83 research outputs found

    Deksmedetomidiinin uudet antamistavat laajentavat kÀyttöaiheita tehohoitosedaation ulkopuolelle

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    Laskimoon annettava deksmedetomidiini on Suomessa kehitetty alfa-2-adrenergisiÀ reseptoreja aktivoiva lÀÀkeaine. Sen pÀÀasiallisena kÀyttöaiheena on ollut aikuispotilaiden tehohoitosedaatio. LÀÀke sai vuonna 2011 myyntiluvan, joka laajeni vuonna 2018 koskemaan myös aikuispotilaiden toimenpidesedaatiota. Deksmedetomiinilla on potilasta rauhoittavan vaikutuksen lisÀksi kipua ja pahoinvointia lieventÀviÀ ominaisuuksia. Muihin sedatiiveihin verrattuna deksmedetomidiini vaikuttaa hyvin vÀhÀn potilaan hengitystoimintaan. Deksmedetomidiinin vaihtoehtoiset antamisreitit ovat viime vuosina herÀttÀneet kiinnostusta, ja lÀÀkkeen kÀyttöÀ on tutkittu sekÀ yleisanestesian ettÀ puudutteiden tehosteaineena. NÀiden tutkimusten tuloksien perusteella deksmedetomidiinin kÀyttömahdollisuuksien voidaan olettaa tulevaisuudessa lisÀÀntyvÀn

    Octupole correlations in the structure of O2 bands in the N=88 nuclei150Sm Gd

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    Knowledge of the exact microscopic structure of the 01 + ground state and first excited 02 + state in 150Sm is required to understand the branching of double ÎČ decay to these states from 150Nd. The detailed spectroscopy of 150Sm and 152Gd has been studied using (α,xn) reactions and the Îł -ray arrays AFRODITE and JUROGAM II. Consistently strong E1 transitions are observed between the excited Kπ = 02 + bands and the lowest negative parity bands in both nuclei. These results are discussed in terms of the possible permanent octupole deformation in the first excited Kπ = 02 + band and also in terms of the “tidal wave” model of Frauendorf.Web of Scienc

    Lifetime measurements of excited states in Âč⁶³W and the implications for the anomalous B(E2) ratios in transitional nuclei

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    This letter reports lifetime measurements of excited states in the odd-N nucleus 163W using the recoil-distance Doppler shift method to probe the core polarising effect of the i13/2 neutron orbital on the underlying soft triaxial even-even core. The ratio B(E2:21/2âș → 17/2âș)/B(E2:17/2âș → 13/2âș) is consistent with the predictions of the collective rotational model. The deduced B(E2) values provide insights into the validity of collective model predictions for heavy transitional nuclei and a geometric origin for the anomalous B(E2) ratios observed in nearby even-even nuclei is proposed

    Recoil-decay tagging study of 205Fr

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    The nucleus 205Fr has been studied through γ -ray and electron spectroscopy using the recoil-decay tagging technique. The resulting level scheme presents a spherical structure built on the 9/2− ground state and a rotational structure on top of a short-lived isomer. The isomer, with a spin and parity of 13/2+ and a half-life of 80(20) ns, de-excites by an M2 transition directly to the 9/2− ground state. Another, longer-lived, isomer, with a half-life of 1.15(4) ms, has also been found and assigned a spin and parity of 1/2+. Transitions populating and de-exciting this isomer have been observed as well.peerReviewe

    Spectroscopy of the proton drip-line nucleus 203Fr

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    The nucleus 203Fr has been studied through Îł -ray and electron spectroscopy, using the recoil-decay tagging technique. A 13/2+ state, with a half-life of 0.37(5) ÎŒs, has been observed in 203Fr. Both the α-decay branch and the internal de-excitation of the 1/2+ isomer in 203Fr have been studied. Furthermore, the corresponding 1/2+ state, with a half-life of 0.31(8) s, has been found in 199At. In addition, transitions feeding the 9/2− ground state of 203Fr have been identified. The observed level pattern suggests that the ground state is still spherical.peerReviewe

    Search for the terminating 27- state in 140Nd

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    In the search for the fully aligned 27− state in 140Nd predicted by cranked Nilsson-Strutinsky calculations, new close-to-spherical high-spin states have been discovered. Both the close-to-spherical and the triaxial calculated states are in good agreement with the experimental results, supporting the existence of shape coexistence up to very high spins. Shell-model calculations using a newly developed effective interaction for the 50 N ,Z 82 mass region are in good agreement with the observed spherical states. The comparison between the experimental and calculated level energies allowed the relative energy to be established between several proton and neutron orbitals at high energy and spins.peerReviewe

    Prompt and delayed spectroscopy of 199At

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    The neutron-deficient nucleus At199 has been studied through Îł-ray and electron spectroscopy, using the recoil-decay tagging technique. Two experiments were conducted, using a gas-filled recoil separator with a focal-plane spectrometer alone and together with a germanium-detector array at the target position. The resulting level scheme for At199 includes a new isomer with a half-life of 0.80(5) ÎŒs and a spin and parity of (29/2+). The 13/2+ isomer, which de-excites via an M2 transition to the 9/2− ground state, was measured to have a half-life of 70(20) ns. Our earlier version of the level scheme for At197 has been updated as well.peerReviewe

    Experimental study of 1/2(+) isomers in At-199,At-201

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    Using fusion-evaporation reactions, a gas-filled recoil separator, and recoil-electron and recoil-electron-α tagging techniques, a new isomeric 1 2 + state [T1/2 = 45(3) ms] in 201At is identified, and an earlier reported corresponding state [T1/2 = 273(9) ms] in 199At is confirmed. The 1 2 + state is suggested to originate from an intruder π(s1/2) −1 configuration. In addition, nuclear structure of states below and above this 1 2 + state are studied in both nuclei. The isomer decays through a cascade of an E3 transition followed by a mixed M1/E2 transition to the 9 2 − ground state, and it is interpreted to be fed from nearly spherical 3 2 + and 5 2 + states originating from π(d3/2) −1 and π(d5/2) −1 configurations, respectively.peerReviewe

    Alpha-decay studies of the nuclides 195Rn and 196Rn

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    The new neutron deficient nuclide 195 Rn and the nuclide 196 Rn have been produced in fusion evaporation reactions using 56 Fe ions on 142 Nd targets. A gas-filled recoil separator was used to separate the fusion products from the scattered beam. The activities were implanted in a position sensitive silicon detector. The isotopes were identified using spatial and time correlations between implants and decays. Two α decaying isomeric states, with E α = 7536 ( 11 ) keV [ T 1 / 2 = ( 6 + 3 − 2 ) ms ] for the ground state and E α = 7555 ( 11 ) keV [ T 1 / 2 = ( 5 + 3 − 2 ) ms ] for an isomeric state were identified in 195 Rn . In addition, the half-life and α decay energy of 196 Rn were measured with improved precision. The reduced widths deduced for the neutron deficient even-mass Rn isotopes suggest an onset of substantial deformation at N = 110.peerReviewe
