9 research outputs found

    Inovasi Gadjah Mada Bamboo Shelter (GAMBOOSTER) sebagai Smart And Eco Friendly Temporary Shelter Bagi Korban Bencana

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    Various regions in Indonesia are often had a natural disaster. Ironically handling of post-disaster still seem indolent and not ready especially fullfill requirement of shelters. Orientation of the above problem, we have an innovations arise to make shelters with various of design concept, include : shelters that can harvest the rain water, earthquake resistant, eco friendly materials, get implementing smart technology system as a puzzle and implement the dynamic wall system. The main materials used in our innovation is bamboo with the economic, low cost and sustainable when it compared to wood or aother materials. Same with implementing of other building work, temporary shelter that we construct need standart tools equipment builders. This activity is divided in two types of work, there\u27s fabrication site and construction site. On the implementation phase, we can starting from a literature search and discussion, survey tools and materials, permitting laboratories and make a shop drawing. After that, we can make the temporary shelters from the procurement of equipment and materials, work columns, beams, sloof, the walls and floor plate work, trust and roof work, finishing, construction phase and packaging. This product innovation is also equipped with a guide book for constructed, so our expectation is the temporary shelter can construct with effective and effisienly

    Analisis Kemenangan H. Supriyadi,s.sos Terpilih Yang Kedua Kalinya Sebagai Calon Anggota Dprd Kota Semarang 2014 – 2019 Dilihat Dari Prespective Politik

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    H. Supriyadi S.Sos is a PDIP legislators elected a second time, he was also a member of the legislative background of Private and obtain a second vote. Obtaining statistical data acquisition H. Supriyadi S.Sos voice, demonstrated the superiority and the advantages and performed as well as the implementation of the other defeated candidates not elected in the legislative elections contestants Dapil II Semarang form political strategies chosen. Political strategies is an imaging strategy Parties conducted by H. Supriyadi S.Sos, in approaching the community to achieve the goal of winning the legislative elections to gain the sympathy of the public. Formulation of the problem Seen from the point of political strategy, why H. Supriyadi. S.Sos chosen a second time as a member of Parliament Semarang.Descriptive method is a kind of research relating to the collection of data to provide a snapshot of a social phenomenon or state of the subject or the object of the research is based on facts which appear as the descriptive is a type of research relating to the collection of data to provide a snapshot of a social phenomenon or state of the subject or the object of research.The encouraging results of research and background H. Supriyadi.S.Sos become Chairman of the regional council of Semarang that encourages and background became Chairman of the Parliament is that I started my political career in the Indonesian Democratic Party of Struggle (PDIP) as a grass-roots cadres. As a member, at the lowest levels. Being a member of the party, its existence is quite prominent that friends supported his fellow members to occupy the Chair of Children\u27s Village Branch VIII PDI Bulu Lor (1997-2000)

    The Influence of Family, Peer Group and Mass Media Towards to Voting Behavior of FISIP UNDIP Student\u27s in the 2014 Presidential Election

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    Student\u27s as “agents of change”, in social life get a place as an elite thinker that has a function as a source of information, the source of knowledge, transfer of ideology, an indicator of national stability and political as well as agents of globalization, human rights enforcement, and democracy. The actions and activities taken by students can\u27t be separated from the background of the state of economic, social, cultural, family and the environment in which it is located. Political socialization also had a role in shaping the character of a students. Political socialization raises individual attitudes such as: allowing individuals to vote whether or not to vote in elections. This research was intended to understand the extent of the influence of political socialization agent\u27s that is: Family, Peer Group and Mass Media towards to Voting Behavior of FISIP UNDIP Student\u27s in the 2014 Presidential Election\u27s.This research uses quantitative explanatory methods. This research also studies in which the authors examine the verification is the causal relationship of the variables proposed. There are three independent variables (X), namely: the influence of family, peer group influence and the influence of the mass media to be searched influence on the dependent variable (Y) the voting behavior. Methods of data collection using the questionnaires poll then filled out by the respondent, namely FISIP UNDIP student\u27s many as 94 people. After data collected done then performed data analysis technique that is: multiple regression analysis, analysis of determination coefficient and hypothesis test using SPSS software.In the outcome of research found that the family, peer group and the mass media has an influence simultaneously or together 10.3% of the voting behavior of students FISIP UNDIP in the Presidential Election 2014. The influence of family, peer group and the media is positive so that if there is an increase will increase its influence on voting behavior of students FISIP UNDIP in the Presidential Election 2014. Variable families have a more significant influence than the variable peer group and mass media. Researchers are expected to further research can expand the scope of the object of study in order to obtain greater results, and can be used more and more results obtained could represent the situation of the actual conditions of society

