20 research outputs found

    Hubungan Kesinambungan Pemanfaatan Pelayanan Kesehatan Maternal Dengan Pemberian Imunisasi Lengkap Di Indonesia

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    Background: Morbidity and mortality due to infections in children can be reduced by immunization program. Some studies indicate that sustainability utilization of maternal health care will improvematernal health and the quality of child care including immunization.Objective: The aim of the analysis is to determine the relationship between sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services with complete immunization of children aged 12-23 months in Indonesia.Methods: Secondary data analysis of Baseline Health Research 2013. The samples in this analysis werechildren aged 12 – 23 months of mothers aged 10 – 54 years who has history of immunization recorded onKMS / KIA / infant health records. The main independent variable was the sustainability utilization ofmaternal health services. The dependent variable is the immunization status. Odds ratios and 95%Confidence were calculated by logistic regression.Result: Pregnant women who were not sustainably utilize maternal health services were 1.58 times morelikely to not provide complete immunization to their children compare to women who continuously utilizedmaternal health services adjusted by economic status and number of children in family.Conclusion: The sustainability utilization of maternal health care significantly related with completeimmunization of children aged 12 – 23 months in Indonesia. Latar Belakang: Upaya untuk menurunkan angka kesakitan dan kematian karena infeksi pada anak dapatdilakukan dengan program imunisasi. Beberapa studi menunjukkan bahwa kesinambungan pemanfaatanpelayanan kesehatan maternal akan meningkatkan derajat kesehatan ibu serta kualitas perawatan anaktermasuk didalamnya imunisasi.Tujuan: Analisis ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui hubungan antara kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanankesehatan maternal dengan pemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia.Metodologi: Data yang digunakan di dalam analisis ini ialah data Riset Kesehatan Dasar tahun 2013.Sampel di dalam analisis ini ialah anak umur 12 – 23 bulan dari ibu umur 10 – 54 tahun yang memilikiriwayat imunisasi yang tercatat pada buku KMS/KIA/catatan kesehatan bayi. Variabel bebas utama ialahkesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal. Variabel terikat ialah status imunisasi dasarlengkap. Analisis regresi logistik dilakukan dengan perhitungan odds ratio dan 95% Confidence Interval.Hasil: Hasil analisis menunjukkan bahwa ibu hamil yang tidak berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal, memiliki kecenderungan 1,58 kali untuk tidak memberikan imunisasilengkap kepada anaknya dibandingkan dengan ibu hamil yang berkesinambungan memanfaatkanpelayanan kesehatan maternal.Kesimpulan: Kesinambungan pemanfaatan pelayanan kesehatan maternal berhubungan signifikan denganpemberian imunisasi lengkap anak umur 12 – 23 bulan di Indonesia

    Kejadian Pendek-gemuk pada Anak Berusia Bawah Dua Tahun Berhubungan dengan Konsumsi Lemak dan Pendidikan Ibu

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    Linear growth retardation (stunting) is still prevalent in developing countries. On the other hand, the prevalence of overweight and obesity also increases. The result of the situation is double burden of child nutrition status, both stunted and obese/overweight at time same. The objective of the study is to assess the prevalence of children under two years of age who are stunted and overweight at the same time and its associated factors in Indonesia. The study used secondary data from the National Basic Health Research in 2010. The samples were 2116 under two year of age from all provinces in Indonesia. Anthropometry indices were generated using 2005 WHO standards for children. A child that categorized as stunted and overweight were those with a length-for-age z-score <-2 SD and a weight-for-length z-score >2SD from the median of the reference standard adjusted for the relevant sex and age group. Logistic regression and sample weighting factors were performed for the data analysis. The result wasthe prevalence of stunting with concurrent overweight 19.8 percent. Factors that significantly associated with stunting overweight were fat intake and maternal education. Low fat intake was associated with stunting and overweight (OR 0.52, 95% CI 0.29-0.94). Mother with no schooling is also associated with stunting and overweight of their children (OR 3.24, 95% CI 1.35-7.78). This analysis emphasizes that there had been double burden of child nutrition among children in Indonesia.However, eventhough low fat intake was one of the factors associated with stunting and overweight among under two children, restriction of fat intake in first year of life is not recommended

    Asupan Zat Besi Dan Seng Pada Bayi Umur 6 – 11 Bulan Di Kelurahan Jati Cempaka, Kota Bekasi, Tahun 2014

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    Infants are at higher risk of iron and zinc deficiency because of their rapid growth and higher iron and zinc needs. The infants' iron and zinc status are directly affected by their dietary intake. The aims of this study were to measure the average and the deficit of iron and zinc intake in infants aged 6 – 11.months in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka Kota Bekasi, 2014. The research was conducted in 10 Integrated Health Service in Kelurahan Jati Cempaka, Bekasi City, 2014. Eighty pairs of infants and mothers were selected as samples. Infants' intake were assessed by 2 x 24 hours non-consecutive dietary recall. Independent T test analysis were conducted to identify the differences in iron and zinc intake between underweight infant and infant with normal nutritional status. Analysis showed that iron and zinc the total of average of breastfeeding infants were 2,3 ± 1,2 mg/day and 1,7 ± 0,7 mg/day. Iron and zinc The average deficit of of breastfeeding infants were 4,7 ± 1,2 mg/day and 1,3 ± 0,7 mg/day. There was significant difference on the average of iron intake between underweight infant and infants with normal nutritional status. But there was no significant difference on the zinc intake. However zinc intake the average of of underweight infant was lower than the normal infant with normal nutritional status. Nutrition counseling about good complementary feeding practice to the mothers of infants is needed, especially complementary food from animal source. Multi micro nutrient supplementations to the infants need to be considered, regarding low consumption of complementary food from animal source

