8 research outputs found

    Perancangan Alat Inducsion Heating Pada Pengolahan Teh Sangrai Dengan Teknologi Energi Terbarukan (Solar Cell)

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    Indonesia receives solar energy whose average daily energy radiation per unit area per unit time is about 4.8 kilowatts / m2. Solar energy is one of the most abundant, pollution-free, and optimally explored renewable energy sources. Indonesia located in the tropics is very suitable and has the potential to develop solar energy. In the utilization of solar energy, it is necessary to develop a technology capable of converting solar energy into the desired energy of electrical energy. The supply of electric energy during the day can still be controlled by solar cell, while at night controlled by Aki.This technology is known as solar cells or Internationally known as solar cell or photovoltaic.Induction heating is the onset of heat on the metal exposed to the induction of the magnetic field, this is because the metal arising Eddy current or navel currents in a circular direction surrounding the magnetic field occurrence of the navel due to the magnetic induction that cause magnetic flux that penetrates the metal, causing heat metal.Designing Induction Heating Tool is a combination of solar cell technology with induction heating which benefits to the processing of tea production. This tool is able to induce the specimen so that the specimen becomes hot until it reaches the dry point reaches 100ºC. Power required to supply 300 Watt heater

    Pemanfaatan Energi Terbarukan untuk Perancangan Sistem Rotary Dryer pada Tahap Pengeringan Daun Teh Hijau di Kulonprogo

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    Indonesia receives solar energy with an average daily energy radiation per unit area per unit time of approximately 4.8 kilowatts / m2. Solar energy is one of the abundant, pollution-free, renewable energy sources and can be explored optimally. In the use of solar energy, it is necessary to develop a technology that is able to convert solar energy into the desired energy, namely electricity. The supply of electrical energy during the day can still be controlled by the solar cell, while at night it is controlled by a battery of 3600 mAH. This technology is known as solar cell or in the International world better known as solar cell or photovoltaic. Solar cell is a tool to convert solar energy into electrical energy. Photovoltaic is a technology that functions to convert or convert solar radiation into electrical energy directly.Rotary dryer is a dryer which is shaped as a drum and rotates continuously which is heated by a heater. A rotary dryer consists of a rotating cylinder and is used to reduce or minimize moisture in the contents of the material and its handling is direct contact with the heat in the drying chamber. The design of the rotary dryer system for the drying process of tea leaves requires a setting temperature of 90oC with a drying time of 15-25 minutes. The energy needed to supply power in the rotary dryer is 1000 WH

    Simulasi Alat Elektrostimulator Akupuntur Berbasis Mikrokontroler Atmega16

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    Elektrostimulator combined in acupunture therapy to provide the stimulation of electric energy at the point of the meridians of the body. Granting the power to create a balance of energy (chi) in the body. In administering the energy must pay attention to the voltage waveform, intensity, frequency and timing of stimuli. The purpose of this research is to change the system tools from analog into digital by changing the settings of the timer and frequency using the keypad that is controlled using the Microcontroller ATMega16. Specifications of the simulation tool elektrostimulator acupunture designed include the frequency setting of 5-100Hz, setting the intensity of a voltage 0 timer setting until 25Vac 60 minutes and has a spike waveform mode continou and electrodes used floating types. The test result show that simulated acupunture elektrostimulator tool result obtained in accordance with the compliance with the specifications but there is little the percentage error of frequency deviation i.e. 0.47% deviation of the timer of 0.29%, intensity of the voltage deviation of 0.073 % and waveform was nearing the same against his theory

    Perancangan Sistem Telemetri Suhu pada Inkubator Bayi

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    Pengukuran suhu pada system telemetri dimaksudkan untuk mendapatkan data suhu didalam inkubator secara lengkap, sehingga sejumlah data yang diperoleh akan dapat memberikan petunjuk terhadap kemungkinan terjadinya Perubahan temperatur pada inkubator. Data tersebut selanjutnya diinformasikan kepada operator. Dengan cara sistem Telemetri pengontrolan suhu dapat dilakukan ditempat yang berbeda. Perangkat telematri terdiri dari hardware dan software, dimana perangkat terdapat dibagian pengirim dan penerima. Dibagian pengirim terdapat sensor suhu yang akan terintegrasi dengan mikrokontroler, kemudian dihubungkan ke PC. Pengontrolan suhu dilakukan dibagian penerima. Bagian penerima membutuhkan suatu transduser lain untuk mengubah sinyal elektronis tersebut kembali kebentuk asalnya, dan juga bagian penerima harus ada alat penguat sinyal berupa pengua

    Analisa Perancangan Alat Simulator Gelombang Qrs sebagai Pengenalan Pola Gelombang Elektrokardiograf

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    Simulator machine of QRS wave has the input of PQRST as well as electrocardiograph wave parameter. The input of PQRST wave is tuned by setting the value of its amplitude and wavelength. The value is chosen based on the heart patients data that have been previously recorded. The validation value corresponds to the regulator value. Further, the validation value is compared to the short term electrocardiograph data that have been recorded for 5 minutes. The statistical and histogram based time domain analysis method are the two simplest analysis method of heart rate variation. The statistical analysis consists of two steps, i.e. the average and standard deviation of normal heart rate direct measurement. This measurement yields a negative deflection value of Q from R wave of 25%, a positive deflective value of R wave of 1.6-3 mV, and a negative deflection of S wave of 0.1-.5 mV

    Pengaruh Tegangan dan Arus di Pengambilan Data Waktu Cahaya Matahari pada Perancangan Kontrol Intensitas Lampu Jalan Otomatis Tenaga Surya

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    INTISARIPada naskah ini akan dilakukan analisis nilai tegangan dan arus pada Alat Kontrol Intensitas Lampu Jalan Otomatis Tenaga Surya. Data tersebut diperoleh dari hasil pengujian alat terssebut dengan waktu/jam yang berbeda-beda untuk mengetahui efektivitas cahaya matahari dalam mengisi daya solar panel. Alat tersebut dibuat agar hemat energi dan sebagai energi alternatif. Sumber utama dari penerangan ini adalah dari energi matahari yang dikonversi oleh panel surya menjadi listrik, dan baterai atau aki berfungsi sebagai penyimpan energi listrik yang akan menyalakan lampu pada malam hari. Oleh sebab itu, apabila listrik PLN mengalami gangguan atau mati listrik maka penerangan jalan ini tidak terpengaruh.Dari alat di atas, diperoleh hasil pengujian untuk variable tegangan arus. Selanjutnya akan dianalisis pengaruh waktu/jam terhadap pengambilan data nilai tegangan dan arus. Pada data waktu pengisian panel surya, rata-rata tegangan dari solar cell sama yaitu 19,54 volt dan median (nilai tengah) sebesar 20 volt serta nilai rerata arus sebesar 0,81 A dan median sebesar 0,8 A. Semakin siang maka arus yang masuk ke baterai semakin besar karena energi dari sinar matahari berada pada puncaknya yaitu pada jam 11:00 sampai 13:00, kemudian semakin sore maka arus yang masuk semakin kecil karena sinar matahari yang diterima solar cell sudah tidak optimal.Kata kunci— solar panel, tegangan, arus, energi matahar