4 research outputs found

    Ajuste sexual e imagen corporal en mujeres mastectomizadas por c谩ncer de mama

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    El objetivo del presente estudio es analizar las repercusiones que tiene la mastectom铆a por c谩ncer de mama sobre la adaptaci贸n psicosexual y la imagen corporal de las mujeres. Se eval煤an a 60 mujeres mastectomizadas (30 llevaban operadas menos de un a帽o y otras 30 m谩s de un a帽o); de otro lado, se evaluaron 30 mujeres sanas como grupo control. Se utilizaron como instrumentos de medida: las Escalas de Excitaci贸n y Satisfacci贸n del S.A.I.-Expanded, la Subescala de Autoconcepto F铆sico de la Escala de Autoconcepto de Tennessee y una entrevista estructurada creada para esta investigaci贸n. Entre los resultados destacamos la inexistencia de diferencias entre los tres grupos en cuanto a excitaci贸n y satisfacci贸n sexuales, ni en frecuencia de relaciones sexuales o de orgasmos, ni en autoconcepto f铆sico. No obstante, porcentajes cercanos al 50% de mujeres expresaron que tras la mastectom铆a estuvieron preocupadas por la reanudaci贸n de las relaciones sexuales, que tuvieron miedo al rechazo de la pareja y que hab铆an notado una disminuci贸n de su inter茅s sexual. Asimismo, hay un n煤mero significativamente mayor en ambos grupos de mujeres mastectomizadas que no reciben caricias en la zona del pecho por parte de sus parejas, manifiestan m谩s problemas relacionados con la propia desnudez y tienen una valoraci贸n m谩s negativa de su atractivo f铆sico. Concluimos que las mujeres mastectomizadas presentan alteraciones en la sexualidad y en la imagen corporal que perduran transcurrido el primer a帽o desde la mastectom铆a cuando no hay intervenci贸n psicol贸gica.The aim of the present study is to analyze the effects that a mastectomy, due to breast cancer, has on the psychosexual adjustment and body image of women. On the one hand, sixty mastectomized women were assessed (thirty of them had been operated on less than one year ago, and the other thirty women had been operated on more than one year ago); on the other hand, thirty healthy women were assessed as a control group. The following measuring instruments were used: The Sexual Arousal and Satisfaction Scales of S.A.I.-Expanded, the Subscale of Physical Self-concept of the Self-concept Scale of Tennessee and a structured interview created by us. In the results, we did not find any statistically significant differences among the groups as regards sexual arousal and satisfaction, nor in the frequency of sexual encounters or orgasms, or in physical self-concept. Nevertheless, about fifty per cent of women expressed that after the mastectomy they were worried about the resumption of their sexual encounters, they were afraid of being rejected by their partners and they had noticed a decrease in sexual interest. Likewise, there is a significantly greater major number in both groups of mastectomized women who do not receive any caresses from their partners in the area of their breasts, who have more problems related to their own nakedness, and have a more negative assessment of their physical attractiveness. We concluded that the mastectomized women have alterations in sexuality and body image that remain after the first year after mastectomy, when there is no psychological intervention

    Intervenci贸n psicoterap茅utica grupal intensiva realizada en un entorno natural para el tratamiento del burnout en un equipo de enfermer铆a oncol贸gica

