924 research outputs found

    Three-orbital study on the orbital distillation effect in the high Tc cuprates

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    Our recent study has revealed that the mixture of the dz2 orbital component into the Fermi surface suppresses Tc in the cuprates such as La2CuO4. We have also shown that applying hydrostatic pressure enhances Tc due to smaller mixing of the Cu4s component. We call these the "orbital distillation" effect. In our previous study, the 4s orbital was taken into account through the hoppings in the dx2-y2 sector, but here we consider a model in which of the dx2-y2, dz2 and 4s orbitals are all considered explicitly. The present study reinforces our conclusion that smaller 4s hybridization further enhances Tc.Comment: 4 pages, 2 figures, submitted as a proceeding of ISS2012(Tokyo

    Model Construction and a Possibility of Cupratelike Pairing in a New d(9) Nickelate Superconductor (Nd,Sr)NiO2

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    Effective models are constructed for a newly discovered superconductor (Nd,Sr)NiO2, which has been considered as a possible nickelate analog of the cuprates. Estimation of the effective interaction, which turns out to require a multiorbital model that takes account of all the orbitals involved on the Fermi surface, shows that the effective interactions are significantly larger than in the cuprates. A fluctuation exchange study suggests occurrence of dx2−y2-wave superconductivity, where the transition temperature should be lowered from the cuprates due to the larger interaction

    Electronic Structure and Electron Correlation in LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_x and LaFePO_{1-x}F_x

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    Photoemission spectroscopy is used to investigate the electronic structure of the newly discovered iron-based superconductors LaFeAsO_{1-x}F_x and LaFePO_{1-x}F_x. Line shapes of the Fe 2p core-level spectra suggest an itinerant character of Fe 3d electrons. The valence-band spectra are generally consistent with band-structure calculations except for the shifts of Fe 3d-derived peaks toward the Fermi level. From spectra taken in the Fe 3p -> 3d core-absorption region, we have obtained the experimental Fe 3d partial density of states, and explained it in terms of a band-structure calculation with a phenomenological self-energy correction, yielding a mass renormalization factor of ~< 2.Comment: 4 pages, 5 figure

    Unconventional pairing originating from disconnected Fermi surfaces in superconducting LaFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x}

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    For a newly discovered iron-based high TcT_c superconductor LaFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x, we have constructed a minimal model, where inclusion of all the five Fe dd bands is found to be necessary. Random-phase approximation is applied to the model to investigate the origin of superconductivity. We conclude that the multiple spin fluctuation modes arising from the nesting across the disconnected Fermi surfaces realize an extended s-wave pairing, while d-wave pairing can also be another candidate.Comment: 5 pages, 2 figures, to be published in Phys. Rev. Let

    Multiorbital analysis of the effects of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure on TcT_c in the single-layered cuprate superconductors

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    The origin of uniaxial and hydrostatic pressure effects on TcT_c in the single-layered cuprate superconductors is theoretically explored. A two-orbital model, derived from first principles and analyzed with the fluctuation exchange approximation gives axial-dependent pressure coefficients, Tc/Pa>0\partial T_c/\partial P_a>0, Tc/Pc<0\partial T_c/\partial P_c<0, with a hydrostatic response Tc/P>0\partial T_c/\partial P>0 for both La214 and Hg1201 cuprates, in qualitative agreement with experiments. Physically, this is shown to come from a unified picture in which higher TcT_c is achieved with an "orbital distillation", namely, the less the dx2y2d_{x^2-y^2} main band is hybridized with the dz2d_{z^2} and 4s4s orbitals higher the TcT_c. Some implications for obtaining higher TcT_c materials are discussed.Comment: 6pages, 4 figure

    Origin of the material dependence of Tc in the single-layered cuprates

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    In order to understand the material dependence of Tc within the single-layered cuprates, we study a two-orbital model that considers both dx2-y2 and dz2 orbitals. We reveal that a hybridization of dz2 on the Fermi surface substantially affects Tc in the cuprates, where the energy difference ΔE between the dx2-y2 and the dz2 orbitals is identified to be the key parameter that governs both the hybridization and the shape of the Fermi surface. A smaller ΔE tends to suppress Tc through a larger hybridization, whose effect supersedes the effect of diamond-shaped (better-nested) Fermi surface. The mechanism of the suppression of d-wave superconductivity due to dz2 orbital mixture is clarified from the viewpoint of the ingredients involved in the Eliashberg equation, that is, the Green's functions and the form of the pairing interaction described in the orbital representation. The conclusion remains qualitatively the same if we take a three-orbital model that incorporates the Cu 4s orbital explicitly, where the 4s orbital is shown to have an important effect of making the Fermi surface rounded. We have then identified the origin of the material and lattice-structure dependence of ΔE, which is shown to be determined by the energy difference ΔEd between the two Cu 3d orbitals (primarily governed by the apical oxygen height) and the energy difference ΔEp between the in-plane and apical oxygens (primarily governed by the interlayer separation d)

    Two-Orbital Model Explains the Higher Transition Temperature of the Single-Layer Hg-Cuprate Superconductor Compared to That of the La-Cuprate Superconductor

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    In order to explore the reason why the single-layered cuprates, La2−x(Sr/Ba)xCuO4 (Tc≃40  K) and HgBa2CuO4+δ (Tc≃90  K) have such a significant difference in Tc, we study a two-orbital model that incorporates the dz2 orbital on top of the dx2−y2 orbital. It is found, with the fluctuation exchange approximation, that the dz2 orbital contribution to the Fermi surface, which is stronger in the La system, works against d-wave superconductivity, thereby dominating over the effect of the Fermi surface shape. The result resolves the long-standing contradiction between the theoretical results on Hubbard-type models and the experimental material dependence of Tc in the cuprates