84 research outputs found

    Akustik nörinom ve travmatik fasyal sinir paralizisinde Tos ve Thomsen'in translabirenter yaklaşımı: Olgu sunumları

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    Tos ve Thomsen'in translabirenter yaklaşımı House'ın standart translabirenter yaklaşımından bazı farklılıklar içerir. Özellikle meatus ve porusta fasyal sinirin diseksiyonu Tos ve Thomsen'in tekniğinde daha güvenlidir. Bu raporda Tos ve Thomsen'in translabirenter yaklaşımının uygulandığı 30 mm'lik akustik tümörü olan ve konuşmayı algılama eşği 70 dB olan 50 yaşındaki bir hasta ile travmatik total fasyal paralizili ve total işitme kaybı olan 19 yaşındaki bir hastanın cerrahi tedavi sonuçları sunulmuştur. İki yıldan uzun takip sonucunda her iki hastada da herhangi bir komplikasyon olmadığı ve yaşamlarında herhangi bir kısıtlama gerekmediği görüldü. Her iki hastada da normal fasyal sinir fonksiyonu vardı ve akustik nörinomlu hastada da en son MRG'de rekürrens saptanmadı.The translabyrinthine approach recommended by Tos and Thomsen has several different aspects compared to the standard method of the translabyrinthine approach recommended by House. Especially, the dissection of facial nerve in the meatus and porus is safer in the Tos and Thomsen's technique. In this report, results of the translabyrinthine approach of Tos and Thomsen in a 50-year-old patient with a 30 mm acoustic tumor (SRT: 70dB) and a 19-year-old patient with traumatic total facial nerve paralysis and hearing loss are presented. The examination over two years of follow-up revealed that both of the patients had no complications without any restrictions in their life. Both of the patients have normal facial nerve function and there is no recurrence in the MRI scan of the acoustic neuroma patient

    Editor Responsibility and Scientific Integrity During the COVID-19 Outbreak

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    Sex and Gender Equity in Research: Rationale Fort He Sager Guidelines and Recommended Use

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    DergiPark: 689290trakyasobedBackground: Sex and gender differences are often overlooked in research design, study implementation and scientific reporting, as well as in general science communication. This oversight limits the generalizability of research findings and their applicability to clinical practice, in particular for women but also for men. This article describes the rationale for an international set of guidelines to encourage a more systematic approach to the reporting of sex and gender in research across disciplines.Methods: A panel of 13 experts representing nine countries developed the guidelines through a series of teleconferences, conference presentations and a 2-day workshop. An internet survey of 716 journal editors, scientists and other members of the international publishing community was conducted as well as a literature search on sex and gender policies in scientific publishing.Results: The Sex and Gender Equity in Research (SAGER) guidelines are a comprehensive procedure for reporting of sex and gender information in study design, data analyses, results and interpretation of findings.Conclusions: The SAGER guidelines are designed primarily to guide authors in preparing their manuscripts, but they are also useful for editors, as gatekeepers of science, to integrate assessment of sex and gender into all manuscripts as an integral part of the editorial process.Arkaplan: Cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet farklılıkları genel bilim iletişiminde olduğu gibi araştırma tasarımında, çalışma uygulamasında ve bilimsel raporlamada çoğu kez göz ardı edilir. Bu durum, araştırma bulgularının genelleştirilebilirliği ve bunların klinik uygulamaya uygulanabilirliğini öncellikle kadınlar için, ancak aynı zamanda erkekler için de sınırlamaktadır. Bu makale disiplinlerarası araştırmalarda cinsiyet raporlamaya daha sistematik bir yaklaşımı teşvik etmek için geliştirilen uluslararası yönergelerin gerekçesini açıklamaktadır.Yöntem: Dokuz ülkeyi temsil eden 13 uzmanın katıldığı bir panel, bir dizi telekonferans, konferans sunumları ve 2 günlük bir çalıştay aracılığıyla yönergeler geliştirildi. 716 dergi editörüne, bilim insanlarına ve uluslararası yayıncılık topluluğunun diğer üyelerine internet aracılığıyla anket yapıldı ve aynı zamanda bilimsel yayıncılıkta cinsiyet politikaları üzerine literatür taraması gerçekleştirildi.Bulgular: Araştırmalarda Cinsiyet ve Toplumsal Cinsiyet Eşitliği (Sex and Gender Equity in Research: SAGER) yönergeleri, çalışma tasarımında cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet bilgilerinin raporlanması, veri analizleri, sonuç ve bulguların yorumlanması için kapsamlı bir prosedürdür.Sonuç: SAGER yönergeleri öncelikle yazarlara çalışmalarını hazırlamada rehberlik etmek üzere tasarlanmıştır. Aynı zamanda, bilimin bekçileri olan editörlerin de cinsiyet ve toplumsal cinsiyet kavramlarının değerlendirmesini editöryal sürecin ayrılmaz bir parçası olarak, tüm çalışmalara dahil etmeleri açısından da yararlı olacaktır

    Role of Language Criteria in the Sustainability of Scientific Journals: Analysis of Psychiatry Journals in Türkiye