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    This pilot study aims to test the influence of a group psychotherapeutic intervention on stress and burnout in an oncology nursing team. The psychological intervention consisted of implementing a package for stress inoculation, mainly using cognitive-behavioral techniques. The intervention is carried out intensively, through the coexistence of the group for three days in an accommodation located in a natural mountain environment. We used a quasi-experimental design of two groups (experimental and control) with pre and post-treatment measures. The experimental group was composed of nine members of the nursing team that received the psychological treatment and the control group was composed of eleven professionals from other teams of oncology nursing. The dependent variables considered were, on one hand anxiety and depression (evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and, on the other hand, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal fulfilment (evaluated by the Maslach Burnout Inventory). The experimental group improved significantly in anxiety (Z = -2.44, P = 0.015, d = 0.71), personal fulfilment (Z =-2.54, P= 0.011, d=-1.29) and emotional exhaustion (Z=-2.08; p=0.037; d=0.94) one month post -treatment. In the pre-treatment, The experimental group showed burnout levels higher than the control group, particularly with regard to the lack of personal personal fulfilment (U=14, P = 0.006, d = -1.61), mainly regarding the lack of personal fulfillment (U=14; p=0.006; d=-1.61). in fact the experimental group had requested psychological intervention. In fact, the experimental group had requested psychological intervention. After the therapeutic experience, the values of the dependent variables were equal in both groups. One year after the intervention, the treated group is still having a significant positive effect on the personal fulfilment (Z=-2.24; p=0.025; d=-1.15) and on the depersonalization (Z=-2.23; p=0.026; d=0.52). We conclude that an intensive program of group cognitive behavioral therapy in a natural setting outside the hospital can be an effective strategy of burnout treatment in oncology nurses.Este estudio piloto tiene como objetivo valorar la influencia que tiene la intervenci贸n psicoterap茅utica grupal sobre el estr茅s y el burnout en un equipo de enfermer铆a oncol贸gica. La intervenci贸n psicol贸gica consisti贸 en la aplicaci贸n de un paquete para la inoculaci贸n al estr茅s, utilizando principalmente t茅cnicas cognitivo-conductuales, llev谩ndose a cabo de forma intensiva, a trav茅s de la convivencia del grupo durante tres d铆as en un alojamiento situado en un entorno natural de monta帽a. Utilizamos un dise帽o cuasi-experimental de dos grupos (experimental y control) con medidas pre y post-tratamiento. El grupo experimental estaba compuesto por los nueve miembros del equipo de enfermer铆a que recibi贸 el tratamiento psicol贸gico y el grupo control estuvo compuesto por once profesionales de otros equipos de enfermer铆a oncol贸gica. Las variables dependientes consideradas fueron, de un lado, ansiedad y depresi贸n (evaluadas con la Escala Hospitalaria de Ansiedad y Depresi贸n) y, de otro lado, cansancio emocional, despersonalizaci贸n y realizaci贸n personal (evaluadas con el Maslach Burnout Inventory). Los resultados muestran que transcurrido un mes de la intervenci贸n psicoterap茅utica grupal, en el grupo de tratamiento se hab铆a producido una mejor铆a significativa de la ansiedad (Z=-2,44; p=0,015; d=0,71) y de la realizaci贸n personal (Z=-2,54; p=0,011; d=-1,29), igualmente se produjo en este per铆odo un gran efecto positivo sobre el cansancio emocional (Z=-2,08; p=0,037; d=0,94). En el pre-tratamiento el grupo experimental manifestaba mayores signos de desgaste profesional que el grupo control, principalmente en lo referido a la falta de realizaci贸n personal (U=14; p= 0,006; d=-1,61), de hecho hab铆a demandado la intervenci贸n psicol贸gica. Tras la experiencia terap茅utica se produjo una equiparaci贸n en los valores de las variables dependientes consideradas entre los grupos, respecto a la situaci贸n pre-tratamiento. Al a帽o de la intervenci贸n, en el grupo tratado sigue habiendo un efecto positivo importante sobre la realizaci贸n personal (Z=-2,24; p=0,025; d=-1,15) y sobre la despersonalizaci贸n (Z=-2,23; p=0,026; d=0,52). Concluimos que el tratamiento cognitivo-conductual grupal, intensivo realizado en un medio natural, ajeno al hospital, puede tener notables ventajas para el tratamiento del desgaste profesional en personal de enfermer铆a oncol贸gica

    Intensive group psychotherapy intervention in a natural environment for the treatment of burnout in an oncology nursing team

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    This pilot study aims to test the influence of a group psychotherapeutic intervention on stress and burnout in an oncology nursing team. The psychological intervention consisted of implementing a package for stress inoculation, mainly using cognitive-behavioral techniques. The intervention is carried out intensively, through the coexistence of the group for three days in an accommodation located in a natural mountain environment. We used a quasi-experimental design of two groups (experimental and control) with pre and post-treatment measures. The experimental group was composed of nine members of the nursing team that received the psychological treatment and the control group was composed of eleven professionals from other teams of oncology nursing. The dependent variables considered were, on one hand anxiety and depression (evaluated by the Hospital Anxiety and Depression Scale) and, on the other hand, emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, and personal fulfilment (evaluated by the Maslach Burnout Inventory). The experimental group improved significantly in anxiety (Z = -2.44, P = 0.015, d = 0.71), personal fulfilment (Z =-2.54, P= 0.011, d=-1.29) and emotional exhaustion (Z=-2.08; p=0.037; d=0.94) one month post -treatment. In the pre-treatment, The experimental group showed burnout levels higher than the control group, particularly with regard to the lack of personal personal fulfilment (U=14, P = 0.006, d = -1.61), mainly regarding the lack of personal fulfillment (U=14; p=0.006; d=-1.61). in fact the experimental group had requested psychological intervention. In fact, the experimental group had requested psychological intervention. After the therapeutic experience, the values of the dependent variables were equal in both groups. One year after the intervention, the treated group is still having a significant positive effect on the personal fulfilment (Z=-2.24; p=0.025; d=-1.15) and on the depersonalization (Z=-2.23; p=0.026; d=0.52). We conclude that an intensive program of group cognitive behavioral therapy in a natural setting outside the hospital can be an effective strategy of burnout treatment in oncology nurses

    Adaptaci贸n psicosexual en mujeres mastectomizadas por c谩ncer de mama

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    El estudio se centra en las consecuencias del c谩ncer de mama y sus tratamientos sobre la adaptaci贸n psicosexual, la autovaloraci贸n del propio f铆sico y el nivel de ansiedad, y en la influencia del transcurso del tiempo desde la mastectom铆a sobre la presencia de problemas en estas 谩reas. Se eval煤an a 60 pacientes -30 llevaban menos de un a帽o mastectomizadas y 30 m谩s de uno- y a 30 mujeres sanas. Los resultados apoyan la idea de que las mastectomizadas tienen un nivel de adaptaci贸n psicosexual comparable al de las mujeres sanas; no obstante, reciben menos caricias en la zona del pecho por parte de sus parejas. Asimismo manifiestan m谩s problemas relacionados con la propia desnudez, una valoraci贸n m谩s negativa de su propio f铆sico y una mayor tendencia a presentar reacciones extremas de ansiedad (bajas y altas). La incidencia de estos problemas no mejora tras el primer a帽o de la operaci贸n. Tambi茅n se pone de manifiesto la influencia que tienen sobre la adaptaci贸n psicosexual, la satisfacci贸n con el propio f铆sico y el nivel de ansiedad