    Exploration and Identification of Spermatophyta Plants Division that are potentially can be used for Medicine at Evergreen Forest taman Nasional Baluran Indonesia

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    Indonesia is a country that has so many various floras. Nowadays Indonesia has more than 300.000 kinds of floras. More than 8000 kinds of plant belongto medicinal plants.WHO (World Health Organization) has stated about 80% of the population is still dependent on medicinal plants. Based on theAgriculture Ministry of Indonesia, the potential of medicine sales from 2010 to 2015 continues to increase. This is caused by the demand for medicine in 2010 reached 10 trillion rupiah. In 2015 is estimated to reach 20 trillion. Based on the Ministry of Agriculture (2007), traditional medicinal plants are not worth as much as the value of medicinal drugs, but the high value in demand for traditional medicine increases the value of traditional medicine sales from 2 trillion rupiah in 2003 to 7.2 trillion rupiah.The high number of needs is not equalwith the production capacity of medicinal plants. This is showedif Indonesia still importing medicinal materials with considerable value whereas in Indonesia hasso many medicinal materials especially from tropical forests of Indonesia.The absence of utilization of Indonesia's tropical forests is one of the factorsto do the research entitledExplorationand Identification of Spermatophyte Plants DivisionThat Are Potentially Can Be Usefor Medicineat Evergreen Forest Taman NasionalBaluran Indonesia. This Research conducted by using transect line method along the 100 meters enter the forest from the edge of the forest. The results from the exploration are found 22 types of medicinal plants which are included in 12 families and all of the medicinal plants can be use formedicine. The parts of the plants that can be utilized as a medicine are roots, leaves, flowers and even bark. From the parts of the medicinal plant leafs are the most potential parts for medicine. There are some various ways in utilizing medicinal plants starting with boiled, chewed, crushed and even mixed with other ingredients

    Desain Visual Antarmuka Website E-kartu Nikah

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    Pernikahan yang sah secara agama dan yang tercatat resmi oleh pemerintah ditunjukkan dengan bukti kepemilikan buku nikah. Buku nikah menjadi salah satu dokumen pribadi yang digunakan untuk berbagai kepengurusan dan birokrasi pemerintahan seperti pembuatan pasport, tunjangan keluarga, asuransi dan urusan lainnya. Efektifitas dari segi keamanan maupun dalam penggunaan buku bikah sangatlah perlu untuk ditingkatkan. E-kartu nikah merupakan elektronik buku nikah yang dilengkapi dengan teknologi mikrochip sebagai media penyimpan data dan sebagai kemanan data yang tersimpan didalamnya. Informasi yang tersimpan didalamnya adalah informasi yang ada pada buku nikah. Kartu pintar E-kartu nikah terintegrasi dengan website, dimana pengguna dapat mengakses infromasi menggunakan nomor seri yang ada pada E-kartu nikah. Teknologi microchip yang tertanam pada kartu mempermudah dan mempercepat proses verfikasi data apabila suatu kepengurusan menggunakan alat bantu card reader. Sasaran pengguna website E-kartu nikah mencangkup semua golongan dengan rentang usia diatas 19 tahun. Pada penelitian ini fokus pada perancangan antarmuka website dengan memperhatikan aspek elemen-elemen dasar desain visual pada desain antarmuka dengan menggunakan model prtotipe jenis evolutionary. Hasil akhir dari penilitian ini adalah rancangan kartu pintar terbuat dari plastik dan berukuran 5,4 x 8,6 cm dan website sebagai portal akses E-kartu nikah

    Pemanfaatan Virtual Reality pada Perancangan Game Fruit Slash Berbasis Android Menggunakan Unity 3d

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    Nowadays games become one of the choices of activities to fill in leisure time or just to amuse themselves during leisure time, because the game is made with a fun and entertaining game system. The current games are very diverse, such as games with puzzles, games that require dexterity to games that require concentration. However, most existing games still use touch screen or touchscreen media, so some games that require Fast reflexes from players will cause difficulties. In this study aims to create a fruit slash entertainment media where players can cut fruit as if real. The game fruit slash app is a game designed by applying Virtual Reality technology that will simplify and maximize excitement while playing the game. Game Fruit Slash is also made by using the engine (game programming) Unity 3D using C # programming language. Game Fruit Slash can be played on android based mobile devices. Expected with the game fruit slash players will be able to feel the new experience. The first test using white box method is a method that uses procedural control control structure to obtain test case. The second test uses the black box method to ensure that an event or input will execute the appropriate process and generate output according to the design. The third test was conducted on fruit slash game application quality test by distributing questionnaires to fruit slash players. And the results of questionnaire data processing is 3.8 (strongly agree) on the aspects of benefits