529 research outputs found
Motivasi Pustakawan Dalam Menulis Karya Ilmiah Pada Terbitan Berkala Di Badan Arsip Dan Perpustakaan Jawa Tengah
Penelitian berjudul âMotivasi Pustakawan Dalam Menulis Karya Ilmiah Pada Terbitan Berkala di Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Jawa Tengahâ ini dilakukan untuk mengetahui bagaimana motivasi pustakawan dalam menulis pada terbitan berkala di Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan, mengetahui peran terbitan berkala bagi pustakawan dan mengetahui kendala-kendala yang dialami pustakawan dalam menulis karya ilmiah pada terbitan berkala di Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Metode penelitian yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah kualitatif deskriptif (Studi kasus). Peneliti melakukan wawancara kepada 6 orang informan yang dipilih berdasarkan teknik purposive sampling. Hasil dari penelitian ini yaitu pustakawan di Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah memiliki motivasi yang timbul dari dalam diri mereka sendiri, namun hanya tingkatanya saja yang berbeda-beda. Yang memotivasi pustakawan untuk menulis adalah rasa puas yang timbul ketika tulisan yang mereka buat dapat dibaca oleh orang lain. Peran terbitan berkala Media Pustaka dan Buletin Pustakawan sangat bagus selain sebagai media komunikasi antar pustakawan juga bisa sebagai sarana promosi bagi Badan Arsip dan Perpustakaan Provinsi Jawa Tengah. Kendala yang dialami pustakawan dalam menulis pada terbitan berkala tersebut adalah kesulitan dalam mengembangkan kalimat serta menuangkan ide atau gagasan yang mereka miliki ke dalam sebuah tulisan, selain itu juga karena masalah waktu yang dimiliki untuk berlatih menulis sedikit, hal ini disebabkan karena pekerjaan rutin pustakawan yang sudah memakan wakt
Pemetaan Merek dan Desain Industri UMKM Berpotensi Hki di Kabupaten Kudus Berbasis Sistem Informasi Geografis Menggunakan Google Map Api
Merek dan Desain Industri merupakan HKI (Hak Kekayaan Intelektual) yang masuk dalamkategori Hak Milik Perindustrian. Pengetahuan tentang HKI masih sangat minim khususnya bagiUMKM (Usaha Mikro Kecil dan Menengah) di kabupaten Kudus, dimana disana mempunyaijumlah UMKM yang cukup banyak. Sebagai langkah awal dalam membantu pemerintah daerahkabupaten Kudus dalam melakukan pembinaan UMKM agar lebih memahami arti pentingnyaHKI, dalam penelitian ini dilakukan pendataan merek dan desain industri dari UMKM dikabupaten Kudus, khususnya yang berpotensi mendapatkan HKI. Data lokasi dari setiap UMKMyang berpotensi mendapatkan HKI tersebut, didapat dengan melakukan proses digitasimenggunakan alat GPS (Global Positioning System). Data digitasi tersebut kemudian dimasukkanke dalam peta digital dengan memanfaatkan class library di Google MAP API. Metodeperancangan sistem yang digunakan adalah OOD dengan tool UML. Hasil dari penelitian iniadalah berupa prototype aplikasi Sistem Informasi Geografis (SIG) berbasis WEB yangmenampilkan peta digital dari lokasi UMKM di Kabupaten Kudus yang mempunyai merek dandesain industri yang berpotensi mempunyai HKI
Developing an Instrument Model to Assess Teachers\u27 Creativity in Designing and Teaching Music Subject
This paper aims at developing an instrument model to assess teacher\u27s creativity in designing and teaching music at school. The study was conducted by adapting the approach of Research and Development (R&D) from the model designed by Borg and Gall and the cycle model design developed by Cenamo & Kalk. The development comprises two stages; the model development and dissemination. The model development encompassed of model planning, model designing, as well as the try out. While, the dissemination stage was done by presenting the research result at a conference. At the end of the study, it was proven that the assessment instrument model used to assess teachers\u27 creativity in designing and teaching music subject at school had met with the research aim. It was shown from the try out test on the assessment instrument model development that: (1) the assessment material, assessment technique, rater criteria, assessment object, units of observation, competence test process, time allotment, observation process, measurement criteria, as well as the measurement rubric had been considered appropriate and had provenly matched from one to another so that it can be applied well; (2) the reliability of the assessment instrument based on Intraclass Correlation Coefficients/ICC test on consistency and absolute agreement definition type as well as the Generalizability Coefficient had met the criteria
Kinerja Bupati Batang Tahun 2012
In 2011, Yoyok Riyo Sudibyo was being elected as Batangâs Regent. He tagged âClean Bureaucracy and Growing Economyâ vision in running his government for 5 years ahead. He started the 2012 by focusin on enhancing the quality of public service, infrastructure and the government accountability.Contrary, we find out there is lack of good governance in Batangâs Regency during 2012. Some reasons are residents are being not pleased with the Government plan in developing the regency; also the government never reaches an agreement with the legislative for its own budget and masterplan. Vividly, those complicated events are becoming an obstacle for the government. Moreover the legitimation of the regent is also being questioned by his lack of ability in maintaining its own government.The purpose of the research is to understand the performance of Batangâs Regent while running its Government during 2012.The performance evaluation indicators are taken from the Dwiyantoâs theorem, those are: productivity, accountability, transparancy, reponsivity, and responsibility. The research is conducting by using the descriptive basis while the supporting data are analyzed qualitatively. The objectâs of the research is the Batangâs Regent performance for the year 2012.The research concludes that the Regentâs performance during a year is qualitatively reasonable for being marked as good. The purpose is, the optimum effort that already being given by the regent to reach its own goalâthe governmentâs vision. Some government supporting departments also reach a significant performance improvement during his leadership. However, we still find some governance failure during a period
