14 research outputs found

    Pengaruh Kualitas Layanan terhadap Kepuasan Pelanggan Restoran Baruna Sanur

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    Purpose of this study for examine and analyze 1) the influence of the quality of service that consists of physical evidence, reliability, responsiveness, assurance and empathy for customer satisfaction Baruna Sanur Restaurant. 2) The difference between customer satisfaction of men with female customers. Design research using associative method. These samples included 115 who were taken using purposive sampling technique. Data were analyzed by multiple linear regression and Man - Whitney Results analysis of the data shows that overall service quality variables (tangibles, reliability, responsiveness, assurance, and empathy) and a significant positive effect on customer satisfaction Baruna Sanur Restaurant, where there is customer satisfaction differences between men and women to the service of Baruna Sanur Restaurant. The implications of this research, Sanur Restaurant Baruna more attention on the five dimensions of service quality, especially in terms of responsiveness that customer satisfaction is met according to the desired expectation

    Kemampuan Prior Opinion Memoderasi Pengaruh Profitabilitas, Leverage, Likuiditas, Pertumbuhan Perusahaan dan Rasio Aktivitas terhadap Opini Audit Going Concern

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    This study aimed to get empirical evidence of prior opinions in its ability to moderate the effect of profitability, leverage, liquidity, company growth and activity ratios on going concern audit opinion. Going concern opinion is an audit opinion issued by the auditor to assess whether there is substantial doubt on the entity's ability to maintain its viability in a time period not exceeding one year from the date of the audit report. Several previous studies have shown inconsistent results relating to the effect of financial ratios in the administration of going concern audit opinion. The difference results of these studies can be completed through a contingency approach, in which variables prior opinion allegedly moderating influence of financial ratios such as profitability, leverage, liquidity, growth and activity ratios to administration going concern audit opinion. This study uses secondary data. The population in this research is manufacturing companies listed in Indonesia Stock Exchange 2010-2015 period. The number of samples in the study were 438 samples were selected by purposive sampling. Data analysis technique used is the logistic regression analysis. The results obtained are prior opinion moderates and weaken the influence of profitability which is proxied by ROA on giving going concern audit opinions, but prior opinion does not moderate and strengthening the influence of leverage on giving going concern audit opinion, and prior opinion does not moderate and weaken the influence of liquidity, the company's growth and activity ratio on going concern audit opinion

    Developing Culture-based Supplementary Reading Material for the Eighth Grade Students of SMP Laboratorium Singaraja

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    Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengembangkan materi tambaha membaca berbasis budaya dimana subjek dari penelitian ini adalah siswa kelas VIII SMP Laboratorium Undiksha Singaraja. Tujuan penelitian ini adalah mengidentifikasi potensi dan masalah dalam membaca yang dihadapi oleh siswa, mendeskripsikan materi membaca berbasis budaya untuk siswa, dan menganalisis kualitas materi membaca berbasis budaya untuk siswa yang dikembangkan. Model pengembangan yang digunakan dalam penelitian ini adalah model Penelitian dan Pengembangan yang diadaptasi dari model oleh Sugiyono (2011) dan berdasarkan kriteria materi membaca yang baik oleh Tomlinson (1998). Deskripsi materi membaca berbasis budaya untuk siswa kelas delapan Sekolah Menengah Pertama dijabarkan ke dalam empat aspek: konstruksi, isi, penggunaan bahasa, penampilan, dan kegiatan membaca. Uji validitas dalam penelitian ini menunjukkan prototipe yang dievaluasi berkualitas sangat baik dengan skor rata-rata 4,58. Uji kegunaan menunjukkan bahwa siswa berlaku sangat baik dan aktif dalam implementasi materi tambahan membaca berbasis budaya. Kata Kunci : materi membaca, budaya, penelitian dan pengembangan This Research and Development aimed at identifying the potentials and problems in reading in EFL classes, describing the outlook of a well developed culture-based supplementary reading material, and analyzing the quality of the newly developed culture-based supplementary reading material for the eighth grade students of Junior High School. Following the seven steps suggested in Sugiyono model, This study was based on the result of the preliminary observation which showed that there was a need to develop reading material which contains some cultural aspects in it. This research employed Research and Development model adapted from Sugiyono (2011). The first finding identified topic selection, pictures or illustration and kind of reading activities as the problems in reading and they were used as the consideration in identifying the potentials in developing reading material. A well developed culture-based supplementary reading material can be described from five aspects: construction, content, language use, physical appearance, and reading activities. Finally, the validity was measured from the score given by all experts. The prototype can be categorized as having Excellent quality as indicated by the mean score of 4.58 in which the Sr < 4.485. In addition, the result of observation showed that the students were doing excellent during the implementation of culture-based supplementary reading material

    Keragaan Sifat Tahan Penyakit Blas dan Agronomi Populasi Silang Balik dan Haploid Ganda Turunan IR64 dan Oryza Rufipogon

