32 research outputs found

    The digestive system of the fungus-feeding, subsocial thrips Suocerathrips linguis Mound & Marullo, 1994 (Phlaeothripidae, Thysanoptera)

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    Mit über 3100 beschriebenen Arten bildet die Unterordnung Tubulifera den größten Anteil der Thysanopteren. Im Gegensatz zu den Terebrantia, welche sich überwiegend durch eine pflanzensaftsaugende Lebensweise auszeichnen, ernähren sich viele Vertreter der Tubulifera-Unterfamilien Idolothripinae und Phlaeothripinae von Pilzsporen und –hyphen. Viele der phytosugen Thripsarten sind durch den Saugvorgang per se und die Übertragung von Viren, Bakterien und Pilzen und den daraus resultierenden wirtschaftlichen Schäden in Bezug auf ihre Lebens- und Ernährungsweise, Anatomie und Morphologie sehr gut untersucht und in Übersichtswerken dargestellt (Lewis 1973, 1997, Moritz 2006). Ebenso liegen für diese Arten systematische Betrachtungen und moderne Bestimmungsschlüssel vor (Moritz & al. 2001, 2004, Zur Strassen 2003). Entsprechende Arbeiten an Vertretern der Phlaeothripidae sind jedoch weit weniger umfassend. Zwar liegen verschiedene Untersuchungen zur Sozialität gallbildender, australischer Phlaeothripiden (Crespi 1992, Kranz & al. 1999, 2001), sowie zu deren Reproduktion (Chapmann & al. 2000, Moritz 2002) und zur chemischen Verteidigung (Suzuki 2004, Tschuch & al. 2004, 2005) vor, jedoch fehlen vergleichende Untersuchungen zur pilzfressenden Lebensweise und damit verbundenen Anpassungen des Ernährungssystems. Der Phlaeothripide Suocerathrips linguis lebt ausschließlich auf Sansevierien, die zwar als Wirts-, jedoch nicht als Nahrungspflanzen dienen. Die ca. 2 – 3 mm großen, einheitlich dunkel pigmentierten und auffällig dorsoventral abgeflachten Tiere leben in Aggregationen hunderter Individuen aller Ontogenesestadien und betreiben Brutpflege. Durch interessante, z.T. soziale Verhaltensweisen (Moritz 2002, Tschuch & al. 2004), eine für Phlaeothripidae relativ unkomplizierte Laborhaltung und den niedrigen Erkenntnisstand im Hinblick auf diese Familie bietet sich die vorliegende Art als Versuchstier an. Die Untersuchungen sollen zum einen mögliche Unterschiede zwischen Phlaeothripidae und Thripidae an sich, aber auch potentielle Anpassungen des Ernährungssystems von S. linguis an eine mycophage Ernährungsweise aufzeigen.In contrast to plant feeding thrips species, Suocerathrips linguis lives on succulent Sansevieria leaves and feeds on fungi which grow on the surface of the leaves. The digestive system consists of a straight tube and differs from all terebrantian species in having not a mid gut loop with three histologically different parts. The hind gut bears five rectal glands, a feature which has only been described for the two small families Melanthripidae and Aeolothripidae

    A semifluorinated alkane (F4H5) as novel carrier for cyclosporine A: a promising therapeutic and prophylactic option for topical treatment of dry eye

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    Cyclosporine A (Cs) has been used as effective topical therapy for inflammatory dry eye disease since more than a decade. However, due to its lipophilic character, Cs is formulated as emulsions or oily solutions for topical application. This experimental study aimed to test if the use of semifluorinated alkanes (SFAs) as a preservative-free, well-tolerated non-stinging or burning vehicle maintains or even improves the benefits of Cs in the topical therapy of dry-eye disease. Desiccating stress was applied to C57BL/6 mice for 14 consecutive days to induce experimental dry-eye. Cs dissolved in SFA (perfluorobutylpentane = F4H5with 0.5% Ethanol), F4H5 with 0.5% ethanol only, 0.05% Cs (RestasisA (R)), and dexamethasone (MonodexA (R)) were applied three times daily beginning either at day 4 or day 11 of desiccating stress for up to 3 weeks after end of dry-eye induction. In comparison to other groups, Cs/F4H5 demonstrated high efficacy and earlier reduction of corneal staining. In this study, Cs/F4H5 had the ability to maintain conjunctival goblet cell density once applied on day 4. Flow cytometry analysis from cervical lymphnodes demonstrated a significantly lower CD4+ and CD8+ T-cells in the Cs/F4H5 group following 3 weeks of therapy than at baseline, but no difference in regulatory T cells from regional lymphnodes were seen. Overall, compared to a commercially available Cs formulation (RestasisA (R)) and dexamethasone, Cs/F4H5 was shown to be equally effective but with a significantly faster therapeutic response in reducing signs of dry-eye disease in an experimental mouse model

