11 research outputs found

    Frequencies of <i>HLA-DRB1-DQB1</i> blocks in 234 Mexican admixed individuals (468 haplotypes).

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    <p>Blocks of each ancestry (Amerindian, Caucasian, Caucasian shared with other populations, African and Asian) were defined as those found in original populations with H.F. >1,0%, and not found in other native human groups in frequencies higher than 1,0%. We consider <i>t</i> value must be ≄2.0 to denote statistically significant association and thus validate Δâ€Č (shaded values).<sup>†</sup> Similar to DQB1*05∶02 with a silent mutation at codon 133 cgg>cga.</p

    Extension of HLA Conserved Extended Haplotypes to <i>HLA-A</i> in 234 Mexican Admixed individuals.

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    <p>Blocks of each ancestry (Amerindian, Caucasian, Caucasian shared with other populations, African and Asian) were defined as those found in original populations with H.F. >1,0%, and not found in other native human groups in frequencies higher than 1,0%. We consider <i>t</i> value must be ≄2.0 to denote statistically significant association and thus validate Δâ€Č (shaded values).</p

    Principal component analysis (PCA) plot reveals a close genetic relationship of Mexican admixed individuals from Mexico City to Native American groups.

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    <p>Orange dots refer to African populations. Blue dots represent European samples. Green dots correspond to Asian human groups. Native American populations are represented by purple dots. Red figures are admixed populations from Mexico, with a star locating our Mexico City admixed sample. Proper references of each population group included in the analysis are given in the Materials and Methods section. Ire: Ireland, Eng: England, Ger: Germany, Aus: Austria; Spa: Spain, Ita: Italy, UK: United Kingdom, Fra: France, Gyp: Gypsy, Azo: Azores, Sao: SĂŁo TomĂ© Island, Cam: Cameroon, Mal: Mali, Zam: Zambia, KLu: Luo from Kenia, KNa: Nandi from Kenia, Sen: Senegal, Gui: Guinea Bissau, Ale: Aleut from Bering Island, Jap: Japan, Tzu: Taiwan, Han: south China, Ind: north India, Mly: Malasya, Vie: Vietnam, Tar: Tarahumara, Gil: Native Americans from Gila River, Yup: Yu’pik from Alaska, Mit: Mixtec from Oaxaca, Zap: Zapotec from Oaxaca, Mix: Mixe from Oaxaca, Ser: Seri from Sonora, Nav: Navajo from New Mexico, Uro: Uro from Titikaka Lake, Tob: Toba from Rosario, MMM: “Mexican Mestizo” sample, Gua: Guadalajara City, Mex: this study.</p

    Frequencies of <i>HLA-C-B</i> blocks in 234 admixed Mexican individuals (468 haplotypes).

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    <p>Blocks of each ancestry (Amerindian, Caucasian, Caucasian shared with other populations, African, and Asian) were defined as those found in original populations with H.F. >1,0%, and not found in other native human groups in frequencies higher than 1,0%. We consider <i>t</i> value must be ≄2.0 to denote statistically significant association and thus validate Δâ€Č (shaded values).</p>*<p>Similar to B*35∶01 with a mutation at codon 207 ggc>tgc (Gly>Cys).</p>§<p>Similar to C*03∶04 with a mutation at codon 189 gtg>atg (Val>Met).</p

    Genotypes, allele frequencies, and geographic locations of the Native American populations investigated.

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    1<p>Samples genotyped in present study  = 229;</p>2<p>Caution is needed regarding the classification of these modes of subsistence, since they are not stable over time and may not be unique. However, the two categories adopted here (agriculturalist and hunter-gatherer/forager) represent general pre-Columbian subsistence conditions of the investigated populations in accordance with what is known about them. AMOVA results: (a) Among the subdivisions (<i>F<sub>CT</sub></i>): 3.6% (<i>p</i> = 0.000); (b) Among populations within the Mesoamerican Agriculturalist subdivision (<i>F<sub>ST</sub>):</i> 1.8% (<i>p</i> = 0.008); (c) Among populations within the South American hunter-gatherer/forager subdivision: 5.3% (<i>p</i> = 0.005); Among populations within the Andean Agriculturarist group: 0% (<i>p</i> = 0.36).</p