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    Perakitan varietas tahan blas sebagai galur harapan, merupakan salah satu prioritas dalam program pemuliaan padi. Dalam rangka mendukung program tersebut, telah dilakukan pembentukan populasi haploid ganda (HG) dan silang Balik (BC) dengan IR64 sebagai tetua berulang dan Oryza rufipogon (No. aksesi IRGC 105491) sebagai tetua donor gen tahan penyakit blas. Penelitian ini bertujuan menganalisis keragaan tingkat ketahanan galur-galur haploid ganda (HG_I, HG_II, dan HG_III) dan galur-galur silang Balik (BC2, BC3, dan BC5) terhadap penyakit blas di rumah kaca dan lapang, sehingga diperoleh kandidat galur harapan. Hasil pengujian beberapa populasi HG dan BC menunjukan bahwa terdapat variasi keragaan yang berbeda-beda. Variasi paling kecil terdapat pada populasi HG_III. Hasil yang sama juga diperoleh pada populasi silang Balik (BC2-BC5). Variasi paling kecil terdapat pada populasi BC5. Bila dibandingkan antar populasi HG dan BC, tingkat variasi pada populasi HG_III lebih kecil dibandingkan dengan tingkat variasi pada populasi BC5. Hal ini menunjukkan bahwa tingkat homosigositas paling tinggi terdapat pada populasi HG_III. Berdasarkan evaluasi penampilan agronomis beberapa galur HG_III terpilih, diperoleh tiga galur kandidat galur harapan Bio1, Bio2, dan Bio8

    Rice Anther Culture to Develop Double Haploid Population and Blast Resistant Lines

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    Penyakit blas pada padi yang disebabkanoleh cendawan Pyricularia grisea, merupakan salah satukendala dalam produksi beras. Sumber gen ketahanan terhadappenyakit blas dijumpai pada spesies padi liar Oryzarufipogon. Populasi silang ganda (BC2F3) turunan IR64 danO. rufipogon mempunyai QTL untuk sifat ketahanan terhadappenyakit blas. Untuk mempercepat perolehan tanamanhomosigot dari populasi tersebut, dilakukan kultur anterpada dua media induksi kalus: I1 (N6 + NAA 2 mg/l + kinetin0,5 mg/l + sukrosa 60 g/l + putresin 0,16 g/l) dan I2 (N6 +2,4-D 2 mg/l + sukrosa 50 g/l) dan dua media regenerasi: R1(MS + NAA 0,5 mg/l + kinetin 2 mg/l + sukrosa 40 g/l +putresin 0,16 g/l) dan R2 (MS + NAA 1 mg/l + kinetin 2 mg/l+ sukrosa 30 g/l). Kultur anter dilakukan pada sembilan genotipe,di mana tiga genotipe (149-16, 343, 337-13) memberikanrespon terbaik dalam produksi planlet hijau setelahdikulturkan pada media regenerasi R1. Dari 208 planlet hasilregenerasi diperoleh 42 planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe149-16, 11 planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe 343, dan 44planlet haploid ganda dari genotipe 337-13. Skrining ketahananblas di rumah kaca pada populasi haploid gandamenghasilkan 46 tanaman tahan terhadap ras 001, 33 tanamantahan terhadap ras 033, dan 79 tanaman tahan terhadapras 173. Sebanyak 28 tanaman bersifat tahan, baik terhadapras 001, 033, maupun 173 seperti halnya O. rufipogon.Galur-galur homosigot ini akan diuji di lapang untuk ketahanannyaterhadap penyakit blas dan karakter agronominya

    Identification of Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms on Cattle Breeds in Indonesia Using Bovine 50k

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    Single nucleotide polymorphisms (SNPs) abundant in bovine genome influence genetic variation in biological mechanism. The study aimed to identify SNPs on Indonesian cattle breeds and analyze their genetic diversity using Bovine 50K SNP chip. Twenty eight "Ongole Grade" (OG) beef cattle and 20 "Holstein Friesian" (HF) dairy cattle were used for the Infinium II assay test. This assay included amplification of genomic DNA, fragmenta-tion, precipitation, resuspension, hybridization, processing bead chip for single-base extension, and imaging at iScan. Data and clusters were analyzed using GenomeStudio software. The Bovine 50K SNP chip containing 54,609 SNPs was observed spanning all chromosomes of bovine genome. Genotyping for the total SNPs was successfull based on Call Rate, GeneCall and GeneTrain scores. Most SNP markers had alleles that shared among the individuals or breeds, or had specific alleles at distinctive frequencies. Minor allele frequency (MAF) spreads equally with intervals of 0-0.5. The breeds of OG and HF tended to be separated in different clusters without considering their genetic history and twin or normal. This result suggests that most individuals are closely related to one another, regardless of the same breed. Some genes identified on chromosomes 3, 4, 5, 7, 13, 17 and 18 were located in the loci/regions that contained SNPs with specific alleles of either HF or OG breed. These SNPs were more powerful for differentiation of beef cattle and dairy cattle than among individuals in the same breed. These SNP variations and genetic relatedness among individuals and breeds serve basic information for cattle breeding in Indonesia

    Challenges in Operating University Moodle E-Learning: A Case Study From Lecturers' Perceptions

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    Penelitian bertujuan untuk menginvestigasi persepsi tentang kesulitan dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris yang menggunakan E-learning Moodle Undiksha dalam mata kuliah pedagogi, literature, reading dan writing. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode mix dan lebih kepada pendekatan kualitatif. Peneliti menggunakan kuisioner dan panduan interview saat pengumpulan data. Dosen Pendidikan Bahasa Inggris merupakan partisipan dalam penelitian ini. Hasil penelitian menunjukan ada enam masalah yang ditemui oleh dosen saat menggunakan E-learning Moodle Undiksha yang di kategorikan menjadi internal dan external. Kesulitan internal yang ditemui berupa tidak adanya fitur auto-refresh, konferensi video, pesan suara dan mengedit secara berkesinambungan. Sedangkan untuk halangan external diantaranya sikap buruk plagiarism dan partisipasi pasif dari mahasisw