342 research outputs found

    Liaison classes of modules

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    We propose a concept of module liaison that extends Gorenstein liaison of ideals and provides an equivalence relation among unmixed modules over a commutative Gorenstein ring. Analyzing the resulting equivalence classes we show that several results known for Gorenstein liaison are still true in the more general case of module liaison. In particular, we construct two maps from the set of even liaison classes of modules of fixed codimension into stable equivalence classes of certain reflexive modules. As a consequence, we show that the intermediate cohomology modules and properties like being perfect, Cohen-Macaulay, Buchsbaum, or surjective-Buchsbaum are preserved in even module liaison classes. Furthermore, we prove that the module liaison class of a complete intersection of codimension one consists of precisely all perfect modules of codimension one

    Gorenstein algebras presented by quadrics

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    We establish restrictions on the Hilbert function of standard graded Gorenstein algebras with only quadratic relations. Furthermore, we pose some intriguing conjectures and provide evidence for them by proving them in some cases using a number of different techniques, including liaison theory and generic initial ideals

    Glicci simplicial complexes

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    One of the main open questions in liaison theory is whether every homogeneous Cohen-Macaulay ideal in a polynomial ring is glicci, i.e. if it is in the G-liaison class of a complete intersection. We give an affirmative answer to this question for Stanley-Reisner ideals defined by simplicial complexes that are weakly vertex-decomposable. This class of complexes includes matroid, shifted and Gorenstein complexes respectively. Moreover, we construct a simplicial complex which shows that the property of being glicci depends on the characteristic of the base field. As an application of our methods we establish new evidence for two conjectures of Stanley on partitionable complexes and on Stanley decompositions
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