9 research outputs found
The suggested proximate mechanism underlying decision-making in male <i>A. tabida</i>.
<p>While mating a virgin female increases the tendency to stay on the patch, consequently increasing patch residence time, re-mating an already mated female has no impact on the residence time.</p
Estimated regression coefficients (<i>β</i>) and hazard ratios (exp (<i>β</i>)) for covariates of the Cox model on the patch-leaving tendency of males <i>A. tabida</i> in a patch of females.
<p>Estimated regression coefficients (<i>β</i>) and hazard ratios (exp (<i>β</i>)) for covariates of the Cox model on the patch-leaving tendency of males <i>A. tabida</i> in a patch of females.</p
The main motivation-based mechanisms of decision-making described for female parasitoids.
<p>In the incremental mechanism, motivation level increases with an oviposition while in the decremental mechanism, motivation level decreases with an oviposition, leading to a shorter patch residence time with the latter. In both cases, the organism leaves the patch when its motivation level reaches a threshold.</p
Estimated regression coefficients (<i>β</i>) and hazard ratios (exp (<i>β</i>)) for covariates of the Cox model on the patch-leaving tendency of males <i>A. tabida</i> in a patch previously visited by females.
<p>Estimated regression coefficients (<i>β</i>) and hazard ratios (exp (<i>β</i>)) for covariates of the Cox model on the patch-leaving tendency of males <i>A. tabida</i> in a patch previously visited by females.</p
The experimental set-up used to determine the impact of mating on males' patch residence time.
<p><b>A</b>. Two virgin females are attached by the leg to alcohol-washed hair (dashed line) on a delimited patch (grey area). <b>B</b>. A picture of a free male approaching a virgin tethered female in a patch.</p
Effect of gamma irradiation dose applied to <i>D</i>. <i>suzukii</i> males on the fertility of males and females of the F1 generation.
<p>Effect of gamma irradiation dose applied to <i>D</i>. <i>suzukii</i> males on the fertility of males and females of the F1 generation.</p
The sterile insect technique for the management of the spotted wing drosophila, <i>Drosophila suzukii</i>: Establishing the optimum irradiation dose - Fig 2
<p><b>Effect of irradiation dose on longevity of <i>D</i>. <i>suzukii</i> (A) males and (B) females when flies had access to food and water.</b> Significance were measured with Mantel-Cox log-rank test (P>0.05).</p
Effect of irradiation dose on <i>D</i>. <i>suzukii</i> fecundity (number of eggs oviposited in one week per ten couples) when either males or females were irradiated.
<p>Significance was measured with a Linear mixed model for irradiated males (P>0.05) and a Poisson generalized linear model for irradiated females (P<0.0001).</p
Effect of irradiation dose on percent <i>D</i>. <i>suzukii</i> adult emergence and percentage deformed adults.
<p>Significances were measured with binomial generalized linear models (P> 0.05).</p