47 research outputs found

    Yüksek seviyeli mimari (HLA) temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi

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    06.03.2018 tarihli ve 30352 sayılı Resmi Gazetede yayımlanan “Yükseköğretim Kanunu İle Bazı Kanun Ve Kanun Hükmünde Kararnamelerde Değişiklik Yapılması Hakkında Kanun” ile 18.06.2018 tarihli “Lisansüstü Tezlerin Elektronik Ortamda Toplanması, Düzenlenmesi ve Erişime Açılmasına İlişkin Yönerge” gereğince tam metin erişime açılmıştır.Benzetim, bir karar verme aracı olarak her zaman kullanılagelmiştir. Benzetimin en çok kullanıldığı alanların başında imalat gelmektedir. Ancak geleneksel benzetim teknikleri tek başına karmaşık dağıtık imalat problemlerini modellemeye yetmemektedir. Son yıllarda imalat süreci oldukça karmaşık hale geldiğinden ve çoğu zaman dağıtık ortamlarda gerçekleştirildiğinden dağıtık imalat benzetimi modellerine ihtiyaç duyulmaktadır. Farklı benzetim modellerini bir araya getirerek bilgi alışverişini gerçekleştirecek ortak mimariye olan ihtiyaç, başlangıçta askeri alanlarda ortaya çıkmıştır. Benzer ihtiyac, dağıtık imalat benzetiminde de hissedilmektedir. Böyle bir mimari benzetim modellerinin yeniden kullanılabilirlik ve karşılıklı işleyebilirlik özelliklerine sahip olmasını sağlayabilmelidir. Bununla birlikte, bilgi alışverişinde bulunacak olan benzetim modelleri farklı platformlarda, farklı ticari benzetim paketleriyle veya farklı uygulama yazılımları ile modellenmiş olabilmektedir. HLA, bu tür problemleri çözmekte kullanılabilecek dağıtık benzetim mimarisidir. Amerikan Savunma Bakanlığı tarafından askeri benzetim sistemlerinde kullanılmak üzere 1995'lerden itibaren geliştirilen bu mimari, imalatta ve diğer sivil alanlarda da uygulanmaktadır. 2000 yılında IEEE tarafından 1516 kodu ile dağıtık benzetim standardı olarak kabul edilmesiyle sivil alanlarda kullanımı yaygınlaşmıştır.Bu çalışmada HLA temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi ele alınmıştır. Dağıtık imalat benzetiminin yararları, HLA'nın imalatta kullanım gerekçesi, HLA temelli dağıtık imalat benzetimi geliştirmek için neler yapılması gerektiği açıklanmıştır. Çeşitli HLA temelli dağıtık imalat tasarım örnekleri verilmiştir. Örnek bir uygulama ile HLA'nın pratik olarak dağıtık imalat benzetiminde nasıl uygulandığı ortaya konulmuştur.Manufacturing is one of the areas where simulation is used more widely as a decision making tool. But traditional simulation techniques are not capable to simulate complex manufacturing systems. Since manufacturing processes became more complex and mostly performed in distributed environments, distributed manufacturing simulation models are needed. So, a common framework is required to integrate and exchange information of different manufacturing simulation models. The framework should have the capability of reusability and interoperability since simulation models could be modeled at different environments with different application programming languages. HLA can meet all of the requirements mentioned above. HLA was developed by American Department of Defense (DoD) since 1995 for military simulations, and after it was accepted as an IEEE standart (No:1516) in year 2000, HLA is being used not only for military simulations but also for civil applications.In this study HLA based distributed manufacturing simulation is examined. The benefits of distributed manufacturing simulation, reasons why HLA is used in manufacturing, what sould be done in order to develop HLA based distributed manufacturing simulation is explained in the study. It will also be put forward how HLA is implemented practically in distributed manufacturing simulation through a given scenario

    Location selection for wind plant using AHP and axiomatic design in fuzzy environment

