177 research outputs found

    HDL Design for Exa Hertz Clock Based 2e10-1 Exa Bits Per Second (Ebps) PRBS IP Core Generator for Ultra High Speed Wireless Communication Products

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    The Design is mainly Intended for High Speed Random Frequency Carrier Wave Generator of 1 Ebps Data Rate using 2e10-1 Tapped PRBS Pattern Sequence. The PRBS is Designed by using LFSR Linear Feed Back Shift Register & XOR Gate with Specific Tapping Points as per CCITT ITU Standards. RTL Design Architecture Implemented by using VHDL &/ Verilog HDL, Programming & Debugging Done by using Spartan III FPGA Kit. Transmission done through this carrier frequency. Propagation Carrier Done either Serially / Parallel lines I/O. DOI: 10.17762/ijritcc2321-8169.15015

    Gold Market Analyzer using Selection based Algorithm

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    Gold is the most important and valuable element right from its discovery. It is the most significant element at present and also the most valuable asset to. In the present market scenario the investors use gold as the security for their shares investment. During International trade all the countries use gold as their main mode of transaction. It is seen that all the currencies accepted by the International market are having the gold as the backup for their economy. The prices of gold are rising day by day continuously. As we see in the history of gold market the present prices of gold are much high as compare to the past values and that's why the gold market has attracted the most attention. The paper focus on the continuous changing in the gold rates, investment policies depend on the forecasting of trends in gold which will help the data mining companies to minimize the risk The description of the future situation on the basis of present trends is just not limited to the forecasting the prices. The knowledge discovers by the data mining techniques is gathered from the different gold related websites and also from the jewellers database. It is much more important for the ornaments making companies to know the demand and the requirements for the ornaments during the unstable (uncertain) market conditions. For the classification purpose the maid and sale database was gathered from the nearest jewellery shops of the past 5 years. The prediction is done after complete analysis of the gathered data set. With this the paper concentrate on making the information available about the government and private schemes related to gold market on one place. The paper proposes the system that gives the total access to the registered user and limited access to the unregistered user to get the required information of gold. The latest updates are provided to the registered user by sending mail or text message when the user was offline

    Survey Paper on CP-ABE cloud computing

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    In attribute based encryption (ABE) scheme, attributes plays a very important role. Attribute –based encryption provides privacy protection for the users by a set of attributes. Now a days as cloud is most widely used in mostly all fields so there is need of keeping data more secure and confidential which is outsourced on the cloud. Security of the data in cloud database server is the key area of concern in the acceptance of cloud. It is required very high degree of privacy and authentication. In existing system used hierarchical authorization structure to reduce the burden and risk of a single authority .this paper proposes a hierarchical attribute based encryption which directly provides attribute value by user as well as data stored in different types of media

    Effect of High Pressure Coolant on Surface Finish In Turning Operation,

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    Abstract: Present study focuses on effect of high pressure coolant on surface finish of EN8 material during turning operation. In industry common practices is to use low pressure coolant up to 10 bar. In the present experimentation, instead of low pressure, high pressure coolant of 10 bar to 70 bar is used. The experimentation is done on CNC machine during turning operation of a particular job of EN8 material. It is concluded that increase of pressure results improved surface finish to considerable level

    A Review and an Approach of Flying Electric Generators as Alternate Source of Energy

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    This paper presents a review of flying electric generators which are used to harness kinetic energy in powerful, persistent high altitude winds. It has been found that FEGs could give individual output of up to 40MW. It is a lighter wind turbine that rotates about a horizontal axis in response to wind, generating electrical energy. This electrical energy is transferred down for immediate use, or to a set of batteries for later use, or to the power grid. This paper presents the critical analysis of existing literature which is relevant to flying electric generator Though, the literature consists of a lot many research contributions, but, here, we have analyzed some important research and review papers. The existing approaches are categorized based on the basic concepts involved in the mechanisms. The emphasis is on the concepts used by the concerned authors, the database used for experimentations and the performance evaluation parameters. Their claims are also highlighted. Finally, the findings are summarized related to the studied and analyzed research papers. Paper concludes with the motivation behind identified problem

    A Review and an Approach of Water Pollution Indication using Arduino Uno

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    Drinking water is critical for the wellbeing and prosperity of all people and creatures because water play major role in all living beings and most danger disease are caused by water and it is our duty to provide clean and safe water and also to monitor the pollution level in water it is additionally essential for farming utilization for good product yielding and natural way of life linkage wellbeing issues. With over 200 children dying per day due to unsafe water, drinking water crisis is ranked one on the global risk by World Economic Forum, 2015. This paper presents an easy and comprehensive methodology is microcontroller sensor based system continuous observing and pollution recognition for both drinking and non-drinking water dissemination frameworks and in addition for customer locales

    Automatic Overhead Water Tank Cleaning System: A Review and an Approach

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    Aim of this paper is to develop a mechanical system for cleaning domestic cylindrical water tank. The mechanical system includes two main mechanisms which are rack and pinion gear mechanism and reciprocating four bar linkage mechanism. The rack and pinion arrangement is used to move whole mechanical system up and down for cleaning the cylindrical tank. The rack is fixed on the motor and the four-bar mechanism is attached to the motor shaft. PVC brushes are attached to the ends of the four-bar linkage. Four bar linkage is made in such a way that it can be adjusted according to inside diameter of the tank. When the motor is started the linkage rotates and with the help of brushes, cleaning of wall and base of tank takes place. The purpose of this project is to reduce the human efforts and to avoid the chemical influence on health of person entering the tank for cleaning. In this modern world, cleaning of overhead tanks manually is a tedious job. To overcome this we have aimed at tackling the disadvantages of cleaning overhead tanks, so an automatic system overhead tank cleaning is designed to provide high safety, high efficiency, less time for cleaning and to avoid environmental pollution problems. Purpose of this paper is to clean domestic cylindrical water tank with the help of mechatronics system. The mechatronics system consists of a grooved gear rod attached to two arms with brushes at ends. The two arms are connected to the gear rod by nut. By rotating the gear rod, the up and down motion of the two arms is achieved. The gear rod is rotated with the help of a D.C gear motor. The main grooved shaft is powered by an A.C motor. The motor and the shaft are connected by a rubber belt. The clockwise rotation of the main shaft will make the arms move and vice versa. The whole operation is controlled by a circuit consisting of relay switches, buttons, and PIC microcontroller. The number of times for the operation to repeat can be fed into the circuit. The achievement of this project is reduction of cost and manual labour because there will be harmful diseases for the person who will go inside and it will affect the health as well as the other human being who consumes water from the tank

    A New Fuzzy C Means for Brain Image Segmentation Using Anisotropic Diffused Regularization

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    ABSTRACT Medical Imaging is the technique and a process used to create images of the human body for clinical or medical science. Magnetic Resonance (MR) Brain image segmentation plays an important role in neurosurgical planning and clinical diagnosis. MR image is segmented using Fuzzy C means (FCM) method, the objective function of FCM is modified by a regularizing function called Total Variation (TV)FCM. The proposed robust image regularization Anisotropic Diffusion Total Variation (ADTV) regularization method focuses on smoothing the images and reducing the steps by reinterpreting the traditional TV regularization. The method preserves the discontinuities and also continues to smooth along line like features in the MR images and the comparison of proposed scheme with classical TV demonstrates the performance improvement. The method shows the consistent improvement in the reconstruction of images. The method is combined with the FCM and the results of segmentation are improved
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