49 research outputs found

    State of the world’s plants and fungi 2020

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    Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi project provides assessments of our current knowledge of the diversity of plants and fungi on Earth, the global threats that they face, and the policies to safeguard them. Produced in conjunction with an international scientific symposium, Kew’s State of the World’s Plants and Fungi sets an important international standard from which we can annually track trends in the global status of plant and fungal diversity

    A new species of Maesa (Primulaceae-Maesoideae) from New Guinea.

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    A new species of Maesa (Primulaceae-Maesoideae) is described from Indonesian New Guinea. Maesa megistophylla is unique in the genus in the combination of the very long elliptic leaves, and racemes with subsessile flowers. The species is illustrated, taxonomic affinities are discussed, and is assessed as Data Deficient according to the criteria of IUCN

    Updating Malesian Icacinaceae

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    Volume: 63Start Page: 105End Page: 11