503 research outputs found
Pengaruh Komitmen Organisasi, Partisipasi dan Motivasi terhadap Kinerja Karyawan pada PT. Bank Lippo Tbk Cabang Kudus
The main objective of this study is 1). Are there influense on organisation commitment, participation, and motivation as partial and multiple to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus. 2) To find what the most influense variable to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk. Unit of Kudus. The respondents of this study are 43 employee of PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus. Analysis technique is used Partial Regression. The results of this research show that as partial variable organization commitment and motivation are influence on work performance, but participation variable not influense on work performance. Results of hipotesis test show that t test value organization commitmet and motivation variable are 2,912 and 1,166 the most that t tabel 2,021. So result of hipotesis test show that t test value participation variable -1,148 the lest from t tabel 2,021. The multiple variable organization commitment, participation and motivation are influense on work performance. Result of hipotesis test show that F test value 4,504 the most that F test tabel of 2,839. The most influense variable to work performance PT Bank Lippo Tbk Unit of Kudus is motivation variabl
Mikroanalisis Kandungan Senyawa Fenolik Total Ekstrak Biji Kedelai Dengan Reagen Folin-Ciocalteu
Phenolic compounds in plants function as a chemical defense system to inhibit the growth of pathogens. Folin-Ciocalteu (FC) reagent may be used to estimate the total phenolic compounds using spectrophotometry. Microanalysis of the phenolic compounds using FC reagent has not been widely used. This study aimed to develop a rapid method in estimating total phenolic compounds in soybean grain extract using a 96-wells microplate. An optimum kinetic reaction was achieved after 90 minutes of incubation. Responses of 25–1,000 μg/ml of gallic acid were linear (r = 0.99). Small amount of reagent was needed in the Microplate 2 (MP) technique. This method was more efficient, practical and environmentally friendly. Hundreds of samples could be analysed using the MP 2 in a shorter time, very useful when working with large number of soybean germplasm collection
Analisis Aerodinamika Body Mobil Hemat Energi Antawirya Residual-Sat Dengan Menggunakan Metode Computational Fluid Dynamics
Tahanan Aerodinamika, gaya angkat aerodinamik, dan momen angguk aerodinamik memiliki pengaruh yang bermakna pada unjuk kendaraan pada kecepatan sedang dan tinggi. Peningkatan penekanan pada penghematan bahan bakar dan pada penghematan energi telah memacu keterkaitan baru dalam memperbaiki unjuk kerja aerodinamika pada jalan raya. Seiring dengan terus berkembang nya teknologi, para engineer industri otomotif berusaha menekan koefisien gaya tahanan (Cd) seminimal mungkin, sehingga konsumsi bahan bakar dapat ditekan. Tujuan dari penelitian ini adalah melakukan upaya perancangan body mobil yang lebih aerodinamis dan mendesain kembali mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda terdahulu dengan nama Anntawiya Turangga Veda 2, mensimulasikan dan membandingkan hasil simulasi dalam hal ini nilai drag coefficient pada kedua desain, serta mengetahui pola aliran udara di sekitar body mobil. Simulasi aerodinamika mobil dilakukan di dalam wind tunnel yang ditetapkan sebagai domain komputasi dengan menggunakan Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD). Menggunakan metode turbulen k-epsilon realizable standard wall function, yang ditentukan berdasarkan validasi pada fenomena aliran streamline. Menggunakan metode diskretisasi second order upwind untuk mendapatkan hasil yang lebih akurat. Jumlah masing-masing grid untuk mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda terdahulu dan Antawirya Turangga Veda 2 adalah sebesar 875565 dan 1030229. Hasil dari simulasi menunjukkan penurunan pada nilai drag coefficient mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda 2 terhadap mobil Antawirya terdahulu, yaitu pada kecepatan 40 km/h terjadi penurunan drag coefficient sebesar 19,37 %, pada 50 km/h penurunan sebesar 19,43 %, pada 60 km/h penurunan sebesar 19,51 %, pada 70 km/h penurunan sebesar 19,56 %. Fenomena vortisitas terjadi pada bagian belakang body mobil, dimana vortisitas pada mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda 2 lebih sedikit dibandingkan mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda terdahulu. Hal ini dikarenakan body mobil Antawirya Turangga Veda 2 lebih aerodinami
Analisis Efektivitas Pelaksanaan Program Adiwiyata di SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak
This research is aimed to describe the effectiveness of adiwiyata in SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak. The method used is descriptive survey form with a qualitative approach. Sources of data in this study are primary data and secondary data. The results showed that: 1) All Adiwiyata can be performed well by citizens SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak, both in quantity and quality; 2) The level of satisfaction obtained in the school community, Adiwiyata in SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak is high. Each of the activities covers the four Adiwiyatawhich are carried out regularly by the school community with full of seriousness, sincerity and high awareness; 3) There are two other activities created in addition to those which have been announced and implemented by the school community in Adiwiyata in SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak, namely: method of farming without soil (hydroponics), and the paint on the wall fencing in the school environment; and 4) Compliance of the citizens of SMA Negeri 4 Pontianak in Adiwiyatais already high. Manifested from motivation and their participation in the program when conducting routine Adiwiyata
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