keto linkage group far from the chiral part and short alkyl chains have been synthesized and characterised by polarising optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, as well as electro-optic and dielectric spectroscopy. The materials possess a self-assembling behaviour on the nanoscale level as they form polar smectic liquid crystalline mesophases, namely the orthogonal paraelectric SmA* and the tilted ferroelectric SmC* phases, in a broad temperature range down to room temperature. A short helical pitch (≈120–320 nm), relatively high spontaneous polarisation (≈150 nC/cm2) and reasonable tilt angle values have been determined within the temperature range of the tilted ferroelectric SmC* phase. The obtained results make the new materials useful for the advanced mixture design and for further utilisation in electro-optic devices based on the deformed helix ferroelectric effect

    Lactic acid derivatives with terphenyl molecular core

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    <p>New lactic acid derivatives, based on terphenyl molecular core laterally substituted by chlorine atom, have been synthesised and their liquid crystalline properties studied. We varied the molecular structure by prolonging the non-chiral chain and analysed the mesogenic properties with respect to its length. We found that all new compounds reveal the SmA*–SmC* phase sequence in an extremely broad temperature interval. The experimental techniques, namely the polarising optical microscopy, differential scanning calorimetry, x-ray diffraction and helical pitch measurements, have been applied to establish the physical properties. Studied compounds exhibit very high values of the spontaneous polarisation and the tilt angle grows continuously on cooling up to 42°. The pitch values drop down when prolonging the molecular non-chiral chain.</p

    Effect of the applied electric field on new cholesterics with extremely short pitch

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    <p>New lactic acid derivatives have been prepared and studied and found that they form cholesteric phase with the helix pitch length in interval 120–200 nm within a broad temperature range. Due to the positive dielectric anisotropy and the short pitch, the applied electric field causes reversible optical changes in planar cell, in which the applied electric field reorients the long molecular axis. Presence of short pitch and possibility to effectively affect electro-optical properties are promising from the point of view of specific applications.</p