11 research outputs found

    Effects of Elicitation on Invitro Regeneration of two Tomato (Solanum lycopersicum L.) Cultivars in Tissue Culture

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    Exploring alternative avenues, in vitro culture emerges as a promising option for potential bioactive compound sources. However, compared to intact plants, only a few cultures demonstrate efficient synthesis of secondary metabolites. Elicitors have gained prominence as stress agents for enhancing in vitro micropropagation in specific tissues, organs, and cells. Recent advancements in plant tissue culture involve elicitors, opening new possibilities for in vitro production of crucial food crops. This research aimed to investigate the impact of three elicitors (Activane®, Micobiol®, and Stemicol®) on germination and in vitro multiplication of two tomato cultivars explants, employing both direct and indirect in vitro organogenesis. Among the texted elicitors, Micobiol® emerged as a successful elicitor, promoting optimal seed germination, survival, and 100% growth compared to the 80% in the control group. Further, Activane® exhibited a favourable induction response and achieved 96%, 95%, and 100% in weight and diameter of callus, yet various elicitor concentrations did not exert significant influence across treatments. In conclusion, an effective disinfection and in vitro implantation of tomato seeds ensured successful germination, promoting seedling survival and growth. Various elicitors positively impacted in vitro organogenesis, particularly in root induction, with higher survival percentages in acclimatized plants. The study guides future research on elicitor treatments for large-scale tomato in vitro propagation, emphasizing the need to identify optimal elicitor concentrations

    The Impact of Elicitation on Potato (Solanum tuberosum L.) Production, Enzymatic and Antioxidant Activity in Nuevo León, Mexico

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    Many compounds available in the market act as elicitors and can be incorporated into agronomic management. But the focus is on elicitors frequently used for the induction of different responses related to the systemic resistance of plants to increase the production of bioactive metabolites, biomass accumulation, and yield. For that case, this work aimed to evaluate the effects of three elicitors on potato crops under field conditions. The potato cultivar "Fianna" was used, and a completely randomized design with four treatments and four repetitions. The effect of three elicitors at a dose of 2.5 g. L-1 for Activane®, 2.5 ml. L-1 for Micobiol® and 2.5 g. L-1 for Stemicol® was evaluated on growth, yield, enzymatic and antioxidant activity. Generally, the elicitors had a positive effect on the enzymes and antioxidant capacity of the potato plant. It was concluded that the application of elicitors Stemicol® (T4) had the most significant result on the number of tubers and weight per plant at harvest while allowing a more substantial number of tubers to be obtained. In comparison, Activane® (T2) influenced the growth variables of stem length and number of leaves per plant

    Caracterización fisicoquímica del agua residual urbano-industrial y su importancia en la agricultura

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    El agua residual urbano-industrial que se genera en el Valle de México se utiliza para el riego de diferentes cultivos en el Valle del Mezquital. El volumen aproximado de esta agua es de 56.60 m3/s. Se colectaron 102 muestras de agua en la primavera de 2013 a lo largo del sistema hidrográfico Gran Canal Oriente D.F-Zumpango-Ixmiquilpan-Alfajayucan- Zimapán. Los métodos analíticos que se utilizaron para determinar la composición iónica de las muestras de agua fueron los que están descritos en APHA (1995). El objetivo de esta investigación es la caracterización fisicoquímica de esta agua, para evaluar las relaciones funcionales PSIRAS or, RASaj, y RAScorr. El coeficiente de mg = af(CE) fue de a = 0.6989, este valor corresponde al tipo de agua de composición SO4-Cl-HCO3. El régimen fisicoquímico de ácido-alcalinidad fue de pH = 6.95-7.70-8.36. El contenido de NaHCO3 es de 0.23-4.66-11.09 mmolc l -1. El contenido de NaCl fue de 0.62-4.84-9.35 mmolc l-1. El coeficiente de la relación funcional I = af(CE) fue de a = 0.0116. Los valores de RASor son 1.24-12.91, RAScorr 1.30-15.57 y RASaj 1.70-26.20. Para el cálculo de la relación funcional PSI-RAS se utilizaron las reacciones químicas de equilibrio estequiométricas y heterogéneas; en estas reacciones se contempla la conservación de carga. Los valores de PSI en el campo coordenado PSI-RAS son RASor = 17.90, RAScorr = 20.83, RASaj = 30.69. En el manejo de la calidad del agua residual se debe determinar el RASaj para predecir el PSI que se encontrará en los espesores superficiales de los suelos, que es la zona de germinación y desarrollo de las plántulas de los diferentes cultivos

    Biodynamic preparations on static pile composting from prickly pear cactus and moringa crop wastes

