20 research outputs found

    Wave-particle duality: A proposed resolution

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    There are several integration problems of fundamental physics that still lack coherent solutions, the case in point being wave-particle duality. While empiricism and mathematical modelling have served physics well, they have not yet been able to achieve integrated causal models. Conventional theories and approaches have only provided partial solutions, and it is possible that a more radical reconceptualisation of fundamental physics may be required. This work comes at the issue from a totally different approach: it applies design thinking to the problem. The result is the cordus conjecture, which proposes that the photon, and indeed every matter ‘particle’, has an internal structure comprising a 'cordus': two reactive ends that each behave like a particle, with a fibril joining them. The reactive ends are proposed to be a small finite distance apart, and energised [typically in turn] at a frequency. When energised they emit a transient force pulse along a line called a hyperfine fibril [hyff], and this makes up the field. This concept is used to explain the path dilemmas of the single photon in the double-slit device, and the wave behaviour of light including the formation of fringes by single photons and beams of light. In addition it provides a tangible explanation for frequency. It also yields new quantitative derivations for several basic optical effects: critical angle, Snell’s law, and Brewster’s angle. Thus the cordus structure offers an alternative conceptual explanation for wave-particle duality

    Listen to Your Heart: Evaluation of the Cardiologic Ecosystem

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    Modern implantable cardiologic devices communicate via radio frequency techniques and nearby gateways to a backend server on the internet. Those implanted devices, gateways, and servers form an ecosystem of proprietary hardware and protocols that process sensitive medical data and is often vital for patients’ health. This paper analyzes the security of this Ecosystem, from technical gateway aspects, via the programmer, to configure the implanted device, up to the processing of personal medical data from large cardiological device producers. Based on a real-world attacker model, we evaluated different devices and found several severe vulnerabilities. Furthermore, we could purchase a fully functional programmer for implantable cardiological devices, allowing us to re-program such devices or even induce electric shocks on untampered implanted devices. Additionally, we sent several Art. 15 and Art. 20 GDPR inquiries to manufacturers of implantable cardiologic devices, revealing non-conforming processes and a lack of awareness about patients’ rights and companies’ obligations. This, and the fact that many vulnerabilities are still to be found after many vulnerability disclosures in recent years, present a worrying security state of the whole ecosystem

    Exploratorial Analysis and a Stochastic Model for Humusdisintegration

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    Ulrich (1984) supposes in the hypothesis of humusdisintegration that the balance between construction and disintegration of humus in european forests is regionally disturbed. He suspects aluminium to build complexes with enzymes preventing the construction in this way. At a couple of sites located in middle Germany the ingredients of the seepage water are monitored. We explore these multivariate data for examining possible influences on the process of humusdisintegration and its temporal evolution. We gain informations about relations and systematical effects in the data and develop a kind of regression model for carbon concentrations also describing the spatial and temporal variability. Especially iron and aluminium are very influential in our model, but interpretations turn out to be rather difficult because of e.g. high correlations between some of the variables. So far our work is the basic step for monitoring the seepage water data by a stochastic model. 1 Introduction During the..

    Assessments of Impacts of Nitrogen Deposition on Beech Forests: Results from the Pan-European Intensive Monitoring Programme

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    The article reviews effects of nitrogen (N) deposition on beech forest ecosystems in Europe. On the basis of beech plots of the Pan-European Monitoring Programme of ICP Forests and the EU, the deposition of N compounds as well as input-output budgets are listed and compared with studies in North America. The authors also discuss the critical threshold for N leaching. At present, N is leached in 10% of the plots evaluated. An in-depth evaluation of a beech plot in central Germany is presented. The high N leaching results in a considerable increase (four times higher N content in 2000 compared to 1965) in the export of nitrate from the beech forests from a nearby source. Finally, ecophysiological indicators (N content in beech leaves, fine root system, N content, root/shoot ratios) are discussed as a result of high N input

    Synopse der Hauptmerkmale der forstlichen Standortskartierungsverfahren der Nordwestdeutschen BundeslÀnder

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    Softcover, 17x24Die forstliche Standortskartierung stellt sowohl fĂŒr die forstliche Praxis als auch fĂŒr die Forschung eine wichtige Grundlage dar. In den im ZustĂ€ndigkeitsbereich der Nordwestdeutschen Forstlichen Versuchsanstalt liegenden BundeslĂ€ndern Hessen, Niedersachsen, Sachsen-Anhalt und Schleswig- Holstein werden unterschiedliche Standortskartierungsverfahren angewandt. Dies erschwert lĂ€nderĂŒbergreifende Auswertungen und Vergleiche. In diesem Band wird von Standortskartierern und Bodenkundlern versucht, die Ergebnisse unterschiedlicher Standortskartierungsverfahren miteinander vergleichbar zu machen. Dazu werden die lĂ€nderspezifi schen Verfahren zur Erfassung der Hauptmerkmale des Standortes bezĂŒglich Klima, NĂ€hrstoff- und Wasserhaushalt kurz beschrieben und analysiert. Die vergleichbaren Merkmale der Verfahren der betrachteten BundeslĂ€nder sind einander in Form von umfangreichen Übersetzungstabellen gegenĂŒbergestellt. Sie stellen eine operationale Arbeitsgrundlage fĂŒr die forstliche Forschung und Praxis dar

    A 3D Optical Deformation Measurement System Supported by Knowledge-Based and Learning Techniques

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    Abstract. High accuracy 3D representation and monitoring of objects is receiving increasing interest both in science and industrial applications. Up to now tasks like monitoring of building displacements or deformations were solved by means of artificial targets on the objects of interest, although mature optical 3D measurement and laser scanning techniques are available. Such systems can perform their measurements even without targeting. This paper presents a new optical 3D measurement system, based on the fusion between a geodetic image sensor and a laser scanner. The main goal of its development was the automation of the whole measurement process, including the tasks of point identification and measurement, deformation analysis, and interpretation. This was only possible by means of new methods and techniques originally developed in the area of Artificial Intelligence; both point detection and deformation analysis are supported by decision systems that use such techniques. The resulting complex multi-sensor system is able to measure and analyse the deformation of objects, as shown in experiments. In this article we focus on specific key components and novel techniques that have been developed, and briefly report on the current stage of the whole system