5 research outputs found

    Systematic review on long-term adverse effects of inhaled corticosteroids in the treatment of COPD

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    MPOC; TabaquismeEPOC; TabaquismoCOPD; SmokingInhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) are indicated for the prevention of exacerbations in COPD; however, a significant proportion of patients at low risk of exacerbations are treated with ICSs. We conducted a systematic review including a diversity of types of study designs and safety outcomes with the objective of describing the risk of adverse effects associated with the long-term use of ICSs in patients with COPD. A total of 90 references corresponding to 83 studies were included, including 26 randomised clinical trials (RCTs), 33 cohort studies, and 24 nested case–control (NCC) studies. Analysis of 19 RCTs showed that exposure to ICSs for ≥1 year increased the risk of pneumonia by 41% (risk ratio 1.41, 95% CI 1.23–1.61). Additionally, cohort and NCC studies showed an association between ICSs and risk of tuberculosis and mycobacterial disease. There was a strong association between ICS use and local disorders such as oral candidiasis and dysphonia. The association between ICSs and the risk of diabetes and fractures was less clear and appeared significant only at high doses of ICSs. Since most patients with COPD are elderly and with frequent comorbidities, an adequate risk–benefit balance is crucial for the indication of ICSs.This study was funded by an unrestricted grant from Boehringer Ingelheim

    Systematic review on long-term adverse effects of inhaled corticosteroids in the treatment of COPD

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    Altres ajuts: Boehringer IngelheimAltres ajuts: European Respiratory Society (ERS)Inhaled corticosteroids (ICSs) are indicated for the prevention of exacerbations in COPD; however, a significant proportion of patients at low risk of exacerbations are treated with ICSs. We conducted a systematic review including a diversity of types of study designs and safety outcomes with the objective of describing the risk of adverse effects associated with the long-term use of ICSs in patients with COPD. A total of 90 references corresponding to 83 studies were included, including 26 randomised clinical trials (RCTs), 33 cohort studies, and 24 nested case-control (NCC) studies. Analysis of 19 RCTs showed that exposure to ICSs for ⩾1 year increased the risk of pneumonia by 41% (risk ratio 1.41, 95% CI 1.23-1.61). Additionally, cohort and NCC studies showed an association between ICSs and risk of tuberculosis and mycobacterial disease. There was a strong association between ICS use and local disorders such as oral candidiasis and dysphonia. The association between ICSs and the risk of diabetes and fractures was less clear and appeared significant only at high doses of ICSs. Since most patients with COPD are elderly and with frequent comorbidities, an adequate risk-benefit balance is crucial for the indication of ICSs

    Developing a core outcome set for future infertility research : An international consensus development study