    Olive pomace phenolic compounds: from an agro-industrial by-product to a promising ocular surface protection for dry eye disease

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    Producción CientíficaDry eye (DED) is a prevalent disease with immune-mediated inflammation as the principal pathophysiological etiology. Olive pomace, the major by-product of the olive oil industry, is rich in high-value polyphenols. Their anti-inflammatory and immunomodulatory activities were determined on human CD4+ T cells (hTCD4+) and in a DED animal model. The viability of hTCD4+ cells isolated from peripheral blood and activated with phytohemagglutinin-M was evaluated after treatment for 48 h with an olive pomace extract (OPT3, 0.10–0.40 mg/mL) and its major compound, hydroxytyrosol (25–100 μM). Regarding the DED animal model, 100 μM hydroxytyrosol, 0.20 mg/mL OPT3, or vehicle (borate buffer) were topically administered to 14 days-desiccating stress-exposed (constant airflow/scopolamine administration) C57BL/6 mice. Tear volume, corneal fluorescein staining (CFS), CD4+, and CD8+ T cell count in lymph nodes (flow cytometry), and IP-10 and TNF-α gene expression (qRT-PCR) in the cornea, conjunctiva, and lacrimal glands were evaluated. OPT3 (0.2–0.4 mg/mL) and hydroxytyrosol (100 μM) significantly reduced hTCD4+ proliferation. In mice, both treatments reduced lacrimal gland IP-10 gene expression. OPT3 also decreased CFS, and conjunctival IP-10 and corneal TNF-α gene expression. In lymph nodes, hydroxytyrosol reduced CD3+, OPT3, and CD8+ count. Thus, a high-value application as a promising DED protection was proposed for olive pomace.European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation program under the Marie Skłodowska-Curie Initial Training Network (ITN) “IT-DED3” (H2020-MSCA-ITN-2017) grant agreement No. 765608Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación y Fondo Europeo de Desarrollo Regional (FEDER) (RTI2018-094071-B-C21

    Tolerance and Adherence to Cationic 0.1% Cyclosporine in Ocular Graft-versus-Host Disease

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    Introduction: Anti-inflammatory, topical therapy of severe keratitis in dry eye disease (DED) and ocular graft-versus-host disease (oGvHD) includes steroids, cyclosporine (Cs), and others. In Germany, a commercial product containing 0.1% Cs in a cationic formulation is available since 2015. Objective: The aim of this study was to present real-life data using cationic 0.1% Cs in oGvHD patients. Methods: This was a retrospective study of 26 oGvHD and 41 DED patients with corneal staining of at least Oxford grade III. Parameters analyzed were Ocular Surface Disease Index, corneal staining, intraocular pressure, tear film break-up time, Schirmer, and visual acuity. In addition, it was evaluated how different Cs formulations were tolerated. Results: Corneal staining improved significantly in 1 eye in DED but not in oGvHD. In DED, cationic 0.1% Cs was not tolerated by 32% of the patients, in contrast to 0.05% Cs in castor oil not tolerated by 47% and liposomal 0.05% Cs by 63%. In oGvHD patients, cationic 0.1% Cs was not tolerated by 62%, 0.05% Cs in castor oil by 33%, and liposomal 0.05% Cs by 39% of the patients. Conclusions: This study demonstrates differences between the tolerance of different Cs formulations depending on the underlying cause of severe keratitis. Cationic 0.1% Cs is considerably less tolerated in oGvHD, and its use should be considered with care

    Influence of Aging on Severity and Anti-Inflammatory Treatment of Experimental Dry Eye Disease