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    Biodynamic agriculture, which considered biodynamic preparations (BP) and compost as essential to farms sustainability, surged as an alternative almost a century ago. Composting is a way to obtain either biofertilizers or soil amendments, whereas the static piles method reduces energy and cost because no turnings are needed. The present study aims to evaluate the BP effect on physical, chemical and biological properties of static piles compost from prickly pear cactus and moringa crop wastes (regional principal substrates) over 100 days of composting. The experiment was carried out in an organic farm (Nuevo León, Mexico) considering four treatments: T1, Prickly pear cactus+BP; T2, Moringa+BP; T3, Prickly pear cactus and T4, Moringa. Results showed significantly higher bacterial activity (p<0.05) in T1 (until 1.38x1010 CFU), therefore it had the highest temperatures and mineralization. Treatments with prickly pear cactus attained the highest temperatures, compared with those with moringa (significantly in 71% of total sampling days, p<0.05). An aerobic environment was maintained by the passive aeration system (holed PVC pipes placed at the bottom layer). The final material was considered to be sanitized, according to Enterobacteriaceae, Escherichia coli and Salmonella/Shigella analysis for quality control. Results indicate the BP efficiency on regional substrates decomposition, by using the static piles method

    Sustainability of the Soil Resource in Intensive Production with Organic Contributions

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    Organic agriculture is considered an alternative to sustainably preserve soil fertility. For 10 years, ongoing management with organic contributions was carried out in calcareous soil to support or increase fertility by applying 4 t ha&minus;1 of solid poultry manure to produce organic Nopal Verdura (Opuntia Ficus-Indica). In addition, during the 2018 cycle, corn was established as an alternative to diversify agricultural production; the crop was monitored by measuring agronomic variables and the normalized differential vegetation index to evaluate the development of different doses of organic inputs with poultry manure, foliar applications with biofertilizers, or in the irrigation system. The soil physical and chemical analysis was carried out from 2015 to 2020 to monitor nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and organic matter before planting and after harvest. The results indicated an increase in nitrogen (&gt;50%), calcium (&gt;130%), and magnesium (&gt;20%), while there was a decrease in phosphorus (50%), potassium (60%), and organic matter (18%). The agronomic management caused an increment of EC in the horizon Ap until 12.93 dS m&minus;1 at the end of each cycle due to the high ambient temperatures recorded and the inadequate irrigation water quality. We did not find significant differences (p &gt; 0.05) in agronomic variables of corn with diverse contributions to organic. However, we obtained a maximum corn yield of 3.9 t ha&minus;1 and nopal production of 143 t ha&minus;1, despite problems of salinity in the horizons Ap during the agricultural cycle. Overall, processed poultry manure is a sustainable source of macroelements for the production of organic crops in calcisols; however, it is necessary to focus on and counteract potassium depletion and the increase in EC through appropriate agronomic management, with organic contributions, both solid and liquid, to increase or sustain production

    Sustainability of the Soil Resource in Intensive Production with Organic Contributions

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    Organic agriculture is considered an alternative to sustainably preserve soil fertility. For 10 years, ongoing management with organic contributions was carried out in calcareous soil to support or increase fertility by applying 4 t ha−1 of solid poultry manure to produce organic Nopal Verdura (Opuntia Ficus-Indica). In addition, during the 2018 cycle, corn was established as an alternative to diversify agricultural production; the crop was monitored by measuring agronomic variables and the normalized differential vegetation index to evaluate the development of different doses of organic inputs with poultry manure, foliar applications with biofertilizers, or in the irrigation system. The soil physical and chemical analysis was carried out from 2015 to 2020 to monitor nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, magnesium, and organic matter before planting and after harvest. The results indicated an increase in nitrogen (>50%), calcium (>130%), and magnesium (>20%), while there was a decrease in phosphorus (50%), potassium (60%), and organic matter (18%). The agronomic management caused an increment of EC in the horizon Ap until 12.93 dS m−1 at the end of each cycle due to the high ambient temperatures recorded and the inadequate irrigation water quality. We did not find significant differences (p > 0.05) in agronomic variables of corn with diverse contributions to organic. However, we obtained a maximum corn yield of 3.9 t ha−1 and nopal production of 143 t ha−1, despite problems of salinity in the horizons Ap during the agricultural cycle. Overall, processed poultry manure is a sustainable source of macroelements for the production of organic crops in calcisols; however, it is necessary to focus on and counteract potassium depletion and the increase in EC through appropriate agronomic management, with organic contributions, both solid and liquid, to increase or sustain production

    Crecimiento y producción de biomasa de moringa (Moringa oleifera Lam.) bajo las condiciones climáticas del Noreste de México