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    Electricity consumption of the world has been increasing due to increasing population and production amounts, developing technology and increasing automation level. Studies show that the increase will continue in the future and the supply and demand amount should increase depending on the changing world. Renewable energy sources have become crucial due to the traditional energy sources like coal harm the environment nature and human health. Nowadays countries pay more attention to use their own resources in order to maintain their socio-economic and political independence. As awareness of clean energy increases, the usage of renewable energy sources is increasing. The investment costs of renewable energy sources are very high. For this reason, the selection of the location for renewable energy sources is a strategic decision that getting it right the first time. Different criteria are evaluated when selecting the installation location. The priorities of these criteria may be different from each other. In this study, a model was proposed for selecting the location for the installation of wind power plant via using fuzzy AHP and fuzzy Axiomatic Design methods. In the implementation phase of the model, evaluation criteria have been determined and prioritized. In the light of the evaluation criteria, 3 locations have been evaluated and the most suitable one was selected

    An integrated approach using DEMATEL, ANP and TOPSIS for evaluating research & development projects

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    Research and development (R&D) projects should be one of the main dimensions of universities for providing academic development. It is also a core performance indicator for monitoring and ranking universities. For these reasons, usually there are many projects submitted to the institutions that fund R&D projects. Funding institutions should evaluate the submitted projects in terms of multi-criteria and select the suitable ones among them. Therefore multi-criteria decision making techniques can be implemented as a useful tool for these kinds of problems. In this study an integrated approach which includes DEMATEL, ANP and TOPSIS methods is used for evaluating and ranking projects. The criteria are determined by taking the Turkish Scientific and Technical Research Institute’s (TÜBİTAK) project selection procedures into consideration. DEMATEL method is used in order to detect the cause and effect interaction among main criteria. Then ANP method is implemented for calculating the weights of each criterion. Finally, TOPSIS method is applied for ranking the projects

    Modelling Porosity Permeability of Ceramic Tiles using Fuzzy Taguchi Method

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    Taguchi experiment design in quality development studies, is an approach to engineering that supports research and development, product design and product development activities by enabling fewer trials of experiments to determine the best combinations of inputs that affect the outcome. In this study, the factors affecting the porosity were studied in a firm that produces ceramic tile. There were 6 factors considered to be important in total and 2 levels in each factor. L8 orthogonal array were used during the experiment design, which proposes 8 experiment types with different factor levels. The results of the experiments were analyzed so that important factors were determined. Significance of factors were tested by ANOVA and 4 of them were found to be significant. These factors were fuzzified by assessing the factors using linguistic expressions and then triangular fuzzy numbers. A model with 4 inputs and 1 output was built and 34 rules were generated for this model. The developed model was shown to be a useful approach in modeling the porosity permeability of ceramic tiles