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    The dominance of English in scientific papers and the use of English in locally funded research may hinder local comprehension and raise concerns about transitioning from vernacular languages to a universal language in scholarly journals. Additionally, the impact of publication language on journal sustainability is an intriguing area requiring further investigation. This study investigated how the publication languages of 42 Turkish psychiatric journals published between 2010-2023 impact journal sustainability. It examined the effect of publication languages and language changes on sustainability by analyzing information from the DergiPark platform, TR Index, and journal websites. Among the analyzed journals, 8 have ceased publication, while 34 continue. The terminated journals include 3 with Turkish articles, 2 with English articles, and 3 with both Turkish and English articles. Among the 34 ongoing journals in 2023, 3 only accepts Turkish publications, 8 only accept English publications, 22 accept both Turkish and English publications, and 1 accepts both Turkish and English versions of each article. The Turkish-only journal is not indexed by any major indexes. Of the eight English-only journals, one is SCI-Expanded and TR Index, three are indexed by TR Index and DOAJ, three are indexed by TR Index and one is not indexed by any major index. Among the 22 journals publishing in both languages, one is indexed by all the major indexes, four by TR Index and DOAJ, two by DOAJ and six by TR Index only, nine are not indexed by any major index. The use of the local language in journal publications may adversely affect the journal's sustainability, but it is not solely determined by indexing and citation in major index. Furthermore, publishing in English does not guarantee citations from international journals or ensure the long-term viability of the journal

    A new technique in cholesteatoma surgery: CHAT

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    Amaç: Heermann’ın “kıkırdak palisad timpanoplastisi“ ve Tos’un “modifiye kombine yaklaşım timpanoplastisi“ ile ilgili yapmış olduğumuz çalışmalar sonucu geliştirdiğimiz Kombine Heermann ve Tos tekniği (Combined Heermann And Tos: CHAT) ile yaygın kolesteatoma tedavisi yaptığımız hastalar analiz edildi. Hastalar ve Yöntemler: Kombine Heermann ve Tos tekniği uygulanan 35 hastanın 37 kulağı çalışmaya alındı. Her hastada arka-üst kemik anulus genişce turlanıp, transmeatal attikotomi ve arka duvarının korunduğu kortikal mastoidektomi yapıldı. Kolesteatoma çıkarıldıktan sonra gerekirse ossiküloplasti yapıldı ve kulak zarındaki perforasyon, kemik anulus ve skutumdaki açıklık palisad tekniği ile onarıldı. Son kontrolde otoskopik bulgular değerlendirilip, odyolojik bulgular ameliyattan öncekilerle karşılaştırıldı (Eşleştirilmiş t-testi). Bulgular: Ortanca yaş 33 (6-57), ortalama takip süresi 30 ay (aralık: 6-60; standart sapma: 19) idi. Hiçbir kulakta ameliyat öncesi ve sonrası komplikasyon yoktu. Biri lokal, toplam iki rekürrens (%5) saptandı (eradikasyon: %95). Ameliyat öncesi ve son kontroldeki işitme eşiği ortalaması 45 dB (standart sapma: 14) ve 35 dB (standart sapma: 16) (p<0.0001) ve hava-kemik yolu aralığı 29 dB (standart sapma: 11) ve 21 dB (standart sapma: 11) idi (p<0.001). Sonuç: Kombine Heermann ve Tos tekniğinin, tek aşamalı, canal wall up kapalı kavite bir teknik olmasına rağmen yaygın kolesteatoma eradikasyonunda oldukça başarılı olduğu, işitme açısından da tatminkar sonuçların elde edildiği görülmüştür.Objectives: Patients with extended cholesteatoma who underwent Combined Heermann And Tos (CHAT) technique, which we developed depending on our studies on Heermann&amp;#8217;s &amp;#8220;cartilage palisade tympanoplasty&amp;#8220; and Tos&amp;#8217; &amp;#8220;modified combined approach tympanoplasty&amp;#8220;, were analyzed. Patients and Methods: The study included 37 ears of 35 patients, in whom CHAT technique was performed. Posterior-superior bony annulus was widely drilled, transmeatal atticotomy and cortical mastoidectomy with preservation of posterior ear canal wall were performed in each patient. After ossiculoplasty, perforation of the eardrum, opening at bony annulus and scutum were reconstructed with the palisade technique. At the final evaluation, otoscopic and audiologic findings were evaluated and compared (Paired Sample t-test). Results: Median age was 33 (6-57), mean follow-up period was 30 months (range: 6-60; standard deviation: 19). There was no complication in any patient before or after the surgery. There was two (5%) recurrent cholesteatomas (eradication: 95%), one of which was local. The mean hearing and air-bone gap preoperatively versus in last evaluation were 45 (standard deviation: 14) vs 35 dB (standard deviation: 16) (p&lt;0.0001) and 29 (standard deviation: 11) vs 21 dB (standard deviation: 11), respectively (p&lt;0.001). Conclusion: We conclude that CHAT technique is quite successful in the eradication of extensive cholesteatoma with satisfactory results in hearing, although it is a one-stage, canal wall up closed technique

    Evaluation of ear, nose and throat involvement in pemphigus vulgaris in comparison with pemphigus severity scoring systems: a cross-sectional study

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    Pemphigus vulgaris (PV) frequently affects the mucous membranes of the ear, nose, and throat (ENT). Since ENT examination is not a routinely performed procedure, the exact involvement of PV remains unrecognized. The available severity scoring systems (Pemphigus Disease Area Index (PDAI) and Autoimmune Bullous Skin Disorder Intensity Score (ABSIS)) for PV do not include a full ENT examination. This study was designed to evaluate the real extent of PV in ENT areas and to find out the specific scores which indicate the need for ENT examination. The patients were evaluated for ENT manifestations by endoscopic examination whether or not they exhibited symptoms. PDAI, ABSIS, and ENT scores were calculated, and the results were compared for correlation and significance. The mucosal involvement was more severe when scored by ENT examination than when assessed by PDAI or ABSIS. The ENT score was significantly associated with symptoms and endoscopic findings, especially when PDAI ≥15 and/or ABSIS ≥17. ENT endoscopic examination could result in more accurate grading in PV. In particular, performing such an examination should be considered in patients, especially when PDAI ≥15 and/or ABSIS ≥17, regardless of ENT symptoms. </p