7 research outputs found

    Keberadaan Bakteri Escherichia Coli Dan Salmonella SP Pada Limbah Pabrik Pakan Unggas (Pakan Ceceran) Yang Difermentasi Dengan Starter Fungsional (the Escherichia Coli and Salmonella SP in Wastes Poultry Feeds (Scattered Feed) That Was Fermented with Fun

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    The research was aimed to examine the Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in wastes poultry feeds (scattered feed) that was fermented with fungsional starter (that contain extarct of fermented vegetable waste, rumen fluid, pollard and aquades also called starfungs'). A completely randomined design was applied with 4 treatment and 4 replications. The treatments measured were T0 : scattered feed + 0% ‘starfungs', T1 : scattered feed + 1% ‘starfungs', T2 : scattered feed + 2% ‘starfungs', T3 : scattered feed + 3% ‘starfungs'. The parameters measured were presence Escherichia coli and Salmonella sp in wastes poultry feeds (scattered feed) that was fermented with ‘starfungs'. Analysis of variance and Duncan multiple range test (DMRT) were used to analyze data. The results of research showed that the ‘starfungs' began to level 1% (T1) to suppress the Escherichia coli. Additional ‘starfungs' did not have a significant effect to suppress the Salmonella sp. This could be concluded that ‘starfungs' could suppress the Escherichia coli started from level 1% (T1), however, it could not suppress the Salmonella sp

    Pengaruh Penambahan Aras Ekstrak Kubis Sortir Dan Lama Pemeraman Terhadap Kandungan Nutrisi Silase Ikan

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    This research aim to study the influence of addition of level of cabbage pickle sort to content of nutrisi silase fish. Research executed in two Laboratory that is Technological Laboratory of Food of Livestock. andLaboratory of Science of Livestock Food, Majors of Nutrisi and Livestock Food, Faculty Of Veterinary of University of Diponegoro Semarang. Research Activity by three phase. First phase early making of cabbagecondensation that is by cleaning cabbage beforehand, later;then cut to pieces to minimize and enhanced salt 2,5Yo from fresh weight of cabbage. Afterwards, mingled called a meeting to order anaerob during 4 day tobe taken by its condensation (starter). count of Fish, later;then steamed and extorted obstetrical until aimya lose the. Molasses as much 15% from fresh weight of fish and enhanced by starter of cabbage condensation12,5yo, 15Yo and l7,5Yo from fresh weight of fish runcah. Second phase is the the mixture into stoples and called a meeting to order. treatment of Time during 0, 4, 8 and 12 day. Last phase, silase of fish tested bylaboratoris cover the harsh protein, harsh fat, dusty, harsh fibre and extract substance without nitrogen of according to procedure AOAC (1975). Result of research indicate that treatment of level pickle 12,5, 15 and17,5%o not show the existence of real influence ( p0,05) to harsh protein harsh fat, and harsh fibre.Obstetrical mean silage nutrition fish successively as follows : cruide protein ( 55,32;53,69 and 55,07%); extraceter (3,66;3,64and4,01%); andcruide fibre( 1,07;1,05 and l,l4%). Pursuantto inferentialresearchresult that treatment of addition of level of cabbage pickle sort not influence of quality of silage fis

    Pengaruh Penambahan Berbagai Level Pollard Berprobiotik Terhadap Biomassa Mikrobiadan Kualitas Protein Dalam Pellet (Effect of Addition Various Level Pollard Containing Probiotics of Biomass Microbial and Quality Protein in Pellet)

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    The research aimed to assess the quality of the pellets that was evaluated from the microbial biomass content, crude protein and pure protein. The research was designed with a completely randomized design with 4 treatments and 4 replications. T0 as control there was no treatments containing probiotics pollard addition; T1, the addition pollard containing probiotics as much as 10%; T2, the addition pollard containing probiotics as much as 20%; and T3, additions pollard containing probiotics as much as 30%. Crude protein levels were analyzed using the Kjeldahl method, pure protein levels were analyzed by means of incubation and analyzed by the method Kjedahl and biomass were analyzed with a spectrophotometer and the results were tested by Anova. The results showed that the addition pollard containing probiotics are not significantly different (P> 5%) of the crude protein pellet T0 (15.32%), T1 (16.21%), T2 (16.28%) and T3 (16.42%). Addition pollard containing probiotics significantly with the level of significance of 5% (P <5%) of the microbial biomass content and pure protein in the pellet. Pure protein content in each treatment were T0 (10.23%), T1 (12.40%), T2 (13.48%) and T3 (13.94%). Microbial biomass levels respectively T0 (1.890), T1 (2.040), T2 (2.068) and T3 (2.217). The conclusions of this research is the addition pollard containing probiotics could enhance microbial biomass, causing levels of crude protein and purified protein in the pellet increases. The level of crude protein, purified protein and the best microbial biomass in the treatment T3 was 16.42% respectively; 13.94% and 2.217

    Utilization of Dietary Maggot Frass on the Performance, Carcass Percentage, Digestive Organs, and Economic Value of Muscovy Ducks

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    This study aimed to examine the effect of using maggot frass level inclusion in the diet on the performance, digestive organs, immune organs, and economic value of Muscovy Ducks. The study employed a completely randomized design with four treatments and five replications. The treatments used were: T0= 100% basal feed, T1= 80% basal feed + 20% maggot frass, T2= 60% basal feed + 40% maggot frass, and T3= 40% basal feed + 60% maggot frass. This study involved 300 Muscovy ducks aged 4 days, weighing 40.52 ± 4.81 gram/bird, and spanning a rearing period of 8 weeks. The obtained data was subjected to analysis of variance, followed by Duncan’s test (p<0.05) for significance. The results showed that the increase in body weight, final weight, IOFDC, N retention, and carcass percentage decreased along with increasing maggot frass content. There was an increase in feed consumption, AME, TME, and crude fiber digestibility when giving maggot frass. There is a tendency for performance to decrease as the percentage of maggot frass in duck feed increases, but maggot frass can still be used at a percentage of 40%. Based on the study’s findings, the use of maggot frass up to 40% can reduce feed operational costs and positively affect the IOFDC value