    Belediyeler için yönetim bilişim sistemleri

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    Bu tezin, veri tabanı üzerinden yayınlanma izni bulunmamaktadır.ÖZET Anahtar Kelimeler - yönetim bilişim sistemleri, bilişim sistemleri, belediye, sistem geliştirme süreci Yönetim bilişim sistemleri kavramı ortaya ilk atıldığı günden beri gelişmektedir. Yöneticilerin yönetim fonksiyonlarım yerine getirmede yardımcı olan, bilişim teknolojilerini kullanan bir sistemdir. Yöneticilerin özellikle karar verme sürecine hizmet etmekle birlikte planlama, koordinasyon ve kontrol işlevlerine de katkı sağlar. Her organizasyon için geliştirilebilen yönetim bilişim sistemlerinin özellikle belediyelere uygulanması bu çalışmanın amacıdır. Bu amaçla öncelikle yönetim bilişim sistemleri kavramından bahsettik. Yönetim bilişim sistemlerinin tanımı, zaman içerisinde gelişimi, gerekliliği ve önemi tezin birinci bölümünde ele alındı. İkinci bölümde yönetim bilişim sistemlerinin organizasyondaki yeri, öğeleri, organizasyona etkileri ve katkıları anlatıldı. Bilişim teknolojilerini yoğun olarak kullanan organizasyonlar için kullanılan, yeni bir kavram olan, T-Form organizasyonların özelliklerine değinildi. Organizasyonların farklı seviyeleri olduğu ve her bir seviyenin ihtiyaç duyduğu bilişim sistemlerinin de farklı olduğu söylendi. Bilişim teknolojileri ile şirket stratejilerinin ilişkisi ve organizasyonlar ile teknolojilerin etkileşimi anlatıldı. Amaç, yönetim bilişim sistemlerinin belediyelere uygulanması olduğu için üçüncü bölümde de belediyeler hakkında geniş bilgi verildi. Belediyelerin yasalarda nasıl tanımlandığı, belediyelerin organları, mali kaynaklan, görevleri belirtildikten sonra belediyelerin fonksiyonları sınıflandırılarak anlatıldı. Belediyeler ve yönetim bilişim sistemleri hakkındaki bilgilerden sonra belediyelerde yönetim bilişim sistemlerinin nasıl uygulanacağına geçildi. Dördüncü bölümde, belediyelerde niçin yönetim bilişim sistemlerine ihtiyaç duyulabileceği, sistem geliştirme süreci, belediyelerde karşılaşılan problem çeşitleri ve YBS'nin bu problemlerin çözümüne katkılarına değinildi. Belediye için yeni bir organizasyon yapısı önerildi. Belediyenin fonksiyoner birimlerinin bilgi ihtiyaçlarının nasıl tespit edileceği, bir örnek ile anlatıldı. Sonunda da yönetim bilişim sisteminin modeli kurularak sistemin üretebileceği raporlarla ilgili örnekler verildi.MANAGEMENT INFORMATION SYSTEMS FOR MUNICIPALITIES SUMMARY Key words - management information systems, information systems, municipality, system development process The concept of management information systems (MIS) has been developing since the day it was first mentioned as a separate information technology (IT). It is a system that uses IT technologies, helps managers to perform their managerial functions. MIS not only serves managers in decision-making process but also contributes their planning, coordination and control functions. The goal of this study is implementing MIS in municipalities, which for any organization could be developed. For this aim, first we discussed the concept of MIS. Definition, evolution, need and importance of MIS are mentioned in the first part of the thesis. Second part is about the place of MIS in organization, its impacts and contributes to organizations. Specifications of T- Form organizations that use information technologies intensively are explained. It is mentioned that organizations have different levels and each level requires different kind of information system. The relationship of IT with business strategies and the interdependence between organizations and information systems is discussed. Because the aim is implementation of MIS to the municipalities, in the third part comprehensive information about municipalities is given. After stating how municipality is described in law, and its elements, financial recourses, and responsibilities the functions of municipalities are explained. Then the development of MIS for municipalities is the next. In the forth part, why municipalities might require MIS, systems development process, types of problems possibly to face in municipalities, and contributes of MIS to solve those problems are discussed. A new organizational structure for municipalities is proposed. How information requirements for functional departments of municipalities can be determined is explained with an example. Finally, MIS architecture is built and some report examples are given that the system could produce. X

    Performance evaluation of green supply chain management using integrated fuzzy multi-criteria decision making techniques

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    Green Supply Chain Management (GSCM) predicates minimizing or preferably eliminating negative effects of supply chain operations on the environment. Companies have to enhance their capability on GSCM activities based on not only emerging environmental regulations but also enthusiastic politics of the companies about environmental practices. GSCM requires multi-dimensional approaches, thus multi-criteria decision making (MCDM) techniques should be implemented while evaluating GSCM performance of companies. Moreover, fuzzy group decision making methods should be implemented in order to seek solutions for vague and complex multi-attribute problems in fuzzy environment. In this study, a model based on integrated fuzzy MCDM methods is proposed for evaluating GSCM performance of companies in terms of green design, green purchasing, green transformation, green logistics and reverse logistics. The cause and effect interrelationship amongst GSCM dimensions is figured out using fuzzy DEMATEL method. Then, based on this interrelationship, fuzzy ANP method is implemented for calculating the weights of the related criteria. Finally, fuzzy TOPSIS method is applied by using the weights obtained from fuzzy ANP method, for evaluating and ranking the GSCM performance of alternative companies. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved