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    El cultivo de Moringa oleifera Lam. representa una alternativa viable para producción de biomasa por tener un rápido crecimiento vegetativo; sin embargo, tanto el crecimiento del cultivo como la producción de biomasa, pueden tener variaciones de acuerdo con las condiciones climatológicas y edáficas en que se desarrolle el cultivo. El objetivo de la presente investigación fue: evaluar el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa en dos niveles de fertilización (0 y 400 kg de N ha-1 año-1), dos variedades de M. oleifera (vaina corta 24 cm y vaina larga 45 cm, dos densidades de población (11 y 33 plantas m-2) y dos alturas de planta al corte (145.7 y 178.4 cm), durante los años 2013 y 2014 bajo condiciones de riego por goteo. El experimento se realizó a cielo abierto en el estado de Nuevo León, México (25o 47’ 07.54’’ latitud Norte, 100o 17’ 03.93’’ longitud Oeste, altitud de 479 msnm), utilizando un diseño experimental de bloques al azar con cuatro repeticiones, con un arreglo factorial Taguchi de 24. La altura de planta registró relación positiva con la producción de biomasa. La densidad de población registró relación negativa al crecimiento, pero en la producción de biomasa registró relaciones positivas y negativas, dependiendo del periodo de crecimiento. Las variedades y la fertilización no registraron diferencias significativas en el crecimiento ni en la producción de biomasa. Se concluye que la altura de planta al corte y la densidad de población, afectan el crecimiento y la producción de biomasa de M. oleifera

    Extracción de mucílago, evaluación de la actividad antioxidante y el contenido total de fenoles de cuatro variedades de Opuntia ficus-indica

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    Los extractos de plantas son una rica fuente de compuestos naturales con propiedades antioxidantes, con potencial aplicación en la prevención o tratamiento de enfermedades crónico degenerativas de importancia en nuestro país. Los cladodios de Opuntia ficus-indica son una fuente de mucílago, un complejo de fitoquímicos y otros nutrientes, el cual podría representar un nutracéutico natural con una importante capacidad antioxidante. El objetivo del presente trabajo fue evaluar la técnica de extracción de licuado-centrifugado de Opuntia ficus-indica, con diferentes solventes, calculando el porcentaje de rendimiento de extracción, contenido total de fenoles y capacidad antioxidante como equivalentes de Trolox de diferentes variedades de O. ficus-indica. La técnica de extracción permitió obtener mucílagos con porcentajes de rendimiento mayores a 10 %. La variedad Jalpa presentó la mejor capacidad antioxidante con 0.616 µmoles ET/ g peso seco y un mayor contenido de fenoles con 10.35 ± 0.95 mg EAG/g peso seco. El mucílago obtenido tiene propiedades que lo recomiendan como un material natural que puede utilizarse como potencial antioxidante. DOI: https://doi.org/10.54167/tch.v18i2.139

    Foliar Application of Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles and Zinc Sulfate Boosts the Content of Bioactive Compounds in Habanero Peppers

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    The physiological responses of habanero pepper plants (Capsicum chinense Jacq.) to foliar applications of zinc sulphate and zinc nano-fertilizer were evaluated in greenhouse trials. The effect of the supplement on fruit quality of habanero pepper was particularly observed. Habanero pepper plants were grown to maturity, and during the main stages of phenological development, they were treated with foliar applications of Zn at concentrations of 1000 and 2000 mg L&minus;1 in the form of zinc sulfate (ZnSO4) and zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO NPs). Additional Zn was not supplied to the control treatment plants. ZnO NPs at a concentration of 1000 mg L&minus;1 positively affected plant height, stem diameter, and chlorophyll content, and increased fruit yield and biomass accumulation compared to control and ZnSO4 treatments. ZnO NPs at 2000 mg L&minus;1 negatively affected plant growth but significantly increased fruit quality, capsaicin content by 19.3%, dihydrocapsaicin by 10.9%, and Scoville Heat Units by 16.4%. In addition, at 2000 ZnO NPs mg L&minus;1 also increased content of total phenols and total flavonoids (soluble + bound) in fruits (14.50% and 26.9%, respectively), which resulted in higher antioxidant capacity in ABTS (2,2&prime;azino-bis(3-ethylbenzothiazoline-6-sulfonic acid)), DPPH (2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl), and FRAP (ferric reducing antioxidant power) (15.4%, 31.8%, and 20.5%, respectively). These results indicate that application of ZnO NPs could be employed in habanero pepper production to improve yield, quality, and nutraceutical properties of fruits

    Zinc Oxide Nanoparticles Boosts Phenolic Compounds and Antioxidant Activity of Capsicum annuum L. during Germination

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    The effects of zinc oxide nanoparticles on seed germination and seedling growth of Capsicum annuum L. were determined in this research. Total phenols content, total flavonoids, and condensed tannins, as well as 2,2-diphenyl-1-picrylhydrazyl (DPPH) antioxidant capacity was determined. Results indicated that treatment with zinc oxide nanoparticles (ZnO-NPs) improved seed germination rate during the first seven days. The seed vigor germination increased 123.50%, 129.40% and 94.17% by treatment with ZnO-NPs suspensions at 100, 200 and 500 ppm, respectively. The morphological parameters tested revealed that ZnO-NPs treatments did not significantly affect plumule development, but they had a significant impact (p ≤ 0.01) on radicle length. Suspensions at 100, 200 and 500 ppm of ZnO-NPs inhibited seedling radicle growth and promoted accumulation of phenolic compounds, with a phytotoxic effect in this organ. Results suggested that zinc oxide nanoparticles influence seed vigor and seedling development and promoted the accumulation of desirable phenolic compounds in the radicle