2 research outputs found


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    Patient safety is an injury prevention system for patients by reducing the risk of adverse events associated with exposure to the diagnostic environment or medical treatment conditions. One of the factors that contribute to the patient's safety incident is the nature of work.The aim of this study is to analyze of the nature of works on near miss event (NME) at Cimacan General Hospital. This researchwas a descriptive quantitative research using secondary data from incident report and related document.There were 7 reports of NME in caring unit at Cimacan general hospital. Data analysis used descriptive analysis. Result of descriptive analysis, 5 respondents (71,83%) was non complex treatment, 2 respondents (28,73%) was complex treatment. Six respondents (85.7%) did not comply on procedures, 1 respondent (14.3%) adhered to procedures. Seven respondents (100%) were present at the time of near miss. Analysis of the nature of work on NME is an uncomplicated treatment, non-compliance with procedure, and present at the time of NME. Keywords: nature of work, near miss event, patient safet

    Hubungan Angka Neutrofil dengan Mortalitas Infark Miokard Akut

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    Infark Miokard Akut (IMA) adalah kondisi otot jantung yang tidak mendapatkan cukup darah dan oksigen. Jaringan yang mengalami infark dapat menimbulkan reaksi peradangan pada daerah perbatasan antara infark dengan jaringan hidup. Neutrofil dengan cepat memasuki daerah yang mati dan mulai melakukan penghancuran. Neutrofilia merupakan petanda inflamasi pada kejadian koroner akut dan mempunyai nilai prognostik. Belum ada penelitian yang spesifik pada angka neutrofil sebagai prediktor mortalitas infark miokard akut. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah untuk mengetahui hubungan angka neutrofil dengan mortalitas IMA. Jenis penelitian analitik observasional dengan desain studi kasus kontrol dengan menggunakan rekam medis di RS PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta. Subjek yang memenuhi kriteria inklusi dan eksklusi dikelompokkan menjadi kelompok meninggal dan kelompok yang masih hidup. Didapatkan 146 sampel yang dibagi menjadi 2 kelompok, 38 orang dalam kelompok yang meninggal dan 108 orang untuk kelompok yang masih hidup. Hasil analisis dengan chi square menunjukkan tidak ada hubungan yang bermakna antara kelompok yang meninggal maupun yang masih hidup dengan nilai OR 1,476 (95% CI 0,65-3,22; p=0,368), sehingga dapat disimpulkan bahwa angka netrofil tidak berhubungan dengan mortalitas IMA.Acute Myocardial Infarction (AMI) is an insufficiency of oxygen and blood in myocard. Infarction can induce inflammation reaction in borderline area of infarct and health tissue. Neutrophil enter to infarct area immediately and destroy. Neutrophilia is inflammation marker in acute coroner syndrome and have prognostic value. There is no a specific research about neutrophil as predictor of mortality of acute myocardial infarction. The objective research is to ascertain the relationship between neutrophil counts following acute myocardial infarction during hospitalization. An observational analytical research was done on AMI patients were hospitalized in the PKU Muhammadiyah Yogyakarta Hospital with case control design using medical records. Subject who fulfilled inclusion and exclusion criteria were divided into 2 groups, death group and live group. There were 146 samples which were divided into 2 groups, 38 patients in death group and 108 patients in live group. Chi square test showed that there is no significance statistically between death group and live group with OR 1,44 (95% CI 0,65-3,22; p=0,368). Neutrophil count does not related with mortality of AMI