7 research outputs found


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    В настоящей статье представлены результаты исследования последовательности фазовых превращений в сплаве Ti-6Al-4V при охлаждении на воздухе после термической обработки в β-области. Исследования основаны на анализе микроструктурных характеристик, полученных методами просвечивающей электронной микроскопии (ПЭМ) и энергодисперсионной рентгеновской спектроскопии (ЭДС). В результате исследования было сделано предположение, что распад в сплаве Ti-6Al-4V при охлаждении на воздухе происходит в следующей последовательности: 1) при Тпп высокотемпературная β0-фаза претерпевает распад на α1- и β0-фазы, которые в процессе охлаждения изменяют свой химический состав, преобразуясь в α2- и β1-фазы, химические составы которых существенно отличаются от исходных; 2) при температуре нонвариантного превращения происходит преобразование β1-фазы в α3- и β2-фазы, с выполнением ориентационных соотношений Бюргерса.This paper presents the results of an investigation into the sequence of phase transformations in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy during air cooling after heat treatment in the β-region. The research is based on the analysis of microstructural characteristics obtained through Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM) and Energy Dispersive X-ray Spectroscopy (EDS). As a result of the study, it is hypothesized that the phase transformatin in the Ti-6Al-4V alloy upon air cooling occurs in the following sequence: 1) at the β-transus temperature, the high-temperature β₀-phase undergoes decomposition into α₁- and β₀-phases. During cooling, these phases modify their chemical compositions, transforming into the α₂- and β₁-phases, which chemical compositions significantly differ from the parent ones. At the non-variant transformation temperature, the β₁-phase is transformed into the α₃- and β₂-phases according to the Burgers Orientation Relationships

    Prospects of Geoinformatics in Analyzing Spatial Heterogeneities of Microstructural Properties of a Tectonic Fault

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    The paper proposes a special technique for microstructural analysis (STMA) of rock samples based on two provisions. The first one is an algorithm for the automatic detection and digitalization of microstructures in images of oriented thin sections. The second one utilizes geographic information system (GIS) tools for an automatized analysis of objects at the micro scale. Using STMA allows the establishment of geometric features of fissure and pore space of rock samples to determine the parameters of stress–strain fields at different stages of rock massif deformation and to establish a relationship between microstructures and macrostructures. STMA makes it possible to evaluate the spatial heterogeneity of physical and structural properties of rocks at the micro scale. Verification of STMA was carried out using 15 rock samples collected across the core of the Primorsky Fault of the Baikal Rift Zone. Petrographic data were compared to the quantitative parameters of microfracture networks. The damage zone of the Primorsky Fault includes three clusters characterized by different porosity, permeability, and deformation type. Findings point to the efficiency of STMA in revealing the spatial heterogeneity of a tectonic fault

    Geological and Mineralogical Mapping Based on Statistical Methods of Remote Sensing Data Processing of Landsat-8: A Case Study in the Southeastern Transbaikalia, Russia

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    The work considers the suitability of using multispectral satellite remote sensing data Landsat-8 for conducting regional geological and mineralogical mapping of the territory of south-eastern Transbaikalia (Russia) based on statistical methods for processing remote sensing data in conditions of medium–low-mountain relief and continental climate. The territory was chosen as the object of study due to its diverse metallogenic specialization (Au, U, Mo, Pb-Zn, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, Li, fluorite). Diversity in composition and age of ore-bearing massifs of intrusive, volcanogenic, and sedimentary rocks are also of interest. The work describes the initial data and considers the procedure for their pre-processing, including radiometric and atmospheric correction. Statistical processing algorithms to increase spectral information content of satellite data Landsat-8 were used. They include: principal component analysis, minimum noise fraction, and independent component analysis. Eigenvector matrices analyzed on the basis of statistical processing results and two-dimensional correlation graphs were built to compare thematic layers with geological material classes: oxide/hydroxide group minerals containing transition iron ions (Fe3+ and Fe3+/Fe2+); a group of clay minerals containing A1-OH and Fe, Mg-OH; and minerals containing Fe2+ and vegetation cover. Pseudo-colored RGB composites representing the distribution and multiplication of geological material classes are generated and interpreted according to the results of statistical methods. Integration of informative thematic layers using a fuzzy logic model was carried out to construct a prediction scheme for detecting hydrothermal mineralization. The received schema was compared with geological information, and positive conclusions about territory suitability for further remote mapping research of hydrothermally altered zones and hypergenesis products in order to localize areas promising for identifying hydrothermal metasomatic mineralization were made

