14 research outputs found

    Peningkatan Kemampuan Membaca dan Menulis Permulaan Menggunakan Metode Sas Siswa Kelas I Sekolah Dasar

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    The research problem is students have difficulty in reading and writing. So in this case as the first grade elementary school teacher in the process of learning or learning activities to choose and use teaching methods that are considered successful. The method considered suitable and successful for students class I alementary schoolin the learning method MMP is SAS. The method used in this research is descriptive method. The reason this method is used because the entire result ditemu during the research process will be presented descriptively. This research was conducted in two cycles. Student learning outcomes in the first cycle the average obtained from 10 students was 560 with a percentage of 56%. Then increased quite significant in the second cycle to 10 students who scored in the top 60 value is 710 with a percentage of 71%. on the second cycle this be the final value of a series of research activities which appear to have an increase in each cycle

    Pendekatan Ilmiah Pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit Dan Nonelektrolit Dalam Meningkatkan Kepekaan Siswa

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    This research was aimed to describe the effectiveness of scientific approach in improving the student’s problem sensitivity in electrolyte and non electrolyte solution subject matter. The method of the research was quasi experimental with Non Equivalent (Pretest-Posttest) Control Group Design. The population of this research was students of class X SMA N 5 Bandarlampung in even semester of academic year 2013-2014. Sampling was taken by purposive sampling and obtained class X2 as experimental class and X3 as control class. The effectiveness of scientific approach in the learning was showed by the significant difference of n-Gain between experiment and control class. The results showed that the average of problem sensitivity’s n-Gain of control class and experiment class were 0,37 and 0,59 respectively. The result of hypothesis testing showed that scientific approach was effective in improving the student’s problem sensitivity in electrolyte and non electrolyte subject matter.Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mendeskripsikan efektivitas pendekatan ilmiah dalam meningkatkan kepekaan siswa pada materi larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah kuasi eksperimen dengan Non Equivalent (Pretest-Posttest) Control Group Design. Populasi dalam penelitian ini adalah seluruh siswa kelas X SMA N 5 Bandarlampung semester genap Tahun Pelajaran 2013-2014. Pengambilan sampel dilakukan dengan purposive sampling dan diperoleh kelas X2 sebagai kelas eksperimen dan X3 sebagai kelas kontrol. Efektivitas pendekatan ilmiah pada pembelajaran ditunjukkan berdasarkan perbedaan n-Gain yang signifikan antara kelas eksperimen dan kelas kontrol. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan rata-rata n-Gain kepekaan untuk kelas kontrol dan eksperimen masing-masing sebesar 0,37 dan 0,59. Hasil pengujian hipotesis menunjukkan bahwa pendekatan ilmiah efektif dalam meningkatkan kepekaan siswa pada pembelajaran larutan elektrolit dan nonelektrolit

    Morfologi Spasial Hunian Di Desa Wisata Sendangduwur Kabupaten Lamongan

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    Desa Sendangduwur merupakan salah satu desa sebagai penghasil batik tulis di Jawa Timur. Tahun 2006 Dinas Koperasi Perdagangan dan Industri bersama masyarakat Sendangduwur menggalakkan kembali dan mempromosikan batik tulis khas desa Sendangduwur hingga dijadikan sebagai produk unggulan Kabupaten Lamongan. Menyebabkan peningkatan jumlah pengrajin batik tulis dan munculnya ruang USAha pada hunian masyarakat desa Sendangduwur dan mempengaruhi spasial hunian masyarakat. Tujuan dari penelitian ini untuk mengetahui morfologi spasial hunian di desa wisata Sendangduwur Kabupaten Lamongan. Metode penelitian yang digunakan adalah deskriptif dengan pendekatan morfologi diakronik untuk menganalisis variabel penelitian. Hasil penelitian yang didapatkan berupa Perubahan spasial hunian akibat penambahan showroom dan/atau workspace pada zona publik dan semipublik pada spasial hunian. Perubahan pada spasial hunian in dikarenakan kebutuhan untuk meningkatkan perekonomian dan identitas diri pemilik hunian

    Aplikasi Teknologi Fermentasi Limbah Kubis sebagai Pengawet Alami Penanganan Pasca Panen Ikan pada Kelompok Nelayan di Tempat Pelelangan Ikan (TPI) Purnama Dumai

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    APPLICATION OF CABBAGE WASTE FERMENTATION TECHNOLOGY AS A NATURAL PRESERVATIVE IN POST-HARVEST HANDLING OF FISH IN FISHER GROUPS AT FISH AUCTION PLACE OF PURNAMA DUMAI. One of the solutions that can be used to preserve fish naturally economically and efficiently is to use cabbage waste. Cabbage (Brassica oleracea) is a well-known vegetable, widely produced, easy to obtain and cheap in price. The use of cabbage waste as a natural preservative for fresh fish is used to naturally preserve fish so that the misuse of preservatives that are harmful to the human body is no longer used

    Pemberdayaan Masyarakat Peduli Makanan Sehat melalui Deteksi Berbasis IPTEK Menggunakan Senyawa Bahan Alam pada Bahan Tambahan Pangan Berbahaya

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    Along with the increasing need for non-perishable foodstuffs, hazardous chemical food additives (FA) such as borax and formalin are widely used in the food industry, such as in making wet noodles, meatballs, rice cake, tofu, and others. This dangerous chemical FA is usually used as a food preservative, even though these chemicals are poisonous and dangerous to human health so that their use is strictly prohibited by the government. In order to anticipate the wider negative impact of the use of hazardous chemical FA added to foodstuffs, it is necessary to carry out counseling and socialization activities regarding healthy food free of hazardous chemical FA by mastering the technology for identifying food additives and handling them. This activity uses a method of mentoring the community learning process in the form of counseling and training. The target of the socialization activity was the majelis taklim of Babussalam Mosque, Tampan District, Pekanbaru City. The overall implementation of the activity exceeded the desired target because 96% of the participants understood food additives, 83.3% understood tips on recovering healthy and hazardous FA-free food, and 84% were interested in making hazardous chemical FA detection tools

    Desain dan Uji Coba Modul Berbasis Poe (Predict-observe- Explain) pada Materi Larutan Elektrolit dan Non Elektrolit

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    This research was instigated by the problem of the lack of variety of media develoved in school, that why, it was designed and testing POE (Predict-Observe-Explain) Based Module on Electrolyte and non-Electrolyte Solution lesson. 4-D development model was used in this research until develop  stage. The subjects of this research were an Expert of Material, an Expert of Media, 3 teachers to test media practicality and 12 students of State Senior High School for knowing the respond to media.  The method of collecting the data was questionnaire sheet that was analyzed by using Qualitative and Quantitative Descriptive. Based on the research finding, it was obtained that the percentage of media validity by the expert media was 89.15% and it was on very valid criterion. The assessment percentage of students practicality test and teacher was 94.5% and it was on very practical criterion

    Effect of PH on Biosorption Ion Cd(II) in Solutions Using Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia Gralanga)

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    The biosorption characteristic of Cd(II) ions from aqueous solution using Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia Gralanga) were investigated as a function of pH. The maximum biosorption capacity of a Lengkuas Merah (Alpinia Gralanga) for Cd(II) was found to be 18,37 mg/L and 91,85% at optimum pH was 10. At pH 2 to 10 the biosorption of Cd ions tends to increase. The result showed that the lengkuas merah can be evaluated as an alternative biosorbent to treatment waste water containing Cd(II). A Lengkuas Merah is low cost and has considerable high biosorption capacity