8 research outputs found

    Real time automatic scene classification

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    This work has been done as part of the EU VICAR (IST) project and the EU SCOFI project (IAP). The aim of the first project was to develop a real time video indexing classification annotation and retrieval system. For our systems, we have adapted the approach of Picard and Minka [3], who categorized elements of a scene automatically with so-called ’stuff’ categories (e.g., grass, sky, sand, stone). Campbell et al. [1] use similar concepts to describe certain parts of an image, which they named “labeled image regions”. However, they did not use these elements to classify the topic of the scene. Subsequently, we developed a generic approach for the recognition of visual scenes, where an alphabet of basic visual elements (or “typed patches”) is used to classify the topic of a scene. We define a new image element: a patch, which is a group of adjacent pixels within an image, described by a specific local pixel distribution, brightness, and color. In contrast with pixels, a patch as a whole can incorporate semantics. A patch is described by a HSI color histogram with 16 bins and by three texture features (i.e., the variance and two values based on the two eigen values of the covariance matrix of the Intensity values of a mask ran over the image. For more details on the features used we refer to Israel et al. [2]. We aimed at describing each image as a vector with a fixed size and with information about the position of patches that is not strict (strict position would limit generalization). Therefore, a fixed grid is placed over the image and each grid cell is segmented into patches, which are then categorized by a patch classifier. For each grid cell a frequency vector of its classified patches is calculated. These vectors are concate- nated. The resulting vector describes the complete image. Several grids were applied and several patch sizes with the grid cells were tested. Grid size of 3x2 combined with patches of size 16x16 provided the best system performance. For the two classification phases of our system, back-propagation networks were trained: (i) classification of the patches and (ii) classification of the image vector, as a whole. The system was tested on the classification of eight categories of scenes from the Corel database: interiors, city/street, forest, agriculture/countryside, desert, sea, portrait, and crowds. Each of these categories were relevant for the VICAR project. Based upon their relevance for these eight categories of scenes, we choose nine categories for the classification of the patches: building, crowd, grass, road, sand, skin, sky, tree, and water. This approach was found to be successful (for classification of the patches 87.5% correct, and classification of the scenes 73.8% correct). An advantage of our method is its low computational complexity. Moreover, the classified patches themselves are intermediate image representations and can be used for image classification, image segmentation as well as for image matching. A disadvantage is that the patches with which the classifiers were trained had to be manually classified. To solve this drawback, we currently develop algorithms for automatic extraction of relevant patch types. Within the IST project VICAR, a video indexing system was built for the Netherlands Institute for Sound and Vision1, consisting of four independent mod- ules: car recognition, face recognition, movement recognition (of people) and scene recognition. The latter module was based upon the afore mentioned approach. Within the IAP project SCOFI, a real time Internet pornography filter was built, based upon this approach. The system is currently running on several schools in Europe. Within the SCOFI filtering system, our image classification system (with a performance of 92% correct) works together with a text classi- fication system that includes a proxy server (FilterX, developed by Demokritos, Greece) to classify web-pages. Its total performance is 0% overblocking and 1% underblocking

    Multi-Level Visual Alphabets

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    A central debate in visual perception theory is the argument for indirect versus direct perception; i.e., the use of intermediate, abstract, and hierarchical representations versus direct semantic interpretation of images through interaction with the outside world. We present a content-based representation that combines both approaches. The previously developed Visual Alphabet method is extended with a hierarchy of representations, each level feeding into the next one, but based on features that are not abstract but directly relevant to the task at hand. Explorative benchmark experiments are carried out on face images to investigate and explain the impact of the key parameters such as pattern size, number of prototypes, and distance measures used. Results show that adding an additional middle layer improves results, by encoding the spatial co-occurrence of lower-level pattern prototypes

    Visual Alphabets: Video Classification by End Users

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    The work presented here introduces a real-time automatic scene classifier within content-based video retrieval. In our envisioned approach end users like documentalists, not image processing experts, build classifiers interactively, by simply indicating positive examples of a scene. Classification consists of a two-stage procedure. First, small image fragments called patches are classified. Second, frequency vectors of these patch classifications are fed into a second classifier for global scene classification (e.g., city, portraits, or countryside). The first stage classifiers can be seen as a set of highly specialized, learned feature detectors, as an alternative to letting an image processing expert determine features a priori. The end user or domain expert thus builds a visual alphabet that can be used to describe the image in features that are relevant for the task at hand.We present results for experiments on a variety of patch and image classes. The scene classifier approach has been successfully applied to other domains of video content analysis, such as content-based video retrieval in television archives, automated sewer inspection, and porn filtering

    Visual Alphabets: Video classification by end users

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    The work presented here introduces a real-time automatic scene classifier within content-based video retrieval. In our envisioned approach end users like documentalists, not image processing experts, build classifiers interactively, by simply indicating positive examples of a scene. Classification consists of a two-stage procedure. First, small image fragments called patches are classified. Second, frequency vectors of these patch classifications are fed into a second classifier for global scene classification (e.g., city, portraits, or countryside). The first stage classifiers can be seen as a set of highly specialized, learned feature detectors, as an alternative to letting an image processing expert determine features a priori. The end user or domain expert thus builds a visual alphabet that can be used to describe the image in features that are relevant for the task at hand.We present results for experiments on a variety of patch and image classes. The scene classifier approach has been successfully applied to other domains of video content analysis, such as content-based video retrieval in television archives, automated sewer inspection, and porn filtering

    Multi-Level Visual Alphabets

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    A central debate in visual perception theory is the argument for indirect versus direct perception; i.e., the use of intermediate, abstract, and hierarchical representations versus direct semantic interpretation of images through interaction with the outside world. We present a content-based representation that combines both approaches. The previously developed Visual Alphabet method is extended with a hierarchy of representations, each level feeding into the next one, but based on features that are not abstract but directly relevant to the task at hand. Explorative benchmark experiments are carried out on face images to investigate and explain the impact of the key parameters such as pattern size, number of prototypes, and distance measures used. Results show that adding an additional middle layer improves results, by encoding the spatial co-occurrence of lower-level pattern prototypes