    Dinamika Gerakan Etnonasionalisme Kurdi Irak (Studi Kajian Periode 1979-2012)

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    The Kurds are one of the ethnic groups living in several countries in the Middle East,they have goals and ambitions of creating an independent Kurdish state and sovereignity. Butafter the first world war ended, they had to live apart due to the Kurdistan region is divided intoseveral sovereign countries (Iran, Iraq, Syria and Turkey) by the United Nations. Kurds in Iraqin the Kurdish history is the most aggressive in expressing their aspirations than the Kurds inother countries. They created an ethnic nationalist movement used in order to demand thefreedom of Kurdish aspirations. Started in 1919, Mahmud Barzanji declare the Kurdish strugglein Iraq through the uprising known as Sulaymaniyah revolution. No accommodation of theinterests of the Iraqi Kurds by successive regimes dominate Iraq, making Iraq's Kurdish ethnicrebellion continued until the end of Iraq controlled by the authoritarian regime of SaddamHussein. The period of Saddam Hussein's regime was the toughest period in the history of ethnicKurds. Various Iraqi Kurdish policy of ethnic cleansing began intensified by the authoritarianregime of Saddam Hussein, but when it is also movement in Iraq's Kurdish ethnic nationalismgrew stronger.This study describes how the patterns of strategy ethnonationalism Kurdish movement inIraq during the reign of Saddam Hussein to go into Iraq's democratic process (period 1979-2012), as well as explaining what policies have been issued in order to accommodate theinterests of Kurds in Iraq during that period. This study also describes contemporary conflictsinvolving Iraq's ethnic Kurds as an actor in the conflict. So in this research will be able to seehow it changes shape patterns of Iraqi Kurdish nationalist movement from time to time as well asthe influence behind the change

    Teknologi Pemanen Kabut (Fog Harvesting) sebagai Solusi Mengatasi Masalah Kekeringan pada Dataran Tinggi

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    Drought occur in Ngoho Plateu, Semarang and always happened in dry season. However, the plateu has a big potential of fog, which always occur in wet and dry season. This research purposes to determine the potential of fog harvesting, 4 models of standard fog collectors (SFC) were installed in two locations. Each location were installed 2 models with azimuth of 90o and 180o. Data collected for 4 months, on condition where foggy day only. Equipment that harvested largest amount of fog water was model 4 which were mounted on highest land of plateu azimuth of 90o. Model 4 was capable to harvest water 8 liter/m2 in fog duration of 8 hours


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    Tren globalisasi bisnis telah terdokumentasi dengan baik yang terlihat dalam laporan-laporan keuangan dari korporasi-korporasi besar dan kecil. Tren ke arah globalisasi tersebut didorong oleh penurunan hambatan batas negara. Oleh sebab itu pemahaman atas manajemen keuangan internasional menjadi sangat penting bagi keberhasilan perusahaan. Pemahaman dan pengertian yang berkaitan dengan pentingnya pasar keuangan internasional, penentu exchange rate, investasi asing langsung, penganggaran modal multinasional, pendanaan jangka panjang bagi perusahaan multinasional, analisa risiko negara serta pendanaan perdagangan internasional. Manajemen Keuangan Internasional merupakan suatu perencanaan, pengorganisasian, dan pengendalian keuangan pada suatu Perusahaan Multinasional (Multinational Corporation yang sering disebut MNC) yang merupakan perusahaan yang beroperasi di seluruh dunia. Mereka adalah perusahaan besar yang dimiliki oleh kaum kapitalis Global yang pasarnya di Kanada, USA, Jepang, Jerman, Italia, Perancis dan Inggris. Perusahaan-perusahaan tersebut disebut konglomerat Global atau kapitalis Global yang ingin menguasai ekonomi dunia dan ekonomi negara-negara sedang berkembang dengan tujuan utama adalah mencari keuntungan. Perusahaan internasional berarti perusahaan yang beroperasi lebih dari satu negara. Perusahaan tersebut telah melakukan transaksi transnasional yang melewati batas-batas negara secara geografis. Pada masa ini, pertumbuhan perusahaan multinasional disebabkan karena perkembangan teknologi komunikasi dan transportasi. Perusahaan multinasional ini dipengaruhi oleh sosial, politik, dan ekonomi dunia. Modal mengalir begitu cepat dari berbagai negara ke berbagai negara. Perusahaan yang mampu mengembangkan usahanya di tingkat multinasional akan mampu menunjang keunggulan komperatif yang lebih tinggi dibandingkan perusahaan yang beroperasi dalam satu negara