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    STUDY QUESTION: Can a core outcome set to standardize outcome selection, collection and reporting across future infertility research be developed? SUMMARY ANSWER: A minimum data set, known as a core outcome set, has been developed for randomized controlled trials (RCTs) and systematic reviews evaluating potential treatments for infertility. WHAT IS KNOWN ALREADY: Complex issues, including a failure to consider the perspectives of people with fertility problems when selecting outcomes, variations in outcome definitions and the selective reporting of outcomes on the basis of statistical analysis, make the results of infertility research difficult to interpret. STUDY DESIGN, SIZE, DURATION: A three-round Delphi survey (372 participants from 41 countries) and consensus development workshop (30 participants from 27 countries). PARTICIPANTS/MATERIALS, SETTING, METHODS: Healthcare professionals, researchers and people with fertility problems were brought together in an open and transparent process using formal consensus science methods. MAIN RESULTS AND THE ROLE OF CHANCE: The core outcome set consists of: viable intrauterine pregnancy confirmed by ultrasound (accounting for singleton, twin and higher multiple pregnancy); pregnancy loss (accounting for ectopic pregnancy, miscarriage, stillbirth and termination of pregnancy); live birth; gestational age at delivery; birthweight; neonatal mortality; and major congenital anomaly. Time to pregnancy leading to live birth should be reported when applicable. LIMITATIONS, REASONS FOR CAUTION: We used consensus development methods which have inherent limitations, including the representativeness of the participant sample, Delphi survey attrition and an arbitrary consensus threshold. WIDER IMPLICATIONS OF THE FINDINGS: Embedding the core outcome set within RCTs and systematic reviews should ensure the comprehensive selection, collection and reporting of core outcomes. Research funding bodies, the Standard Protocol Items: Recommendations for Interventional Trials (SPIRIT) statement, and over 80 specialty journals, including the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility Group, Fertility and Sterility and Human Reproduction, have committed to implementing this core outcome set. STUDY FUNDING/COMPETING INTEREST(S): This research was funded by the Catalyst Fund, Royal Society of New Zealand, Auckland Medical Research Fund and Maurice and Phyllis Paykel Trust. The funder had no role in the design and conduct of the study, the collection, management, analysis or interpretation of data, or manuscript preparation. B.W.J.M. is supported by a National Health and Medical Research Council Practitioner Fellowship (GNT1082548). S.B. was supported by University of Auckland Foundation Seelye Travelling Fellowship. S.B. reports being the Editor-in-Chief of Human Reproduction Open and an editor of the Cochrane Gynaecology and Fertility group. J.L.H.E. reports being the Editor Emeritus of Human Reproduction. J.M.L.K. reports research sponsorship from Ferring and Theramex. R.S.L. reports consultancy fees from Abbvie, Bayer, Ferring, Fractyl, Insud Pharma and Kindex and research sponsorship from Guerbet and Hass Avocado Board. B.W.J.M. reports consultancy fees from Guerbet, iGenomix, Merck, Merck KGaA and ObsEva. C.N. reports being the Co Editor-in-Chief of Fertility and Sterility and Section Editor of the Journal of Urology, research sponsorship from Ferring, and retains a financial interest in NexHand. A.S. reports consultancy fees from Guerbet. E.H.Y.N. reports research sponsorship from Merck. N.L.V. reports consultancy and conference fees from Ferring, Merck and Merck Sharp and Dohme. The remaining authors declare no competing interests in relation to the work presented. All authors have completed the disclosure form

    Síntesis de la evidencia científica sobre algunos aspectos controversiales en el tratamiento neoadyuvante del cáncer de mama no metastásico

