3 research outputs found

    Efektifitas Mempopulerkan Tempat Wisata Di Tangerang Melalui Media Sosial Youtube

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    Social media youtube currently has been known many people , it is all because of the more people who uses social media youtube for uploaded or watched the video yotube , so that in this study we make various went on places can be taken for sites that people can spend timed close , traveled , recreation , or just plain walk leisurely to refresh mind for people who live in the Tangerang and surroundingDue to lack of information is complete and accurate about video place tourism in Tangerang, usually only a picture and the written, and if there are video, the video derived from sources that different so it confused the community to receive the information, hopefully with the channel youtube this, all information regarding what tourism in Tangerang will find it easier to find, because it contains information on all places tourism in Tangerang to be information clearly, and everyone definitely does not will feel confusion again and laborious in search of information tourist destinations in Tangerang

    Sistem Kependudukan Desa Berbasis Web pada Desa Cihuni Kecamatan Pagedangan Kabupaten Tangerang

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    The development of computerized systems can not be separated from technological developments which can affect many aspects of human life. One of the advantages of the computerized system is to produce a system that is relevant, timely and accurate. Build a village settlement system requires a good understanding and clear about the system to be used both in the procedures of the system, input, output and the things that affect system performance both for short term and long term. One of them in the population data. In the village Village Cihuni done today by using a manual system. Examples such as demographic data. So frequent errors in process or keep a record of the population, because in pengolahanya still with the conventional process. it is proposed to build an application in the form of settlement system that can be used by the village staff to process all web-based demographic data. It is expected that these applications can help in addition to demographic data processing can also store data properly and facilitate the public in terms of service needs Letter

    Sistem Keamanan Tinggi Air Sungai Menggunakan Handphone Berbasis Mikrokontroler pada Kelurahan Gelam Jaya

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    Seiring dengan berkembangnya dunia industri dan teknologi mengenai robot pada zaman sekarang ini, peranan smartphone sebagai media kontrol untuk penunjang dalam  mempermudah penggunaanya semakin hari semakin besar dan berkembang, pengontrolan  robot yang menggunakan media smartphone telah menghasilkan  berbagai kemudahan yang bisa meringankan  pekerjaan  manusia  terutama masalah  banjir yang semakin hari semakin tak terkendali. dampak yang timbulkan untuk masalah  banjir sungai ini, dan media untuk pengontrolan alatnya sendiri tidak hanya menggunakan sensor yang di tanamkan pada robot itu sendiri melainkan bisa menggunakan media smartphone dan bluetooth sebagai interface antara robot dengan smartphone yang berbasis mikrokontroller  yang di program  sedemikian rupa sehingga menghasilkan  sebuah  robot pengukur ketinggihan air. Untuk itulah penulis membuat sebuah karya yang berjudul robot keamanan tinggi air sungai menggunakan handphone yang berbasis mikrokontroller pada Kelurahan Gelam JayaTangerang &nbsp