    Geological and Mineralogical Mapping Based on Statistical Methods of Remote Sensing Data Processing of Landsat-8: A Case Study in the Southeastern Transbaikalia, Russia

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    The work considers the suitability of using multispectral satellite remote sensing data Landsat-8 for conducting regional geological and mineralogical mapping of the territory of south-eastern Transbaikalia (Russia) based on statistical methods for processing remote sensing data in conditions of medium–low-mountain relief and continental climate. The territory was chosen as the object of study due to its diverse metallogenic specialization (Au, U, Mo, Pb-Zn, Sn, W, Ta, Nb, Li, fluorite). Diversity in composition and age of ore-bearing massifs of intrusive, volcanogenic, and sedimentary rocks are also of interest. The work describes the initial data and considers the procedure for their pre-processing, including radiometric and atmospheric correction. Statistical processing algorithms to increase spectral information content of satellite data Landsat-8 were used. They include: principal component analysis, minimum noise fraction, and independent component analysis. Eigenvector matrices analyzed on the basis of statistical processing results and two-dimensional correlation graphs were built to compare thematic layers with geological material classes: oxide/hydroxide group minerals containing transition iron ions (Fe3+ and Fe3+/Fe2+); a group of clay minerals containing A1-OH and Fe, Mg-OH; and minerals containing Fe2+ and vegetation cover. Pseudo-colored RGB composites representing the distribution and multiplication of geological material classes are generated and interpreted according to the results of statistical methods. Integration of informative thematic layers using a fuzzy logic model was carried out to construct a prediction scheme for detecting hydrothermal mineralization. The received schema was compared with geological information, and positive conclusions about territory suitability for further remote mapping research of hydrothermally altered zones and hypergenesis products in order to localize areas promising for identifying hydrothermal metasomatic mineralization were made

    Alkyl Derivatives of Perylene Photosensitizing Antivirals: Towards Understanding the Influence of Lipophilicity

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    Amphipathic perylene derivatives are broad-spectrum antivirals against enveloped viruses that act as fusion inhibitors in a light-dependent manner. The compounds target the lipid bilayer of the viral envelope using the lipophilic perylene moiety and photogenerating singlet oxygen, thereby causing damage to unsaturated lipids. Previous studies show that variation of the polar part of the molecule is important for antiviral activity. Here, we report modification of the lipophilic part of the molecule, perylene, by the introduction of 4-, 8-, and 12-carbon alkyls into position 9(10) of the perylene residue. Using Friedel–Crafts acylation and Wolff–Kishner reduction, three 3-acetyl-9(10)-alkylperylenes were synthesized from perylene and used to prepare 9 nucleoside and 12 non-nucleoside amphipathic derivatives. These compounds were characterized as fluorophores and singlet oxygen generators, as well as tested as antivirals against herpes virus-1 (HSV-1) and vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV), both known for causing superficial skin/mucosa lesions and thus serving as suitable candidates for photodynamic therapy. The results suggest that derivatives with a short alkyl chain (butyl) have strong antiviral activity, whereas the introduction of longer alkyl substituents (n = 8 and 12) to the perylenyethynyl scaffold results in a dramatic reduction of antiviral activity. This phenomenon is likely attributable to the increased lipophilicity of the compounds and their ability to form insoluble aggregates. Moreover, molecular dynamic studies revealed that alkylated perylene derivatives are predominately located closer to the middle of the bilayer compared to non-alkylated derivatives. The predicted probability of superficial positioning correlated with antiviral activity, suggesting that singlet oxygen generation is achieved in the subsurface layer of the membrane, where the perylene group is more accessible to dissolved oxygen