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    Antecedents: El càncer de mama és el tipus de càncer més freqüent en les dones a tot el món. El 2020 va ocupar el cinquè lloc quant a mortalitat. Entre els tractaments utilitzats, la quimioteràpia neoadjuvant és un enfocament generalitzat que permet reduir la mida del tumor primari, fer canvis més primerencs en els esquemes de tractament i avaluar més aviat l'eficàcia clínica. Objectius: Avaluar críticament, les evidències disponibles dels estudis primaris i les revisions sistemàtiques sobre l'efectivitat i la seguretat del tractament dual amb quimioteràpia neoadjuvant en pacients amb càncer de mama no metastàtic, així com el rendiment d'una prova diagnòstica utilitzada de manera habitual a aquestes pacients. A més, brindar evidència útil i generar recomanacions sobre aquests temes. Mètodes: La Tesi es presenta com a compendi de publicacions de tres revisions sistemàtiques. En el primer estudi es va comparar l'eficàcia i la seguretat del tractament neoadjuvant dual versus la monoteràpia per a pacients amb càncer de mama HER2 positiu. A la segona i tercera revisions comparem l'exactitud diagnòstica de la biòpsia selectiva de gangli sentinella amb la dissecció axil·lar en pacients amb càncer de mama que han rebut tractament neoadjuvant, i específicament en el subgrup amb càncer de mama gangli positiu al diagnòstic i negatiu després del tractament neoadjuvant. Es van seguir les directrius metodològiques de la Col·laboració Cochrane. Per determinar la qualitat de l'evidència es va fer servir l'enfocament GRADE i es va desenvolupar un marc d'Evidència per a la presa de decisions (EtD). Resultats: La primera revisió sistemàtica va incloure 11 assaigs clínics aleatoritzats i 11 estudis de seguiment relacionats, amb un total de 2836 pacients. Aquesta revisió va trobar que, en general, el tractament dual es va associar amb més probabilitat d'aconseguir una resposta patològica completa. El tractament dual pot donar lloc a un augment dels resultats de supervivència i la resposta clínica del tumor, encara que aquests beneficis no van ser consistents per a totes les combinacions estudiades. Per tant, concloem que l'ús de doble bloqueig amb combinacions de trastuzumab i pertuzumab es pot recomanar per al tractament neoadjuvant de dons amb càncer de mama HER2 positiu. El resum de revisions inclourà sis revisions sistemàtiques. La taxa de falsos negatius (TFN) i la taxa d'identificació del gangli sentinella (TIGC) van ser consistents, situant-se entre el 13% i el 14%, amb una TIGC d'aproximadament el 90% o més. A la tercera revisió sistemàtica s'inclouran 20 estudis, amb un total de 3485 pacients. La TFN agrupada va ser de 0,14 i la TIGC va ser de 0,89. El valor predictiu negatiu de la biòpsia va ser de 0,83 i la seva exactitud va ser de 0,92. El doble mapatge es va associar a una millor TIGC. Conclusions: L'ús de doble bloqueig amb combinacions de trastuzumab i pertuzumab probablement beneficia els pacients amb càncer de mama HER2 positiu. Tot i això, encara cal informació sobre la seva efectivitat en subgrups de pacients amb diferents perfils de risc i subtipus de càncer de mama específics, així com comptar amb informació sobre l'acceptabilitat. A més, cal ampliar els estudis sobre biomarcadors i la seva funció en la predicció de la resposta i la supervivència. Seria raonable suggerir la realització d'una biòpsia de gangli sentinella en pacients tractats amb NACT, ajustant el procediment a determinats requisits tècnics. Les guies de pràctica clínica i les revisions sistemàtiques han de basar-se en una metodologia sòlida, com la proposta per la Col·laboració Cochrane. A més, al procés de síntesi de l'evidència s'han d'incorporar habitualment els criteris GRADE i el marc d'evidència per a la presa de decisions (EtD).Antecedentes: El cáncer de mama es el tipo de cáncer más frecuente en las mujeres en todo el mundo. En 2020 ocupó el quinto lugar entre los tipos de cáncer que causaron más fallecimientos. Dentro de la gran variedad de tratamientos para el cáncer de mama, la quimioterapia neoadyuvante es un enfoque generalizado que permite reducir el tamaño del tumor primario, realizar cambios más tempranos en los esquemas de tratamiento y facilita una evaluación más temprana de la eficacia clínica. Objetivos: Evaluar críticamente, las evidencias disponibles de los estudios primarios y las revisiones sistemáticas sobre la efectividad y la seguridad del tratamiento dual con quimioterapia neoadyuvante en pacientes con cáncer de mama no metastásico, así como el rendimiento de una prueba diagnóstica utilizada de manera habitual en estas pacientes. Además, brindar evidencia útil y generar recomendaciones sobre estos temas. Métodos: La Tesis se presenta como compendio de publicaciones y se incluyen tres revisiones sistemáticas. En el primer estudio se comparó la eficacia y seguridad del tratamiento neoadyuvante dual versus la monoterapia para pacientes con cáncer de mama HER2 positivo. En la segunda y tercera revisiones comparamos la exactitud diagnóstica de la biopsia selectiva de ganglio centinela con la disección axilar en pacientes con cáncer de mama que han recibido tratamiento neoadyuvante, y específicamente en el subgrupo de pacientes con cáncer de mama ganglio positivo al diagnóstico y negativo después del tratamiento neoadyuvante. Se utilizó una metodología de revisión sistemática de la literatura, y se siguieron las directrices metodológicas de la Colaboración Cochrane. Para determinar la calidad de la evidencia se utilizó el enfoque GRADE y se desarrolló un marco de Evidencia para la toma de decisiones (EtD). Resultados: La primera revisión sistemática incluyó 11 ensayos clínicos aleatorizados y 11 estudios de seguimiento relacionados, con un total de 2836 pacientes. Esta revisión encontró que, en general, el tratamiento dual se asoció con una mayor probabilidad de lograr una respuesta patológica completa, así como a un aumento en los resultados de supervivencia y la respuesta clínica del tumor, aunque dichos beneficios no fueron consistentes para todas las combinaciones. Se concluyó que el uso de doble bloqueo con combinaciones de trastuzumab y pertuzumab puede recomendarse para el tratamiento neoadyuvante de mujeres con cáncer de mama HER2 positivo. El resumen de revisiones incluyó seis revisiones sistemáticas. La tasa de falsos negativos (TFN) y la tasa de identificación del ganglio centinela (TIGC) fueron consistentes, situándose entre el 13% y el 14%, con una TIGC de aproximadamente el 90% o más. En la tercera revisión sistemática, que incluyó 20 estudios con 3485 pacientes, la TFN agrupada fue de 0,14 y la TIGC fue de 0,89. El valor predictivo negativo de la biopsia fue de 0,83 y su exactitud fue de 0,92. El doble mapeo se asoció a una mejor TIGC. Conclusiones: El uso de doble bloqueo con combinaciones de trastuzumab y pertuzumab probablemente beneficia a las pacientes con cáncer de mama HER2 positivo, aunque aún se necesita información sobre su efectividad en pacientes con diferentes perfiles de riesgo y subtipos de cáncer de mama, así como sobre la aceptabilidad. Se deben ampliar los estudios sobre biomarcadores y su función en la predicción de la respuesta y la supervivencia. Es posible realizar una biopsia de ganglio centinela en pacientes tratadas con NACT, ajustando el procedimiento a determinados requisitos técnicos que probablemente se asocien a un mejor desempeño. Desde el punto de vista metodológico se debe insistir en que tanto las guías de práctica clínica como las revisiones sistemáticas deben basarse en una metodología sólida, e incorporar de manera habitual los criterios GRADE y el marco EtD.Background: Breast cancer is the most common type of cancer in women worldwide. In 2020, it ranked fifth among the types of cancer that caused the most deaths. Within the wide variety of treatments for breast cancer, neoadjuvant chemotherapy is a widespread approach that allows shrinking of the primary tumor, earlier changes to treatment regimens, and earlier assessment of clinical efficacy. Objectives: To critically evaluate the available evidence from primary studies and systematic reviews on the effectiveness and safety of dual treatment with neoadjuvant chemotherapy in patients with non-metastatic breast cancer, as well as the performance of a diagnostic test commonly used in these patients. In addition, provide useful evidence and generate recommendations on these issues. Methods: Methods: The Thesis is presented as a compendium of publications and three systematic reviews are included. The first study compared the efficacy and safety of dual neoadjuvant therapy versus monotherapy for patients with HER2-positive breast cancer. In the second and third reviews we compared the diagnostic accuracy of selective sentinel node biopsy with axillary dissection in patients with breast cancer who have received neoadjuvant treatment, and specifically in the subgroup of patients with node-positive and negative breast cancer at diagnosis. after neoadjuvant treatment. A systematic literature review methodology was used, and the methodological guidelines of the Cochrane Collaboration were followed. The GRADE approach was used to determine the quality of the evidence and an Evidence for Decision (EtD) framework was developed. The first systematic review included 11 randomized clinical trials and 11 related follow-up studies, with a total of 2836 patients. This review found that, overall, dual therapy was associated with a higher chance of achieving pathological complete response, as well as increased survival outcomes and clinical tumor response, although these benefits were not consistent for all trials. combinations. It was concluded that the use of double blockade with combinations of trastuzumab and pertuzumab can be recommended for the neoadjuvant treatment of women with HER2-positive breast cancer. The summary of reviews included six systematic reviews. The false negative rate (TFN) and the sentinel node identification rate (SNIR) were consistent, ranging from 13% to 14%, with SNIR of approximately 90% or higher. In the third systematic review, which included 20 studies with 3485 patients, the pooled GFR was 0.14 and the GIRT was 0.89. The negative predictive value of the biopsy was 0.83 and its accuracy was 0.92. Double mapping was associated with better TIGC. Conclusions: The use of double blockade with combinations of trastuzumab and pertuzumab probably benefits patients with HER2-positive breast cancer, although information is still needed on its effectiveness in patients with different risk profiles and subtypes of breast cancer, as well as on the acceptability. Studies on biomarkers and their role in predicting response and survival should be expanded. It is possible to perform a sentinel node biopsy in patients treated with NACT, adjusting the procedure to certain technical requirements that are probably associated with better performance. From the methodological point of view, it should be emphasized that both clinical practice guidelines and systematic reviews must be based on a solid methodology, and routinely incorporate the GRADE criteria and the EtD framework

    Estudios territoriales en México

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