    Cloud Manufacturing Architecture Based on Public Blockchain Technology

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    With Industry 4.0, IT infrastructure has started to be used more effectively in the manufacturing sector. Cyber physical systems, IoT, cloud manufacturing, big data are some of the technologies that make up the concept of Industry 4.0. These technologies have solved many problems in the manufacturing sector. One of these technologies, cloud manufacturing technology, has emerged with the idea of pay as you go. This technology has enabled manufacturing resources to be leased and shared on a global scale. However, it has problems arising from its central structure and the need for a reliable 3rd party. Reliability, security, continuity, scalability, data lock-in, single point failure, data manipulation are some of the main problems. Blockchain (BC) is a decentralized and distributed technology. The data stored on the BC network cannot be altered in any way. With these features, we believe that BC-supported cloud manufacturing systems can overcome the aforementioned problems and eliminates the need for a reliable 3rd party. Based on this belief, in this study the agreements and communication between the resource provider and the customer, which is one of the basic functions of cloud manufacturing platforms, are realized with a decentralized application using BC-based smart contracts (SCs). The designed application is called the decentralized cloud manufacturing application (DCMApp). DCMApp does not operate on a fully public BC network, it has a hybrid structure and uses the Ethereum network as a public BC network. These features make DCMApp different from other BC-based cloud manufacturing applications. DCMApp’s hybrid structure has enabled more transparent, economic and safe manufacturing agreements. It is also possible to store agreements on the BC network at a low cost without installing any server infrastructure. The use of Ethereum network makes it almost impossible to manipulate agreements

    Special issue on "Contributions to society of information, manufacturing and service systems developments"

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    The Joint International Symposium combining The 44th International Conference on Computers & Industrial Engineering (CIE44) and Intelligent Manufacturing and Service Systems 2014 (IMS14) was organized to disseminate recent developments, significant technical applications, case studies and survey results in the areas of Information, Manufacturing and Service Systems and related areas. The Symposium was organized by the Department of Industrial Engineering, Sakarya University (Turkey) in Adile Sultan Palace, Istanbul, Turkey during October 14th to 16th, 2014. This special issue contains enhanced versions of selected papers from this conference, as well as others submitted by authors of papers falling within the same scope. All papers went through the double-blind review process followed by the journal. The field of industrial engineering has been undergoing a great deal of transformation in its attempt to address real manufacturing, service, and societal issues. In so doing it has drawn upon new advances in technology and methodology, and has contributed to their development. Examples of new approaches included Industry 4.0, the Internet of Things, big data, and cloud computing. One important direction in industrial engineering research is the attempt to integrate the separate manufacturing, transportation and distribution components of real life systems, with due consideration of the risks involved, and the impact on the environmental and the society. The twenty papers included in this special issue aim to produce solutions to these problems, particularly as they pertain to supply chains. Some of the techniques applied in the papers included are fuzzy logic, bee colony algorithm, and cloud computing. It is hoped that these papers will inspire greater interest by researchers and practitioners in this field

    Talent management in manufacturing system using fuzzy logic approach

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    Nowadays, manufacturing companies have been working based on people-oriented approach. Customer satisfaction is currently not only for external customers but also required for internal customers. In this context, human resource is one of the most important resources to manage and vital for manufacturing companies in terms of customers, employees and managers. With this perception, The Human Resource Management (HRM) issue is emerged. HRM enables effective and efficient management of human resources. Manufacturing companies considers that the existing abilities and qualification of its employees is insufficient for achieving their targets. The gap between desired level of capabilities and the existing capabilities of the human recourses should be narrowed. Therefore talent management (TM) concept is introduced in order to deal with the gap and reveal the required personnel profile. TM raises institutional awareness and is a supportive tool for HRM. The TM contributes to remove wastes of the companies and supports self-improvement of its employees. In other words the TM is a key of success about exploring abilities. The aim of this study is to propose a model for investigating competency level of employees and utilizing this information in obtaining a yield in an optimal level from employees' emotional and intellectual capabilities, and experiences. The level of perception and job-ability match of each employee is different. The tests implemented in companies for TM purposes are usually evaluated in crisp logic like black and white. In this study, a fuzzy logic approach is proposed in order to deal with uncertainty and vagueness in assessment of TM. (C) 2014 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved