5 research outputs found

    Research on the appreciation of the hygienic status of the raw milk using the dosage of the catalase activity

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    Research conducted in recent years on the hygienic quality of milk, using the main indicators determined the existence of quality grids that were used and in the present paper helping to classify milk samples to different quality classes. Through this paper we tried to use the main rapid enzymatic tests to assess the freshness and hygiene of the raw material milk, depending on its retention time and any contamination with alterative microflora at the shelter / milking level, 25 samples of fresh milk, stored for 5 days under refrigeration conditions and experimentally contaminated milk were obtained by haemorrhage. The determinations consisted in highlighting the acidity (°T), carrying out enzymatic tests catalase and reductase, identifying the number of somatic cells and the total number of germs. Regarding the catalase test, it revealed a reduced microbial load in the fresh milk, indicating that it can be processed industrially or consumed after thermal processing. The milk refrigerated for 5 days and the experimentally contaminated milk presented medium and high microbial contamination, according to the catalase test, being risky, respectively unfit for consumption. Regarding the test of reductase, it included the samples of fresh milk in class I of quality (lack of risks, immediate use after thermal processing); those of refrigerated milk in the second class of quality (exclusive use after industrial processing); those contaminated experimentally in quality class III (confiscation and prohibited use for food purposes). As a final conclusion, he stated that enzymatic tests to identify catalase and reductase can be successfully used to determine the degree of contamination of milk and to determine its hygienic quality, the results of which are correlated with the total number of germs and with the titrable acidity

    Research on the influence of slow-growing technology on meat production at the chicken broiler

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    In the last period, the poultry meat from other breeding systems than the industrial ones is increasingly being sought, which is why poultry farmers have used new hybrids and / or breeding technologies to meet this desire. For these reasons, we aimed to evaluate the quantitative production of meat in three hen hybrids (Ross-308, Hubbard and HB Color), reared according to the principles of slow growth and with slaughter at different ages (56, 63 and 81 days). After slaughtering, slaughter yields of 68.60-71.76% were obtained for the Ross-308 hybrid, 66.29-68.66% at Hubbard and 62.32-62.65% at HB Color. The cumulative weight of the two main components of the carcass (chest+thigs and drumstick) was 70.08-71.47% for the Ross-308 carcasses, higher by 1.60-3.23% compared to the situation from the Hubbard hybrid and by 6.92-9.21% than in HB Color. In contrast, the HB Color hybrid registered a high participation rate for wings (13.75-15.89%) and back (22.07-22.37%). In conclusion, it can be stated that the Hubbard hybrid provides good results in meat production (especially with slaughter at the age of 63 days) and which, in conjunction with other elements (productive performance, meat quality, etc.) recommends it for exploitation under slow growing conditions

    Studiu cu privire la caracteristicile chimice ale ouălor provenite de la găini crescute în sisteme agreate de Uniunea Europeană

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    Analysis of which results are presented in the current paper are part of an ample study in which wefocused on the influence of rearing systems on quality of eggs destined to human consumption.Regarding water content in yolk, we mention the fact that the highest value was founded at the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock (56.12±0.006%) while the lowest value was recorded at the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, 55.02±0.006%.For dry matter content the obtained mean values were 43.88±0.005% for yolk of the eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with accessto external paddock, 44.06±0.004% for the one gathered from hens reared in loft and 44.98±0.004% at the ones reared in battery.Protein content from albumen recorded a calculated mean value of 12.17±0.032%for hens reared in free-range system.For hens reared in loft, protein content in mélange was 12.12±0.036% with variation limits which oscillated between 11.93% and12.22%.For the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery, protein level in mélangewas 12.21±0.035.In the case of fat content the calculated mean value for eggs gathered from hens reared on ground with access to external paddock was 10.64±0.045%;11.18±0.041% for the ones reared in loft and 11.22±0.049% for the eggs gathered from hens reared in battery

    Studies on quantitative meat productions of Kabir poultry

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    The research aimed at evaluating the quantitative production of meat (the yield at slaughter, the weight of the cut regions and the weight of the edible organs) in birds of the Kabir breed (10 males and 10 females) slaughtered at the age of 50 days. The fresh slaughter yield was 68.51% in males and 68.12% in females, with an average of 68.31%; after refrigeration the yield, the average value obtained for the two sexes was 67.62% (67.72% in males and 67.51% in females). Regarding the proportion of the cut parts, the average values obtained for the two sexes were 20.22% for the chest (21.02% for males and 19.41% for females), 24.86% for whole legs (25.92% for males and 23.80% for females), 11.28% for wings (11.47% for males and 11.09% for females) and 43.65% for back (41.59% - male and 45.70% female). The average weights determined for the internal organs were 36.32g in males and 31.83 g in females in the case of liver, 8.31 g in males and 6.34 g in females in that of hearts and respectively, of 31.98 g-males and 29.16 g-females in the case of gizzard. In conclusion, it can be stated that the birds of the Kabir breed slaughtered at the age of 50 realize a satisfactory production of meat, both in terms of the yield at slaughter and the weight of the anatomical regions

    Analiza senzorială şi fizico-chimică a făinii de grâu tip “000” produsă într-o moară de capacitate medie

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    The aim of the paper was to effectuate a sensorial and physical-chemical analyse for a “000” wheat flour type which was obtained into a mid capacity mill.Sensorial analyse of wheat flour targeted on appreciation of colour, taste, smell as well as on flour infestation degree.From physical-chemical analysis view point, the aims of the current paper were focused on the following parameters: moisture, wet gluten, ash, acidity, granulosity and falling index