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    Purpose Aging is an important factor in dry-eye disease that has not been studied in the context of therapeutic measures. Aging-associated modifications of the ocular immune system implicate that anti-inflammatory therapiesmay act differently among younger individuals in terms of onset and effect of different substances. The goal of this study was to determine differences in clinical phenotype and topical anti-inflammatory therapy using a desiccating stress mouse model. Methods An experimental dry-eye disease (desiccating stress model) was induced in 12-week and 12-month-old female BALB/c mice. Topical therapy included 0.05% cyclosporine/F4H5 (Novaliq), F4H5, 0.05% cyclosporine (Restasis (R), Allergan) and dexamethasone (Monodex (R), Thea Pharma) for 3 consecutive weeks. A control group received no therapy whatsoever. Readout parameters included tear secretion, corneal fluorescein staining at 5 timepoints and histological analysis of goblet cell count at the end of the experiments. Results The older mice demonstrated a significantly stronger dry eye phenotype than the younger mice. Following therapy, the older mice responded to topical anti-inflammatory therapy significantly later than the younger individuals. Regarding the different substances used, cyclosporine/F4H5 showed a significantly faster decrease in corneal fluoresceine staining after only 1 week of therapy in comparison to all other groups. This substance was also superior regarding tear secretion and goblet cell count in age matched groups and in comparison to younger mice. Conclusions These experimental data support the implication that aging should be considered as an important factor in daily clinical practice. Furthermore, the differences found between substance classes, such as calcineurin antagonists and steroids, as well as different drug formulations, should be considered in future pre-clinical and clinical trials

    Non-Invasive Multi-Dimensional Two-Photon Microscopy enables optical fingerprinting (TPOF) of immune cells

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    Mucosal surfaces are constantly exposed to pathogens and show high immunological activity. In a broad variety of ocular surface disorders inflammation is common, but underlying mechanisms are often not fully understood. However, the main clinical problem is that inflammatory processes are difficult to characterize and quantify due to the impossibility of repeated tissue probing of the delicate ocular surface. Therefore non-invasive optical methods are thought to have the potential for intravital investigation of ocular surface inflammation. This study demonstrates the general potential of two-photon microscopy to non-invasively detect and discriminate key players of inflammation in the ocular surface by using intrinsic fluorescence-based features without the necessity of tissue probing or the use of dyes. The use of wavelength dependent measurements of fluorescence lifetime, in addition to autofluorescence intensity enables a functional differentiation of isolated immune cells in vitro at excitation wavelengths between 710 to 830 nm. Mixed cell cultures and first in vivo results indicate the use of excitation wavelength of 710 to 750 nm for further experiments and future use in patients

    Topical application of cannabinoid-ligands ameliorates experimental dry-eye disease

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    Purpose: Dry eye disease (DED) is a multifactorial disease, with limitations regarding efficacy and tolerability of applied substances. Among several candidates, the endocannabinoid system with its receptors (CB1R and CB2R) were reported to modulate inflammation, wound healing and pain, which are also core DED pathomechanisms. This study is to investigate the therapeutic responses of Delta-9 tetrahydrocannabinol (a non-selective agonist) and two selective antagonists, SR141716A (CB1R antagonist) and SR144528 (CB2R antagonist), as a topical application using a DED mouse model. Method: Experimental DED was induced in naive C57BL/6 mice. Expression of CBR at the ocular surface of naive and DED mice was determined by qPCR and in-situ hybridization. Either THC or CBR antagonists were compounded in an aqueous solution and dosed during the induction of DED. Tear production, cornea sensitivity, and cornea fluorescence staining were tested. At the end of each experiment, corneas were stained with beta 3-tubulin for analysis of corneal nerve morphology. Conjunctiva was analyzed for CD4(+) and CD8(+) infiltration. Results: CB1R and CB2R are present at the ocular surface, and desiccating stress increased CBR expressions (p < 0.05). After 10 days of DED induction, treated groups demonstrated a reduced CBR expression in the cornea, which was concurrent with improvements in the DED phenotype including fluorescence staining & inflammation. Applying THC protected corneal nerve morphology, thus maintained corneal sensitivity and reduced CD4(+) T-cell infiltration. The CB1R antagonist maintained cornea sensitivity without changing nerve morphology. Conclusions: Endocannabinoid receptor modulation presents a potential multi-functional therapeutic approach for DED