Fractional Anisotropy and Mean Diffusivity Value in 2nd Grade of Degenerative Cervical Canal Stenosis
Background: By using T2 weighted image (T2WI) of Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI), a radiologist can classify degenerative cervical canal stenosis (DCCS) into three grade, but there is no correlation between stenosis classification with clinical symptoms. It means that radiologist need a new parameter to make an early detection for spinal cord injury (SCI). Objective: Proving decrease of FA and increase of MD at the most proximal level of 2nd grade DCCS patient compared with C1-2. Methods: Cervical MR examination with 15-direction DTI sequens was performed on twenty one patient with neurological signs and symptoms of 2nd grade DCCS. Apparent FA and MD maps were generated on axial plane. The FA and MD measurements in each individual were made at the most proximal level of 2nd grade DCCS and C1-2. Wilcoxon rank sump test was used to compare FA and paired t-test was used for MD. Result : There are significant differences for FA (p = 0,00) and MD (p = 0,00) at the most proximal level of 2nd grade DCCS compared with C1-2. Conclusion: This research shows that FA and MD value at DTI sequens can be used for SCI early detection at 2nd grade DCCS patien
Kajian Penerapan Green Procurement Pada Proyek Infrastruktur Jalan Di Provinsi Nusa Tenggara Timur
The issue of global warming and climate change is an environmental issue that the world\u27s problems. Countermeasures are now established is sustainable development. One factor supporting sustainable development is an alternative device in the areas of procurement, that is green procurement. Determining the winner of the procurement system is noticed additional aspects, namely social, economic and environmental which in practice is still not determined the weight of each of the environmentally friendly aspects. The purpose of this study was to determine the weighting of the criteria for selecting a winner in the green procurement system and determine the relationship between environmental criteria. Data analysis technique using Analytical Network Process, in order to obtain a priority basis and weighting of each criterion so that it can be described the relationship between the criteria. The results of the study in the opinion of all respondents consisting of qualified contractors large and medium enterprises as well as the Procurement Services Unit predominant aspects in the procurement of environmentally friendly is a social aspect to the criteria that affect the human resources with the weight percentage is 10.40%. In these criteria there are sub-criteria that support namely the availability of experts and skilled workers, the availability of experts and skilled workers by level of education and experience as well as working procedures with the weight percentage of each sub-criteria 33,33%
Pengaruh Metode Pembelajaran Numbered Heads Together (Nht) Disertai Media Magnetic Board Dan Metode Ceramah-diskusi Dengan Memperhatikan Kreativitas Siswa Pada Materi Pokok Hidrokarbon Kelas X SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui: (1) pengaruh penggunaan metode pembelajaran Number Heads Together (NHT) disertai magnetic board dengan metode pembelajaran ceramah-diskusi terhadap prestasi belajar siswa, (2) pengaruh kreativitas terhadap prestasi belajar siswa dan (3) interaksi antara metode pembelajaran NHT disertai magnetic board dan ceramah-diskusi dengan kreativitas siswa terhadap prestasi belajar materi pokok Hidrokarbon. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode eksperimental dengan desain faktorial 2 2. Sampel dalam penelitian adalah siswa SMA Negeri 1 Kartasura Tahun Pelajaran 2012/2013 yang diambil secara cluster random sampling. Teknik pengumpulan data menggunakan metode tes untuk kognitif dan angket untuk afektif serta kreativitas. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan bahwa pembelajaran dengan metode NHT disertai magnetic board lebih tinggi daripada metode ceramah-diskusi dalam hal peningkatan prestasi belajar kognitif dan afektif siswa karena tanggung jawab individu dalam kelompok NHT lebih besar sehingga ada keterlibatan total siswa dalam menjawab soal
Perancangan dan Pengaplikasian Sistem Penjualan pada âDistro Smithâ Berbasis E-Commerce
Persaingan bisnis distro di kota semarang semakin ketat. Smith adalah salah satu distro yang baru berdiri sejak tahun 2010 di Semarang. Mekanisme sistem penjualan pada distro smith sekarang masih menggunakan sistem konvensional, dimana konsumen harus datang langsung ke distro. Dengan adanya Aplikasi E-commerce pada Distro Smith Semarang diharapkan dapat memberikan kemudahan kepada masyarakat untuk melakukan pembelian produk tanpa harus datang ke tempatnya, serta memperluas pemasaran dan meningkatkan costumer loyality. Distro ini dikembangkan dengan SDLC (System Development Life Cycle) dan software yang digunakan untuk merancang dan mendesain Aplikasi E-commerce yaitu bahasa pemrograman PHP, text editor Macromedia Dreamweaver 8, Database MySQL dan Adobe Photoshop CS4. Aplikasi ini juga dapat menghasilkan informasi produk yang dijual, serta menyajikan laporan-laporan yang ditujukan kepada pimpinan (manajer) diantaranya: laporan produk, laporan member, laporan order, dan laporan penjualan
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